I will try to quick-hit here in the hopes I'm addressing everyone - if not, my apologies.
- re why? I wouldn't see this as something players would use constantly, but once a session or so I see a need to refer back to class information. Moreso with axecore as it's newer, but in general it's been useful to get a general link back to the class-specific information (i.e., what does that class skill do again? What are the class-specific bonuses again?). I'm certainly not suggesting this is a huge difference - but having a "one-click" option has been much nicer than having to click over to the wiki and type in "disco bandit" or the like. This isn't about being a newbie, per se - it's about having easy reference back to the class info for your particular class.
- re would just go look at the source, well sure - I suspect, Veracity, you are not the most typical of users.

I hope, though, that there is some value here for others and close to no downside for you (beyond the burden of additional code).
- re option to type in the cli - yup, or a variety of other ways. this was enough easier that I thought it worth it, to my original point - much faster to click once than to click back to kolmafia, switch to the cli, then type in "wiki seal clubber" or the like. My particular play style is 70-80% relay browser, so continuing to "soup up" the web interface is great (for me).
- re: it's not obvious, that's funny - I had the exact opposite reaction (hence the patch). For me, there's nothing more obvious for the class name then to have it link to more info about the class - but, I see your point, that being then an easier way to go direct to the guild. Shrug - I can happily change the approach accordingly if that makes more sense for everyone.
Ultimately, the key here seems to be if anyone other than me see utility in this - so, fellow forum members, weigh in! Thumbs up or thumbs down - does the patch live or die!