New Content 2002 Mr. Store


Staff member
I've added the items as skeleton, but there's still some stuff to do:

* spooky vhs tape wants a 7 turn timer r27403
* loathing idol wants a command so it can be added to maximizer (well, I want this and am about to do it) r27396
* loathing idol wants to recognise that using it replaces it with the one lower down the chain r27418
* fluda wants a preference for skill use (3 per day) r27417
* amulet maybe wants parsing id for monster so we still know what monster it is
* monolith wants the effect fixing to come from campground r27395 (with command maybe)
* Mr. Accessaturday wants modifiers updating for the Saturday stats r27404
* pro skateboard wants the skills tracking (and a preference for mctwist use) r27417
* ominous wisdom actually gives +mainstat exp, not moxie r27404
Last edited:
After seven days spent wasting your time, Saturday's when you get the party started. Hey baby, pass the Courvoisier, Part II.

Type: accessory
Selling Price: 50 Meat.
Muscle +105
Mysticality +105
Moxie +105
Amazing on Saturday!
Using the 2002 Mr. Store Catalog doesn't seem to update the number of credits available:
> ash use($item[2002 mr. store catalog])

Using    1 2002 Mr. Store Catalog...
Preference _2002MrStoreCreditsCollected    changed from false to true
Finished using 1 2002 Mr. Store Catalog.
Returned:    true
However, using visit_url() to "use" the in-game use button for the item does:
> ashq    visit_url("inv_use.php?which=3&whichitem=11257&pwd="+my_hash(),false,true);

Preference    availableMrStore2002Credits changed from 0 to 3

Edit: with r27397
CDM just told me the shop no longer requires an initial "use" of the catalogue to give you your daily credits. So we could possibly remove that code
CDM just told me the shop no longer requires an initial "use" of the catalogue to give you your daily credits. So we could possibly remove that code
This does not appear to be the case.

I just logged in for the first time today.

> get _2002MrStoreCreditsCollected


> set _2002MrStoreCreditsCollected=true

_2002MrStoreCreditsCollected => true

I went to the Coinmasters frame.
It told me I had 2 Mr. Store 2002 Credits.
(That was the unused amount from yesterday.)

I clicked the "visit" button.

Loading window: CoinmastersFrame
Visiting Mr. Store 2002...
class net.sourceforge.kolmafia.request.MrStore2002Request
Connecting to shop.php...

You have 0 Mr. Store 2002 Credits.

- You get 3 credits per day - and if you don't spend them all, you lose them at rollover.
- Going straight to the store as your first visit does not update your daily credits.

> set _2002MrStoreCreditsCollected=false

_2002MrStoreCreditsCollected => false

I went to the Coinmasters frame and clicked on the "visit" button.

Loading window: CoinmastersFrame
Using 1 Replica 2002 Mr. Store Catalog...
class net.sourceforge.kolmafia.request.UseItemRequest
Connecting to inv_use.php...

<script type='text/javascript'>top.mainpane.document.location = 'shop.php?whichshop=mrstore2002';</script>
Redirected: shop.php?whichshop=mrstore2002
You have 3 Mr. Store 2002 Credits.

Going to the store by first "using" my replica 2002 Mr. Store Catalog correctly updated my balance to 3 Mr. Store 2002 Credits.