Feature - Implemented Add Summon Lunch to Mafia's Breakfast options


Well, pretty much what the Title says. Can we get the 2011 Crimbo skill Lunch Break as part of Mafia's Breakfast options?
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Well, it is not part of breakfast or daily deeds, but it is tracked by mafia so you can easily add it to your loginScript. Here's an excerpt from my loginScript:

if(have_skill($skill[Lunch Break]) && get_property("_lunchBreak") == "false" && (my_mp() > 50 || can_interact()))
	use_skill(1, $skill[Lunch Break]);
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1) As an option on the Daily Deeds panel or as something that will happen during breakfast?
2) Does the presence of a sack lunch already in inventory effect anything?

My personal preference would be to add "it" to the list of things that get done for Breakfast and let the existing mechanisms for controlling breakfast apply. "it" in this case is using the skill under the assumption that the skill unconditionally adds one sack lunch to inventory.
1) As an option on the Daily Deeds panel or as something that will happen during breakfast?
This is where I would like it to be, as it already have other similar summons and actions there. Come to think of it, it don't have the Rainbow Gravitation there.. But nvm that =)
2) Does the presence of a sack lunch already in inventory effect anything?
Atm, according to Mafia, I have 4 sack lunch in my inventory and using the Web browser to show my Inventory it is displayed as: sack lunch (4) [use]. No problem with stacking the bags.