Bug - Fixed 8751: display case not found


New member
When I try to put something in my display case or try to open the Museum Manager I get:
"You don't own a display case in the Cannon Museum". In the relay browser my display case does show up and yesterday (with build 8742) it was still working.


Staff member
More info, please?

My Login script pulls from my DC and my Logout script returns to my DC and I have had no problems. Ditto opening the Museum Manager. So I'm not sure how to begin to even try and reproduce your problem.
I'm getting the same issue. Trying to put things in the DC via the item manager fails with the same error. DC-ing things from the relay browser works. Museum Manager fails with "Sorry, you don't have a display case."


Staff member
No. We detected that you had a display case by looking for the line on your Char Sheet that says "You have a display case in the Cannon Museum." In particular, we looked for "Cannon Museum". The Cannon Museum is no more. The new message is "You have a display case in the Museum.".

Revision 8754