Feature - Rejected Add Video Game Level choice adventure dropdowns


Could we get choice adventure dropdowns for the GameInformPowerDailyPro magazine dungeon noncombats in the list of NC choices that show when you have one of the video game levels selected (appears to be the Big Mountains)? Whether they have to go in the Big Mountains list, or in the Items list, either way being able to see them as dropdowns would be nice.

While I know the walkthru automatically sets the noncombats to "complete", it would be nice to be able to manually change them (so as to be able to farm items and/or stats) without requiring use of set choiceAdventureXXX.
I'm wondering if you really need to have all of those choices listed; wouldn't it be simpler to have one setting, which could be either "Complete Quest" or "Mine 4 Stats" or whatever?
From here.

It would only set those choiceAdventure settings when you read the walkthru, and you could manually change it after that (though I don't plan to add it to the GUI, so it would require using the CLI to change those). If the goal is unlimited powerleveling, there's no need to reread the walkthru and reset those to the "correct" setting.

So there was a conscious and deliberate decision not to have the settings available in the GUI. This FR essentially requests that that decision be reconsidered.

I am in general agreement that it would be nice to have things well automated. However there are enough differences between what people claim should work, what people say has been spaded and how my attempts to script that fail (so far) that I'd advise waiting a bit before spending the effort to tweak the GUI. While making the choices visible might be useful, I wonder of having some kind of GameMagazine(automatic) zone, much like the wine cellar might be more interesting and useful. IMO. YMMV.