Revision 17378 adds a bunch of stuff:
- The right-click context menu you get in the Monster section of the Encyclopedia only has two options on it now: Game Description and Wiki Description. The latter will locate the Wiki page and open in in the browser for you. As it turns out, there are quite a few ambiguous monsters, so, just as we have a Manuel: attribute (available via $monster.manuel_name), there is now a Wiki: attribute (accessible via $monster.wiki_name).
- There is now a NOMANUEL attribute (visible in $monster.attributes) if the monster is known to not have a Manuel entry. This should allow missingManuel.ash to no longer keep a hardcoded list of "blocked" monsters.
- I assigned a bunch of monsters negative monster IDs so they will show up in the Encyclopedia
- At the bottom of the Monster Data part of the description there is now a horizontal line with "Other stuff..." under it. That is where I will put other stuff.
- Certain of the images were in otherimages, not adventureimages. The Barrelmech of Diogenes, Mother Slime, The Hermit, and so on. These should now display correctly.
And, holy cow, take a look at that Crimbomega!
Things yet to be done:
- Add Wiki: names to various monsters that need them. I only added the to spooky vampire (Spooky Forest) and spooky vampire (Dreadsylvanian Castle). I am sure there are others. I wouldn't mind some help identifying those.
- Actually code the "Other stuff".
And have somebody - lost? - ask the KoL admins for permission to get the actual monster IDs for the following monsters. (Or, perhaps, ask them to give them to him so he can submit them, if he can't see them himself):
Note that we have the Hockey Elemental, but not the other ULTRARARE monsters.
Note that we have the Chatty Coworker and Your Overflowing Inbox from Crimbo 2010, but not the others.
Some of those might have been recycled. For example, I think the Elfbots became the Elfborgs the following year.
- The right-click context menu you get in the Monster section of the Encyclopedia only has two options on it now: Game Description and Wiki Description. The latter will locate the Wiki page and open in in the browser for you. As it turns out, there are quite a few ambiguous monsters, so, just as we have a Manuel: attribute (available via $monster.manuel_name), there is now a Wiki: attribute (accessible via $monster.wiki_name).
- There is now a NOMANUEL attribute (visible in $monster.attributes) if the monster is known to not have a Manuel entry. This should allow missingManuel.ash to no longer keep a hardcoded list of "blocked" monsters.
- I assigned a bunch of monsters negative monster IDs so they will show up in the Encyclopedia
- At the bottom of the Monster Data part of the description there is now a horizontal line with "Other stuff..." under it. That is where I will put other stuff.
- Certain of the images were in otherimages, not adventureimages. The Barrelmech of Diogenes, Mother Slime, The Hermit, and so on. These should now display correctly.
And, holy cow, take a look at that Crimbomega!
Things yet to be done:
- Add Wiki: names to various monsters that need them. I only added the to spooky vampire (Spooky Forest) and spooky vampire (Dreadsylvanian Castle). I am sure there are others. I wouldn't mind some help identifying those.
- Actually code the "Other stuff".
And have somebody - lost? - ask the KoL admins for permission to get the actual monster IDs for the following monsters. (Or, perhaps, ask them to give them to him so he can submit them, if he can't see them himself):
Baiowulf -100 baiowulf.gif
Count Bakula -99 bakula.gif
Crazy Bastard -98 bastard.gif
Hypnotist of Hey Deze -97 hypnotist.gif
infinite meat bug -96 meatbug.gif
Knott Slanding -95 slanding.gif
pooltergeist (ultra-rare) -94 poolter2.gif
QuickBASIC Elemental -93 qbasicele.gif
The Master of Thieves -92 masterat.gif
The Nuge -91 thenuge.gif
The Temporal Bandit -90 timebandit.gif
Count Drunkula (Hard Mode) -89 drunkula_hm.gif
Falls-From-Sky (Hard Mode) -88 fallsfromsky_hm.gif
Great Wolf of the Air (Hard Mode) -87 wolfoftheair_hm.gif
Mayor Ghost (Hard Mode) -86 mayorghost_hm.gif
The Unkillable Skeleton (Hard Mode) -85 ukskeleton_hm.gif
Zombie Homeowners' Association (Hard Mode) -84 zombiehoa_hm.gif
Underworld Tree -83 shiv_underworld.gif
Edwing Abbidriel -82 edwing.gif
Don Crimbo -81 doncrimbo.gif
Uncle Hobo -80 unclehobo.gif
Crimbomega -79 crimbomega.gif
spirit alarm clock -78 spiritalclock.gif
giant pumpkin-head -77 headpumpkin.gif
large-headed werewolf -76 headwolf.gif
oddly-proportioned ghost -75 headghost.gif
Disorganized Files -74 c10files.gif
Endless Conference Call -73 c10confcall.gif
Hideous Slide Show -72 c10slideshow.gif
Tedious Spreadsheet -71 c10spreadsheet.gif
Unoptimized Database -70 c10database.gif
The Book Of Faces -69 c10faces.gif
The Tome Of Tropes -68 c10tropes.gif
Totally Malicious 'Zine -67 c10tmz.gif
The Water Cooler -66 c10cooler.gif
The Best Game Ever -65 c10bge.gif
CDMoyer's Butt -64 butt.gif
Hotstuff's Butt -63 butt.gif
Jick's Butt -62 butt.gif
Mr. Skullhead's Butt -61 butt.gif
Multi Czar's Butt -60 butt.gif
Riff's Butt -59 butt.gif
Caveman Dan -58 cavedan.gif
Hammered Yam Golem -57 drunkyam.gif
Inebriated Tofurkey -56 drunktofurkey.gif
Plastered Can of Cranberry Sauce -55 drunkcrancan.gif
Soused Stuffing Golem -54 drunkstuffing.gif
Trollipop -53 trollipop.gif
The Colollilossus -52 colollilossus.gif
The Fudge Wizard -50 fudgewizard.gif
The Abominable Fudgeman -49 fudgeman.gif
The Sagittarian -48 sagittarian.gif
Frank "Skipper" Dan, the Accordion Lord -47 accboss.gif
The Hermit -46 otherimages/hermit.gif
Mob Penguin Smasher -45 pengsmasher.gif
Mob Penguin Smith -44 hazmatpeng.gif
Mob Penguin Supervisor -43 pengphone.gif
<s>Killer</s> Festive Arc-Welding Elfbot -42 borgelf1.gif
<s>Killer</s> Festive Decal-Applying Elfbot -41 borgelf4.gif
<s>Killer</s> Festive Laser-Calibrating Elfbot -40 borgelf2.gif
<s>Killer</s> Festive Weapons-Assembly Elfbot -39 borgelf3.gif
7-Foot Dwarf -38 miner.gif
Note that we have the Chatty Coworker and Your Overflowing Inbox from Crimbo 2010, but not the others.
Some of those might have been recycled. For example, I think the Elfbots became the Elfborgs the following year.