AccountVal - What are you worth? What can you sell..


This script allows you to view what your account is worth, what your expensive items are, what would be some good stuff to sell to make liquid.. Etc.

This also pulls data from coldfront sales data.

This is heavily inspired, and a rewrite of Soolar's script found at
It wouldn't be wrong to say that I took their code and rewrote it while making my own changes.

The differences from Soolar's script are
  • Written in TypeScript, compiled into JavaScript
  • Data is cached, making subsequent runs faster
  • The prices can be out of date in comparison, however no more than 2 weeks.
  • Allows you to filter to tradeable items only

There are currently two ways to use the script.

The first is to simply run the script as is. The second is to run it with a parameter (Currently simply 'true') which will display only tradeable items.

To install with mafia's CLI

git checkout libraryaddict/KolAccountVal release

To run it


To show tradeables only

accountval trade

This script may conflict with Soolar's script, in which case I recommend you try


Be sure to provide the parameter help for help!


Example output

476 Special Seasoning worth a total of 1,332,800
1 warehouse key worth    a total of 1,917,995
1 silent beret worth a total of 2,900,000
328    munchies pill worth a total of 4,369,288
1 Ultra Mega Sour Ball worth a    total of 7,143,578
You are worth 44,834,403 meat!
Going by the value    of a Mr. Accessory, that's $11.20
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First off, let me say this is a fun script! Very well written, runs really fast. It's neat to see what it says I would be worth if I could sell all the items I own for current mall value. Some familiars aren't even available anymore.

Wouldn't this be nice if it were true...

10,000 dense meat stack worth a total of 20,000,000

Interesting. I will not say what it says my net worth is according to this script, because it's just insane, I know it is a lot, but didn't think it was anywhere near what this script says. Was neat to see though. It also didn't take into account the amount of meat I have on hand.

networth script is what I use. I know this one isn't 100% right, I think it uses a different data source to gather numbers. When comparing it seems to find a number closer to actual mall value.

However, When I set the value to true on your script, I get a number much closer to the net worth script. While I believe the net worth script it closer to my actual number, it takes much longer to run. But with things like Stinky Cheese Diaper, which is listed at almost 1 billion meat, I know isn't accurate, so I do take that into consideration of what I think I'm really worth.

this is one difference:
10,000 dense meat stacks @ 1,000 = 10,000,000

It's interesting how much the final number differs between the two scripts.
First off, let me say this is a fun script! Very well written, runs really fast. It's neat to see what it says I would be worth if I could sell all the items I own for current mall value. Some familiars aren't even available anymore.

Wouldn't this be nice if it were true...

10,000 dense meat stack worth a total of 20,000,000

Interesting. I will not say what it says my net worth is according to this script, because it's just insane, I know it is a lot, but didn't think it was anywhere near what this script says. Was neat to see though. It also didn't take into account the amount of meat I have on hand.

networth script is what I use. I know this one isn't 100% right, I think it uses a different data source to gather numbers. When comparing it seems to find a number closer to actual mall value.

However, When I set the value to true on your script, I get a number much closer to the net worth script. While I believe the net worth script it closer to my actual number, it takes much longer to run. But with things like Stinky Cheese Diaper, which is listed at almost 1 billion meat, I know isn't accurate, so I do take that into consideration of what I think I'm really worth.

this is one difference:
10,000 dense meat stacks @ 1,000 = 10,000,000

It's interesting how much the final number differs between the two scripts.
This is because things in the mall must be sold for 100 meat or 2x the item's autosell value (whichever is higher). So, anything using mall prices will be off on things that don't actually sell very well/often in the mall. So, if you've got 100 super-common items that autosell for 1 meat and no one is buying them for 100 meat in the mall, the functional value is 1 meat each, not 100 meat, for a total of 100 meat, not 1000 meat. Dense meat stacks aren't likely selling for 2000 meat very often, but that's the lowest possible price to sell them for in the mall.
This is because things in the mall must be sold for 100 meat or 2x the item's autosell value (whichever is higher). So, anything using mall prices will be off on things that don't actually sell very well/often in the mall. So, if you've got 100 super-common items that autosell for 1 meat and no one is buying them for 100 meat in the mall, the functional value is 1 meat each, not 100 meat, for a total of 100 meat, not 1000 meat. Dense meat stacks aren't likely selling for 2000 meat very often, but that's the lowest possible price to sell them for in the mall.
I understand that. People just need to be aware that the final answer isn't 100% accurate, and the numbers can be quite inflated. For me, the difference between the 2 scripts I ran was very significant. This one was somewhere around 13% higher. I don't know the exact number, but 13% when you have a very high net worth is a lot.
True. And as you mentioned, 1 billion is way beyond what stinky cheese stuff was selling for earlier today when I was browsing the mall. Given the insane amount of items in KOL, there's bound to be some goofs now and then, though with any script.
Script has been updated to allow a ton more filtering, use "help" as a parameter to get more information.

May also be more accurate.
I get an error trying to run this:

JavaScript exception: Error: Module "scripts/utils/mallhistory.js" not found. (file:/C:/KoLMafia/scripts/accountval.js#50)
at file:/C:/KoLMafia/scripts/accountval.js:50 (PriceResolver)
at file:/C:/KoLMafia/scripts/accountval.js:799 (AccountVal)
at file:/C:/KoLMafia/scripts/accountval.js:1123 (main)
The script tells me that I have "mall extinct items". It would be nice if there were a way to filter the output for those.
The filtering for mall extinct items isn't working quite as expected. Bound IOTM aren't tradable but the unbound, versions are.

> accountval

Uh, looks like a typo was made. backup camera is not a tradeable item..
Uh, looks like a typo was made. familiar scrapbook is not a tradeable item..
Uh, looks like a typo was made. industrial fire extinguisher is not a tradeable item..
Uh, looks like a typo was made. Daylight Shavings Helmet is not a tradeable item..
There were 8 mall extinct items! Items: Daylight Shavings Helmet, industrial fire extinguisher, familiar scrapbook, backup camera, avatar of the Unconscious Collective, Gygaxian Libram, airplane charter: Conspiracy Island, potted tea tree
The unbound version of the Daylight Shavings Helmet is "packaged Daylight Shavings Helmet", etc..
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The filtering for mall extinct items isn't working quite as expected. Bound IOTM aren't tradable but the unbound, versions are.

The unbound version of the Daylight Shavings Helmet is "packaged Daylight Shavings Helmet", etc..

That's weird, it's like you're running a older version of the script and a newer version.
That code was added to fix an issue that was already corrected.

Try reinstalling.
I uninstalled and reinstalled

> svn delete KolAccountVal

Uninstalling project...libraryaddict-KolAccountVal-branches-release
data\accountval_binds.txt => DELETED
scripts\accountval.js => DELETED
Project uninstalled.libraryaddict-KolAccountVal-branches-release

> svn checkout

Starting Checkout...
Validating repo...
Repo validated.
At revision 35

Successfully checked out working copy.
Pushing local updates...
accountval.js => C:\Users\John\Sync\Kol\scripts\accountval.js
accountval_binds.txt => C:\Users\John\Sync\Kol\data\accountval_binds.txt
Requests complete.
and this is what happened:
> accountval

Uh, looks like a typo was made. backup camera is not a tradeable item..
Uh, looks like a typo was made. familiar scrapbook is not a tradeable item..
Uh, looks like a typo was made. industrial fire extinguisher is not a tradeable item..
Uh, looks like a typo was made. Daylight Shavings Helmet is not a tradeable item..
Your accountval_binds.txt is out of date! Try reinstalling AccountVal. Expected version 1, but got version 0

There were 8 mall extinct items! Items: potted tea tree, airplane charter: Conspiracy Island, industrial fire extinguisher, familiar scrapbook, backup camera, Daylight Shavings Helmet, avatar of the Unconscious Collective, Gygaxian Libram
That's an improvement. Here's the output from
accountval -bound
There were 1 mall extinct items! Items: avatar of the Unconscious Collective
The only problem is that, while I have the Unconscious Collective familiar in the terrarium I do not have the hatchling. Is there any way to get the script to tell me where it "thinks" the item is stored?
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That's an improvement. Here's the output from

The only problem is that, while I have the Unconscious Collective familiar in the terrarium I do not have the hatchling. Is there any way to get the script to tell me where it "thinks" the item is stored?
Try !familiar or !bound
That's an improvement. Here's the output from The only problem is that, while I have the Unconscious Collective familiar in the terrarium I do not have the hatchling. Is there any way to get the script to tell me where it "thinks" the item is stored?

Updated the script
