Kame Crush
New member
Hello everyone who is currently reading this post. If you read the title I have some ideas I have came up with for challenge paths
Fall challenge path — “Set on Stone”
When you equip an item, you cannot unequip and equip something else. If a quest requires an outfit then a new enemy will be added into the zone that drops a potion of “outfit name” so the player can complete the quest and proceed onwards. If theres an item like the unstable fulminate then the player cannot do that path.
Spring path — Gears under Loathing
The steampunk underground society directly under the kingdom
Permed skills and all IOTMs are disabled till the end of the run, no matter if you’re in ronin or not for the first run ONLY
Muscle class - Bar gearheaderer
Mysticality class - Steam Alchemist
Moxie class - Pop-rock assassin
Available skills:
Bar gearheaderers can throw gears in the middle of combat and gets 10% discounts on all NPC stores (tracks muscle instead of moxie)
Steam Alchemists can cook with steam, making size 1 good food and can find different types of steam to make different kinds of foods and potions
Pop-rock assassins can steal boomboxes (play certain songs giving buffs that last as intrinsics but minor effects like +10 item drops) and find and throw popping rocks (deal physical damage which is your level x 3, consumes any item that is a rock e.g., big rock, turtle shaped rock)
Bar gearheaderer - they can use their knowledge of gears (and bars, especially them) to construct useful weapons and combat items such as:
Pop-rock assassins unlock the skill: DJ Dancin’! (A passive skill that gives new nc choices from previous ncs like CCSC, but for the ballroom, the arena and other zones that are related to dancing)
Bar gearheaderer - Get a passive +60 damage increase and damage absorption vs humanoids, dudes and hippies.
Steam alchemists - gain a jar that is like frankenstein, (base enchantment, +15% combat initiative, more enchantments can be added from certain phylum of monsters)
Pop-rock assassin - gain a combat skill giving a free instakill but gain an effect: craving to kill for 15 turns, -50% initiative, -25 moxie, +75% ranged damage
Bar gearheaderers get a familiar hatchling which drops on their 5th combat, it can deal damage, occasionally stun your enemy and heal HP after combat (you have to use it against the final boss)
Steam alchemists gain a passive skill that gives random buffs (and debuffs for quests like thrice-cursed) every 11 turns no matter it being a non combat or not, and can enchant food and booze with effects or more turns.
Pop-rock assassins get an item called a rock pop machine, when it is used it becomes a campground item and it leads to a non combat called “To choose or not to choose, that is the question young adventurer” the only choice is to punch 100 rocks, gives +15% more combat, regenerate 15-25 hp and mp each turn, also grants a skill called “Army of stones” when used in combat: You yell “Stones, assemble!” Your opponent is very confused when you shout this out but then a wave of rocks are rapidly rolling from all directions. Your opponent suffers a lot of stone bruises and gets some rocks and other things in its eyes like debris. Your opponent collapses under the pressure of the rocks and dies in an explosion of stone, or a landslide whichever you want to call it. (This skill has a 100% chance to instantly defeat the enemy for the first 2 time the player uses it each day)
Bar Gearheaderers - get a non combat skill called “Bronze Gear, Iron Gear, Metal Gear” +25% muscle, +40% max hp, regen 2-11 MP each turn for 5 turns costing 10MP
Steam Alchemists - combat skill called “facading out” cost 0MP, free run, usable 5/day
Pop-rock assassins - passive skill called “Elfish Prestly” +10ML
Combat encounters: (All of these encounters can be found in different classes, for example if you’re playing as a gearheaderer you might encounter a cultist but only steam alchemists fight the leader)
Bar gearheaderers could encounter a corrupt black bearsmith or mechanic every 10 combats, increases encounters every 5 combats every 2 levels.
Steam alchemists might have to fight a magic cultist - [element] e.g., rock, metal, fire, water etc. After defeating 10 of them, you fight an apprentice, after defeating 35, you fight the leader cultist - master of all elements. In-run days depend on which element the player can encounter. Day 1 is fire, Day 2 is rock, Day 3 is metal, and Day 4 is water. Then it cycles.
Pop-rock assassins have to fight classical music security guards, each increasing in stats and mechanics each one that is killed. After reaching level 10, classified classy covenants (the enemies scale to your stats +15) can be encountered. After defeating 11 of them and getting to level 13, you might have to fight an old music obsessed guy in a business suit which could replace one of the final enemies of a NS contest.
Bar gearheaderers get special usable items from bosses, giving intrinsics every 2 bosses including optional bosses, your workshed can upgrade these intrinsics, it also doesn’t replace the item that’s already in your shed. For example, you can upgrade a +15% item drops to 35% but you can only have one active, trying to use a different one replaces the previous
Steam alchemists are granted special cooking ingredients from each boss, you might find a cook along the way, giving more ingredients and possibly cooking recipes every 10 turns after you have defeated a certain boss, the nc is a free turn.
Pop-rock assassins are given bounties to complete from bosses, when they kill a certain boss, they receive that bounty reward/s. There’s even more rewards! But with a twist, on your journey to your target you might encounter a mysterious wandering wanderer with a contract, if you sign it the targets ML goes up by Levelx4 but the reward is multiplied by 5 and constantly gets harder the more bosses you kill. But if you die to your target or die along the way, it resets
Final boss: (all replace naughty sorceress’s 3rd phase)
Bar gearheaderers have to fight The Machine, its stats scale to the player +42 and it can steal your hp, mp, skills, force attacks to hit and mind control your familiar to attack you and heal The Machine.
Steam alchemists have to do battle with Ze Solide Chef maître, ho ho! (I don’t actually know French lol) similar to “The Machine” but his stats scale to the naughty sorceress +50 and he throws solid foods and other various dishes at you, yelling “Where’s the lamb sauce?!” and various other messages dealing parismic damage
Pop-rock assassins have to hustle your (current or previous) mentor, [Clan leaders name] their stats match the clan leaders’ but obviously to a manageable degree. If you fail to beat them they say “Rest in peace” or “You’re pretty good” depending on how much HP they had before you lost, during combat they might say “Where is your motivation [player name]?” Or perhaps “Patience you must have my young <Skill class>” maybe even “They who control the battlefield, controls history”
Hope you like the idea and if not then feel free to message me with any feedback
Fall challenge path — “Set on Stone”
When you equip an item, you cannot unequip and equip something else. If a quest requires an outfit then a new enemy will be added into the zone that drops a potion of “outfit name” so the player can complete the quest and proceed onwards. If theres an item like the unstable fulminate then the player cannot do that path.
Spring path — Gears under Loathing
The steampunk underground society directly under the kingdom
Permed skills and all IOTMs are disabled till the end of the run, no matter if you’re in ronin or not for the first run ONLY
Muscle class - Bar gearheaderer
Mysticality class - Steam Alchemist
Moxie class - Pop-rock assassin
Available skills:
Bar gearheaderers can throw gears in the middle of combat and gets 10% discounts on all NPC stores (tracks muscle instead of moxie)
Steam Alchemists can cook with steam, making size 1 good food and can find different types of steam to make different kinds of foods and potions
Pop-rock assassins can steal boomboxes (play certain songs giving buffs that last as intrinsics but minor effects like +10 item drops) and find and throw popping rocks (deal physical damage which is your level x 3, consumes any item that is a rock e.g., big rock, turtle shaped rock)
Bar gearheaderer - they can use their knowledge of gears (and bars, especially them) to construct useful weapons and combat items such as:
- Grid iron mace (2 handed melee weapon) - +20 weapon damage, +10 muscle, +20% meat drops, +2 adventures a day (crafted with a cool whip and a brass gear)
- Brass gearsword (1 handed melee weapon) - +25 item drops, +18% muscle, 15% to inflict bleeding damage (constantly take 15 damage until combat ends) (crafted with a two handed depthsword and a brass gear)
- Updated brass gear - muscle x 5 capped at 150, 35% stagger (crafted with 2 brass gears)
- Mechanical golf ball - 15 turn banisher loses item on use (crafted with a brass gear and a lucky ball and chain)
Pop-rock assassins unlock the skill: DJ Dancin’! (A passive skill that gives new nc choices from previous ncs like CCSC, but for the ballroom, the arena and other zones that are related to dancing)
Bar gearheaderer - Get a passive +60 damage increase and damage absorption vs humanoids, dudes and hippies.
Steam alchemists - gain a jar that is like frankenstein, (base enchantment, +15% combat initiative, more enchantments can be added from certain phylum of monsters)
Pop-rock assassin - gain a combat skill giving a free instakill but gain an effect: craving to kill for 15 turns, -50% initiative, -25 moxie, +75% ranged damage
Bar gearheaderers get a familiar hatchling which drops on their 5th combat, it can deal damage, occasionally stun your enemy and heal HP after combat (you have to use it against the final boss)
Steam alchemists gain a passive skill that gives random buffs (and debuffs for quests like thrice-cursed) every 11 turns no matter it being a non combat or not, and can enchant food and booze with effects or more turns.
Pop-rock assassins get an item called a rock pop machine, when it is used it becomes a campground item and it leads to a non combat called “To choose or not to choose, that is the question young adventurer” the only choice is to punch 100 rocks, gives +15% more combat, regenerate 15-25 hp and mp each turn, also grants a skill called “Army of stones” when used in combat: You yell “Stones, assemble!” Your opponent is very confused when you shout this out but then a wave of rocks are rapidly rolling from all directions. Your opponent suffers a lot of stone bruises and gets some rocks and other things in its eyes like debris. Your opponent collapses under the pressure of the rocks and dies in an explosion of stone, or a landslide whichever you want to call it. (This skill has a 100% chance to instantly defeat the enemy for the first 2 time the player uses it each day)
Bar Gearheaderers - get a non combat skill called “Bronze Gear, Iron Gear, Metal Gear” +25% muscle, +40% max hp, regen 2-11 MP each turn for 5 turns costing 10MP
Steam Alchemists - combat skill called “facading out” cost 0MP, free run, usable 5/day
Pop-rock assassins - passive skill called “Elfish Prestly” +10ML
Combat encounters: (All of these encounters can be found in different classes, for example if you’re playing as a gearheaderer you might encounter a cultist but only steam alchemists fight the leader)
Bar gearheaderers could encounter a corrupt black bearsmith or mechanic every 10 combats, increases encounters every 5 combats every 2 levels.
Steam alchemists might have to fight a magic cultist - [element] e.g., rock, metal, fire, water etc. After defeating 10 of them, you fight an apprentice, after defeating 35, you fight the leader cultist - master of all elements. In-run days depend on which element the player can encounter. Day 1 is fire, Day 2 is rock, Day 3 is metal, and Day 4 is water. Then it cycles.
Pop-rock assassins have to fight classical music security guards, each increasing in stats and mechanics each one that is killed. After reaching level 10, classified classy covenants (the enemies scale to your stats +15) can be encountered. After defeating 11 of them and getting to level 13, you might have to fight an old music obsessed guy in a business suit which could replace one of the final enemies of a NS contest.
Bar gearheaderers get special usable items from bosses, giving intrinsics every 2 bosses including optional bosses, your workshed can upgrade these intrinsics, it also doesn’t replace the item that’s already in your shed. For example, you can upgrade a +15% item drops to 35% but you can only have one active, trying to use a different one replaces the previous
Steam alchemists are granted special cooking ingredients from each boss, you might find a cook along the way, giving more ingredients and possibly cooking recipes every 10 turns after you have defeated a certain boss, the nc is a free turn.
Pop-rock assassins are given bounties to complete from bosses, when they kill a certain boss, they receive that bounty reward/s. There’s even more rewards! But with a twist, on your journey to your target you might encounter a mysterious wandering wanderer with a contract, if you sign it the targets ML goes up by Levelx4 but the reward is multiplied by 5 and constantly gets harder the more bosses you kill. But if you die to your target or die along the way, it resets
Final boss: (all replace naughty sorceress’s 3rd phase)
Bar gearheaderers have to fight The Machine, its stats scale to the player +42 and it can steal your hp, mp, skills, force attacks to hit and mind control your familiar to attack you and heal The Machine.
Steam alchemists have to do battle with Ze Solide Chef maître, ho ho! (I don’t actually know French lol) similar to “The Machine” but his stats scale to the naughty sorceress +50 and he throws solid foods and other various dishes at you, yelling “Where’s the lamb sauce?!” and various other messages dealing parismic damage
Pop-rock assassins have to hustle your (current or previous) mentor, [Clan leaders name] their stats match the clan leaders’ but obviously to a manageable degree. If you fail to beat them they say “Rest in peace” or “You’re pretty good” depending on how much HP they had before you lost, during combat they might say “Where is your motivation [player name]?” Or perhaps “Patience you must have my young <Skill class>” maybe even “They who control the battlefield, controls history”
Hope you like the idea and if not then feel free to message me with any feedback