Bug Acquire does not work for celestial carrot juice


When attempting to acquire a celestial carrot juice, mafia fails to move on when it doesn't have enough cosmic calories to craft one in the inventory. I suppose this may be something which is an issue with other craftables from cosmic calories too.

[COLOR=olive]> acquire celestial carrot juice[/COLOR]

Verifying      ingredients for celestial carrot juice (1)...
[COLOR=red]You      need 4 more Cosmic Calorie to continue.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=olive]>      buy celestial carrot juice[/COLOR]

Searching for "celestial carrot      juice"...
Search complete.
Purchasing celestial carrot juice (1      @ 2,700)...
celestial carrot juice is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought      it was not
Purchases complete.

autoSatisfyWithMall is true, and my autoPriceLimit is at 30,000 so neither of these should stop mafia from acquiring the item.
It decided that crafting was the best choice - and somehow decided that it could do so, even though it didn't have enough ingredients. Or, perhaps, didn't notice that the ingredients were not tradeable and it therefore could not buy them. Or something.
That seems accurate. I'm pretty sure this is unintended behavior though? It happens consistently whenever I try to acquire the celestial carrot juice.
This is strange. With >15 cosmic calories, it tries to craft and fails with the message. With <=15 cosmic calories, it buys from mall !

Edit - And even stranger, after a restart, is failing to craft with the message and then buying from mall !
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> acquire celestial carrot juice

Verifying ingredients for celestial carrot juice (1)...
You acquire an item: celestial carrot juice
Successfully created celestial carrot juice (1)

I don't have mall buying enabled.
You also have 30 or over cosmic calories available.

The issue seems to be:
<=14 Calories - Buys from mall
15-29 Calories - Complains of not enough available to make, doesn't buy from mall
30 Calories - Makes