Feature Add seconds to chat log


Please could you add an option to record seconds in all chat log files (the html ones in the /chats folder).
I added seconds to chat logs in my own version a while back. I don't think this should have a setting, but it could be changed for everyone. Unless someone objects to having seconds in the timestamps.
I don't spend enough time in chat to care. I'd been thinking of objections since it is probably within my skill set to implement. Every legitimate objection that I can think of is rooted in small window sizes forced on someone because of small displays so I'd probably go for it as an unconditional feature and deal with negative feedback if it occurs. But since you did it once, I'll let you submit the tweak.
I always use relay browser chat, so it only affects chat logs for me and I didn't even think about how it might look in mafia's chat interface.
Adding seconds to the Mafia Chat window would bother me (I generally leave it as a narrow window on the side of my screen), and I guess it would bother (annoy?) a good part of the users too.
It's ChatMessage.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP that would be changed, from "[HH:mm]" to "[HH:mm:ss]". Adding it to the log but not the chat window seems complicated.
In addition, the seconds in the timestamp carry little meaning, since they would just reflect when the chat message object was created by mafia. Nothing really to do with the messages themselves as sent to the server.
They'd let you know when you saw the message though.

Any chance we could just throw in a spot where you can define your own time-format string? Then the people who want less can have it, the people who want more can have it. Hey, if you wanted a fully delineated date in there, you could do it as well...