New Content 2019 IotY: Elf Operative


Familiar #271, Elf Operative, is a volleyfairy.
10146	elf sleeper agent	896004413	elfoplarva.gif	grow	t	0
Item	elf sleeper agent	Free Pull
Familiar equipment:
10147	red-and-green microcamera	537719204	elfopcamera.gif	familiar	t,d	75
# Item red-and-green microcamera: Increases operational effectiveness
Item	red-and-green microcamera	Familiar Weight: +5
Drops various things, after about every 11-15 combats:
10148	cobbled-together Meat detector	379535516	elfopdetector.gif	offhand	q	0
cobbled-together Meat detector	0	none
Item	cobbled-together Meat detector	Meat Drop: +15, Lasts Until Rollover
10149	tin thermos of chai	543809374	elfopthermos.gif	usable	t,d	30
Item	tin thermos of chai	Effect: "Chai Guru Deva Om", Effect Duration: 30
0	Chai Guru Deva Om		96445a82e91bbdf6cbc1df0c50f9acb8	use 1 tin thermos of chai
# Effect Chai Guru Deva Om
10150	prototype stimulant	851023933	elfopsyringe.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	30
prototype stimulant	1	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	prototype stimulant	Effect: "Proto-Stimulated", Effect Duration: 50
0	Proto-Stimulated		adc87f857d066b1d0270d150c4694b32	chew 1 prototype stimulant
# Effect Proto-Stimulated
10152	sew-on bandage	241193251	elfopbandage.gif	usable, combat	t,d	30
sew-on bandage	item	300	300	0	0	0
# Item sew-on bandage: Restores up to 300 HP
10153	really nice net	416368194	elfopnet.gif	none, combat	t,d	30
# Item really nice net: Weakens your foe and stuns them for a few rounds
10155	elf army field rations	979741195	elfopration.gif	food	t,d	30
elf army field rations	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item elf army field rations
10156	gingernade	473398986	elfopgrenade.gif	none, combat	t,d	30
# Item gingernade: Deals 200-250 damage
10158	martiny	932242068	elfopmartini.gif	drink	t,d	30
martiny	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item martiny
10159	tryptophan dart	346425436	elfopdart.gif	none, combat	t,d	30
# Item tryptophan dart: Knocks an enemy out.  You won't see them for the rest of the day.
r19057/8 adds these (and some others I found)

Still needed - Details of dart banish so we can add to banishers (ie turn free or not, success message)
Success message for the dart:

You throw the dart at your foe, who immediately unbuckles her belt a couple of notches and falls asleep on a nearby recliner.

It does use an adventure.
10154	elf army poncho	227963158	elfopponcho.gif	container	q	0
elf army poncho	0	none
Item	elf army poncho	Spooky Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2, Lasts Until Rollover
10151	tailored vest	995621294	elfopvest.gif	shirt	q	0
tailored vest	100	none
Item	tailored vest	Experience: +3, Lasts Until Rollover
Is the drop rate deterministic, or completely random? The other IotYs all have predictable patterns, as far as I know.