New Content - Implemented 2019 Crimbo

Central meat value for each new monster; all found by using the bakelite backpack:

dolphin "orphan": 300

gingerbread maw: 0
icingfish: 0
Mer-kin baker: 200
nutmeg anemone: 100

Crimbylow: 100
peppermint eel: 150
sea-elf: 100
Revision 19648 adds some stuff:

The items you can craft with new items.
Track phylum + progress for Red-Nosed Snapper in green sidepane and charpane.

Need to add:

The actual concoctions for tempura green and red bean, salt plum sake, pressurized potion of possessiveness
Check out the following sushi and verify names, effects granted, etc.

XXX beefy maki	SUSHI	beefy fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	beefy fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea cucumber	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	beefy fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea radish	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	beefy fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea carrot	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	beefy fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea avocado	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	beefy fish meat	white rice	seaweed	green and red bean	peppermint eel sauce

XXX glistening maki	SUSHI	glistening fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	glistening fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea cucumber	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	glistening fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea radish	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	glistening fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea carrot	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	glistening fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea avocado	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	glistening fish meat	white rice	seaweed	green and red bean	peppermint eel sauce

XXX slick maki	SUSHI	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea radish	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea cucumber	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea carrot	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	sea avocado	peppermint eel sauce
XXX roll	SUSHI	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	green and red bean	peppermint eel sauce

tempura carrot bento box with peppermint eel sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peppermint eel sauce	tempura carrot
tempura cucumber bento box with peppermint eel sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peppermint eel sauce	tempura carrot
tempura avocado bento box with peppermint eel sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peppermint eel sauce	tempura carrot
tempura broccoli bento box with peppermint eel sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peppermint eel sauce	tempura carrot
tempura cauliflower bento box with peppermint eel sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peppermint eel sauce	tempura carrot
tempura radish bento box with peppermint eel sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peppermint eel sauce	tempura carrot

tempura green and red bean bento box with eel sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	eel sauce	tempura green and red bean
tempura green and red bean bento box with anemone sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	anemone sauce	tempura green and red bean
tempura green and red bean bento box with inky squid sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	inky squid sauce	tempura green and red bean
tempura green and red bean bento box with peanut sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peanut sauce	tempura green and red bean
tempura green and red bean bento box with peppermint eel sauce	SUSHI	Mer-kin lunchbox	beefy fish meat	glistening fish meat	slick fish meat	white rice	seaweed	peppermint eel sauce	tempura green and red bean

Meat drops, as reported above
multiuse for super-sweet fish goo, as reported above
I have yet to make any of the new sushi, but this doesn't seem right:
tempura cucumber ...	tempura carrot
(and same for the rest of the list)
10382	Crimbo Factory surprise box	867013472	c19box.gif	usable	t	0
# Item Crimbo Factory surprise box: Full of Crimbo nostalgia!
You acquire an item: Crimbo Factory surprise box

use 1 Crimbo Factory surprise box
You acquire an item: ball
You acquire an item: possessed top
You acquire an item: stuffed gray blob
You acquire an item: toy mercenary
Revision 19650 adds Meat drops, multi-use, concoctions, and sushi.
Special sushi - with green and red beans and/or peppermint eel sause - gives a new effect: Dreaming of a Wet Crimbo, which makes you a better diver and gives Item Drop +50 underwater.
The anemoney clip used to have an autosell price, but now it cannot be discarded. I discovered this change when I failed to copy anything at the full length mirror. I suspect all rare drops have been changed making them not PvP stealable, but I haven't checked.
From the new zone: The Impenetrable Kelp-Holly Forest
New monster #2151 found in Manuel with name 'Yuleviathan' image 'yuleviathan.gif' attributes ='Atk: 400 Def: 400 HP: 1000 Init: -10000 P: fish'
New monster #2146 found in Manuel with name 'kelpie (horse form)' image 'kelpiehorse.gif' attributes ='Atk: 300 Def: 300 HP: 400 Init: 200 P: beast'
New monster #2147 found in Manuel with name 'kelpie (lady form)' image 'kelpielady.gif' attributes ='Atk: 300 Def: 300 HP: 400 Init: 300 P: dude'

Their drops (in order), it seems rare drops only:
10419	Yuleviathan necklace	593533608	yulenecklace.gif	accessory	t	0
Yuleviathan necklace	0	Mys: 40
Item	Yuleviathan necklace	Spooky Damage: +15, Stench Damage: +15, Hot Damage: +15, Cold Damage: +15, Sleaze Damage: +15, MP Regen Min: 20, MP Regen Max: 30, Single Equip
10423	kelp-holly drape	132137052	kelpcape.gif	container	t	0
kelp-holly drape	0	Mys: 25
Item	kelp-holly drape	Monster Level: +15, HP Regen Min: 6, HP Regen Max: 10, MP Regen Min: 6, MP Regen Max: 10
10418	kelp-holly gun	735913346	hollygun.gif	weapon	t	0
kelp-holly gun	125	Mox: 25	1-handed pistol
Item	kelp-holly gun	Moxie: +10, Ranged Damage Percent: +50, Pickpocket Chance: +25

200 base meat drop for the lady, 300 for the other 2.
10373	hand-knitted diving booties	782621665	booties.gif	accessory		0
hand-knitted diving booties	0	none
# Item hand-knitted diving booties: Makes you a better diver
You acquire an item: hand-knitted diving booties
10374	peppermint harpoon gun	872220578	peppergun.gif	weapon		0
peppermint harpoon gun	100	Mus: 0	2-handed bazooka
# Item peppermint harpoon gun: +100% Item Drops (Underwater Only)
# Item peppermint harpoon gun: +100 Physical Damage (Underwater Only)
You acquire an item: peppermint harpoon gun
The pressure penalties for the Gingerbread Reef, The Wreck of the H. M. S. Kringle and The Impenetrable Kelp-Holly Forest look to be 50%, 75% and 100% respectively.

Tested using init and running away.

Loc	The Briniest Deepests	Initiative Penalty: +25, Item Drop Penalty: +25, Meat Drop Penalty: +25
Loc	The Brinier Deepers	Initiative Penalty: +50, Item Drop Penalty: +50, Meat Drop Penalty: +50
Loc	The Briny Deeps	Initiative Penalty: +75, Item Drop Penalty: +75, Meat Drop Penalty: +75
Loc	Mer-kin Elementary School	Initiative Penalty: -100, Item Drop Penalty: -100, Meat Drop Penalty: -100
Loc	Mer-kin Library	Initiative Penalty: -100, Item Drop Penalty: -100, Meat Drop Penalty: -100
Loc	Mer-kin Gymnasium	Initiative Penalty: -100, Item Drop Penalty: -100, Meat Drop Penalty: -100
Loc	Mer-kin Colosseum	Initiative Penalty: -100, Item Drop Penalty: -100, Meat Drop Penalty: -100
Loc	Anemone Mine	Initiative Penalty: -100, Item Drop Penalty: -100, Meat Drop Penalty: -100
Loc	Caliginous Abyss	Initiative Penalty: -100, Item Drop Penalty: -100, Meat Drop Penalty: -100
Loc	The Dive Bar	Initiative Penalty: -100, Item Drop Penalty: -100, Meat Drop Penalty: -100
Loc	The Marinara Trench	Initiative Penalty: -100, Item Drop Penalty: -100, Meat Drop Penalty: -100
So, are you supposed to add or subtract Initiative Penalty from Initiative? :)

The way it works is that The Sea is -100, so adding a positive penalty to a zone that is in The Sea will result in less than 100 penalty.

I think I'm not going to give a penalty to Tammy's Offshore Platform and will just assign negative penalties to the zones within it.
Yesterday's Advent calendar item is now implemented.
10340	tiny plastic Mer-kin baker	510435981	tpmerkin.gif	accessory	t	0
tiny plastic Mer-kin baker	10	none
Item	tiny plastic Mer-kin baker	Familiar Weight: +1
Todays appears to have been implemented already too.

10341	tiny plastic sea elf	884489722	tpseaelf.gif	accessory	t	0
tiny plastic sea elf	0	none
Item	tiny plastic sea elf	Familiar Weight: +2

10375	concentrated fish broth	324033483	soupbowl.gif	potion, multiple	t	0	bowls of concentrated fish broth
Item	concentrated fish broth	Effect: "Fishy", Effect Duration: 30
You acquire concentrated fish broth (3)
Last edited:
10376	liquid SONAR	875930005	potion24.gif	potion, multiple	t	0	bottles of liquid SONAR
Item	liquid SONAR	Effect: "PING...  PING...  PING...", Effect Duration: 50
2540	PING...  PING...  PING...	echo.gif	056ebeb2b7ed8d897c083abd88cf99ad	use 1 liquid SONAR
# Effect PING...  PING...  PING...: Increased chance of dolphin "orphan" encounters
You acquire liquid SONAR (3)
Potentially stupid question - is there any goal string that means 'fought and won 3 dolphin "orphan" combats' ?

Or should I just OR together the item drops perhaps?