accurate meat flow


What I mean by "accurately" is: there are scripts like EatDrink and Harvest that will check the amount of meat before performing some actions and then recheck the meat after said actions. The difference between these initial and post-action amounts is then surmised as either the ingress or egress of meat, but there is room for error. If one owns a store in the mall and an item is sold while performing an action, then the difference between the meat amounts is incorrect. This would lead to incorrect calculations for meat spent in food consumption or meat gained during an adventure.

Does KoLmafia currently have the needed functionality to accurately track the inflow/outflow of meat, has someone already come up with a solution, or should I make a feature request?


Staff member
We update Meat in the session tally whenever we see you do something that costs or generates Meat. We update Meat in the internal "availableMeat" variable - as seen by the ASH function my_meat() - whenever a charpane refresh comes in.

Given that, your available Meat is "accurate" as the last charpane refresh, which are frequently generated by adventuring in the Relay Browser and are automatically generated by most internal requests, visit_url() calls, and so on.

Obviously, if someone sends you Meat or an item sells in the Mall, extra Meat will appear in your total.

What are you asking for? Access to the session tally, essentially, as a positive or negative number that is the Meat delta since you logged in (or cleared the tally)?


Thanks for the reply Veracity. I would appreciate it if I could get access to the session tally. The tally appears to be dependant on active meat flow (such as purchasing or adventuring) and independent of passive meat flow (as you stated, receiving meat or selling an item in the mall).