Feature - Rejected Add ability to clear Encounters List and Visited Locations


New member
The Encounters List and the Visited Locations lists on the main KolMafia adventure tab currently can not be zeroed out. This is useful for Hobopolis when trying to track non-combats and adventure rates. I did write some code although I haven't been able to get it to work but based on what I have found poking around the code this should work. View attachment patch.patch


Your patch does some pretty weird (bad) stuff, semantically. You define some public inner classses - ContextMenuItem and ZeroAdvRunnable - in ShowDescriptionTable, then import them into ShowDescriptionList which already has inner classes of the same name. I don't even know which shadows which in that circumstance, but that's not good code.

You can probably delete that code entirely from ShowDescriptionTable, really, as I'm pretty sure we never display the adventureList in a table.

Also, your patch includes some changes to .classpath, which you should exclude.


Requested a fixed .patch, none received, not interested in implementing this myself, marking rejected.