Feature - Implemented Add checkbox for autoFillMayoMinder in item-manager


If you are about to eat and are at drunk limit, and have Mayodiol in your mouth, or Mayo Minder set to use Mayodiol, give warning. If you are about to put Mayodiol in your mouth and are at drink limit, give warning. If you have autoFillMayoMinder set to true, and have a Mayo Minder, Mafia will automatically buy the appropriate Mayo if necessary when queuing Food. It will not buy Mayostat before eating 1 fullness Food, nor Mayodiol if at drunk limit.

by darzil on 2015-08-17 15:24:32
Any chance for a checkbox or something for autoFillMayoMinder in the food part of the item manager? This feels like a setting I want to turn off and on quite often, so a reminder about it would be nice.
Well, it doesn't trigger if you manually queue something up, and only triggers if you have bought a MayoMinder, so I just set it and forget it (have had it set over the last few weeks where I didn't have time to debug the warning code properly).

Not sure I want to add clutter to item manager, but maybe a preference page would be good. Could add autoGarish and things to it too. Basically expose a bunch of hidden consumption options.