Feature Add fortune teller to Daily Deeds?


Active member
It would be nice to have access to the VIP Lounge Fortune Teller (the NPC buffs, at least) from the Daily Deeds panel. For clan members, I suppose just displaying the remaining counter would be good enough?
Huh, I thought mafia already had that, but turns out I just wrote a custom combo box deed a long time ago:

$CUSTOM|Combo|Fortune teller|_clanFortuneBuffUsed|$ITEM|+5 lbs|false|fortune buff familiar|$ITEM|+50% booze/food/item|false|fortune buff item|$ITEM|+50% gear/+100% meat|false|fortune buff meat|$ITEM|+100% mus/+50% hp|false|fortune buff mus|$ITEM|+100% mys/+50% mp|false|fortune buff mys|$ITEM|+100% mox/+50% init|false|fortune buff mox

There is no GUI to add this, though, so must be added manually like this:

Close down mafia and edit the file GLOBAL_prefs.txt in settings/
Make a backup copy first! Also make sure your editor isn't set to word wrap.
Find the line that starts with dailyDeedsOptions= and add a comma and the custom deed to the end of the line. You can reorder the lines easily in mafia, once you restart it.