Bug - Fixed A lot of math suddenly seems to be broken r11633

I was using a script to fold stinky cheese diapers into eyes and equip them. When I was done, the meat% was at +1100% when it should have been +400%ish

Also, my familiar weight is 1 permenantly and I keep seeing this error every turn

[244295] Limerick Dungeon
Encounter: The Bleary-Eyed Cyclops
You acquire an item: cyclops eyedrops
Adjusting familiar weight by 44 pounds

Transferring items to store...
Items offered up for sale.
1 combinations checked, best score 17.00
A bottle of rhinoceros hormones is currently selling for 14,799 meat .
BaleCC_next => Frat House

[244296] Giant's Castle
Encounter: What are the Odds?
You acquire an item: plot hole
You acquire an item: chaos butterfly
Adjusting familiar weight by 44 pounds


Staff member
I think 11634 fixes this.

Earlier today I was thinking that the list of stuff in Modifiers should be converted to an enum. That looks like a large project though.