New Content - Implemented 2015 Advent Calender


Active member
On the first day of Crimbo, a hippy gave to me:
8750	hemp candy necklace	940456173	candynecklace.gif	multiple	t	0
Item	hemp candy necklace	Effect: "You Ate Some Hemp Candy", Effect Duration: 20
2025	You Ate Some Hemp Candy	candynecklace.gif	872fe1af62ca2810f488d3892e7edcd7	use 1 hemp candy necklace
Effect	You Ate Some Hemp Candy	Maximum MP: +50, Experience (Mysticality): +2
You acquire an item: hemp candy necklace


Active member
8753	bread line	579918982	baguette.gif	food	t	0
bread line	2	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	bread line	Effect: "Bread-Lined", Effect Duration: 40
2028	Bread-Lined	baguette.gif	1939956d106e66bea7176865c2861be1	eat 1 bread line
Effect	Bread-Lined	Muscle Percent: +50, Weapon Damage: +25
You acquire an item: bread line


Active member
Huh, when I just launched mafia 20 minutes ago, it still pulled 16525. Looks like the automated build might be broken, since that's the "current" build as of right now through the top of the site.
from box 12
8754	bark rootbeer	960615595	beerbottle.gif	drink	t	0
bark rootbeer	2	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	bark rootbeer	Effect: "Bark of the Dog", Effect Duration: 40
2029	Bark of the Dog	beerbottle.gif	1d354189ab0be574ca34ce3fa248afce	drink 1 bark rootbeer
Effect	Bark of the Dog	Initiative: +50, Experience (Moxie): +2
You acquire an item: bark rootbeer

from box 11
8755	red ale	629634528	beerbottle.gif	drink	t	0
red ale	2	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	red ale	Effect: "Putting the Pro in Proletariat", Effect Duration: 40
2030	Putting the Pro in Proletariat	beerbottle.gif	7ed8e54bf9b1c09eeef2dfd9cd09fbb7	drink 1 red ale
Effect	Putting the Pro in Proletariat	Moxie Percent: +50, Ranged Damage: +25
You acquire an item: red ale
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