A question on the Basement-command


Active member
I've been trying to get my spamattack script to work with the basement now that Mafia recognises the monsters you fight. The problem I'm running into now is that unless you visit the basement in the relay browser Mafia doesn't seem to update its internal state of where in the basement you are and what level and so forth. If you go to the relay browser and visit the basement the level gets updated and I can use the script fine (well for certain monsters anyway) but the next monster will use the same basement level as the first unless I go to the browser again.

I then found the "basement" cli-command which states "check Fernswarthy's Basement status." which I thought meant it would go and see which level I'm on, but it appears that it's only changing my outfit (since my next encounter is a monster it changes to "Damage") and then nothing more.

Is there a way to get Mafia to update its internal state of what level I'm on without using the relay browser? Using an visit_url() call to basement.php does not appear to do the trick.
Autobasement.ash works around this by extracting the level from the visit_url-call but that won't work for setting the monster stats in a consult script, at least from what I can find.


There may be a long-standing bug here that needs to be looked at. From what I remember of automating the basement, mafia does not properly update which level of the basement it is on while in an automation loop.


Active member
Yep, I managed to run in the basement for 250 or so turns yesterday after that change and SpamAttack picked up what I was fighting and on what level each time.