Feature Add image proxy field for classes


Well-known member
Classes have an associated image, as revealed when looking at your ascension history.

Could we make that image accessible in $class[].image, as it is for many of ASH's other typed constants? That would be lovely.



Staff member
Is this actually useful for anything, other than easier creation of pretty displays in relay browser for users? If you're parsing ascensionhistory.php, the images have title text (although you'd need to hardcode a special case for Actually Ed the Undying -> Ed).

I feel like the added value from this sort of feature is minor enough that it's simply not worth adding, sorry! On top of that, $classes[] are essentially a hardcoded list in textui/DataTypes.java, combined with some branching logic in KoLCharacter for primestat. If Mafia already cared about this, then that would be a different story, but as is, it'd just involve yet another hardcoded list somewhere.


Well-known member
That "somewhere" will continue to be in my script then, I guess. It's basically only useful for relay scripts -- I merely suggested it because 1) consistency with other constants, and b) I don't know what all the images are because I haven't ascended as every class yet. I imagined other scripters may be in the same boat, but if it's a larger hassle to add it to mafia than it is to add it to my script, then no worries!


For b), (and I enjoy the request for consistency, labelling the points 1 and b), fortunately you can look at the ascension history of others - look at mine, for example.

I could see us one day re-writing a code to create a class.txt file, and read stuff from it, and simplify a load of hard coded stuff (esp in Ascension and AscensionSnapshot). Once this was done, adding this request would be trivial.

Adding it now would be just adding a hard coded section to return them for you. It's probably equal hassle with scripting, but that argument ends with all scripts becoming part of mafia!


b) I don't know what all the images are because I haven't ascended as every class yet.

If you want to see the images you can find them all in my ascension history. Also, they're all on the wiki if you like that sort of thing.


Well-known member
Ah right, other players. I sometimes forget they exist. It's only Ed that I was missing, anyway, and if the table of Challenge paths on the Wiki (where they seem to use the class icon rather than the path icon for some reason) is any indication, it's scarab.gif. Or that may be the path icon. Ok, now that I'm looking at the page for Ascension History, the class icon should actually be thoth.gif. So they used the class icon for Jarlsberg and the path icon for Ed. Another +1 for consistency!

I enjoy the request for consistency, labelling the points 1 and b

*snickers embarrassingly loudly*


*embarrassing to others that is*


*if they were around*

*which they're not*


Actually, that is extremely consistent. I cannot recall zarqon every using the same labeling schema for points in any post. Ever. It would be highly inconsistent for him to make such an exception.