Bug - Fixed 20047 generates text parsing errors


Trying to load Ezandora's Guide

Generates a debug log with a few dozens of " at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.textui.Parser.parse[...](Parser.java:[###])" errors

Last update changed /src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/textui/Parser.java , so it has to be linked to thatView attachment DEBUG_20200429.txt
Seeing what's still unrestricted today...
Done checking allowed items.
Session data refreshed.
Requesting store inventory...
Store inventory request complete.
2 days until Arrrbor Day, Muscle bonus today and yesterday.
Using data override: data/mallprices.txt
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
You ran out of restores.
Could not restore enough mana to cast Prevent Scurvy and Sobriety. (that's not the error, I just indeed have too little)
0 prices updated from https://kolmafia.us/scripts/updateprices.php?action=getmap

View attachment DEBUG_20200429.txt
not guide this time, the error is generated when logging in/starting mafia
(maybe it's actually when loading the relay browser instead?)

Edit: yep, just closed relay browser, re-opened and...

Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Unexpected error, debug log printed.

View attachment DEBUG_20200429.txt

(exact same errors as before, just 2 more instance of them in the same second somehow)
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Post the script you are trying to run that is failing validation.
Or, the script you tried to start from the relay browser which wasn't Guide, apparently.
I don't "query" a script, since it's literally just from opening the relay browser, nothing else.

Is there a way to ask mafia what relay script it goes through at any point? otherwise... I'd need to check my "relay" folder... I have CHIT disabled, but still "active", maybe that? (not gonna leave it at that, it's just an early, preemptive guess)

Edit: I'm noticing that the "enable CHIT" link is missing, on the bottom of the character pane, so the error may indeed have come from CHIT
edit n°2:... and refreshing character pane creates an error each time, so another nudge in that direction
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