Feature - Implemented Add KoL Con Six Pack to once-daily items

Hi! :D It looks like July saw KoL Con Six Pack added to the list of items for KoL Mafia to recognize. But it doesn't get used along with things like the glass gnoll eye. Is it possible to add it to that group? Because, hey, free beer! Thank you.

EDIT: Crud, I just realized I should have checked daily builds to see if it's always there. That's me: habitually using only those things with "version numbers." :D


Staff member
I went looking for one, but then realized it's non-tradable.
It's unlikely I'll implement something I can't test.


Can't you just put using it in your loginScript?

That's what I'd recommend. Some things, like pool table buffs, really need to be strategically timed. That, however, can be done "whenever."
if (item_amount($item[KoL Con Six Pack]) > 0) {
   use($item[KoL Con Six Pack]);


What loginScript? Or rather, what's a loginScript? :(

If, from the KoLmafia interface, you go to the "General" menu and select "Preference", then go to the "Breakfast" tab, you will see at the top a couple of options for selecting a login / logout script. These scripts can either be plain-text, in which case each line will be execute on the gCLI, or they can be ash scripts if you want something more complicated.
Revision 8742. You can test it. ;)
Oh, my gosh! I don't know if I even saw this here. But I saw it flash by as I was logging in yesterday (just freed Ralph). And yes, it certainly worked.
Thank you! :D

If, from the KoLmafia interface, you go to the "General" menu and select "Preference", then go to the "Breakfast" tab, you will see at the top a couple of options for selecting a login / logout script. These scripts can either be plain-text, in which case each line will be execute on the gCLI, or they can be ash scripts if you want something more complicated.
Thank you very much. You are a saint. ;-)