Script request: Sea Monkees quest


Active member
True. Let's plan on skipping that. So, on the current character's ascension, I'm planning on finishing up the Skate quest (for the Board). Then I'll need to start cleaning up the detection on the script and splitting it back into functions.

Also, noticed something that may or may not be a mafia bug. Won't report until I'm sure it is though. Potential bug is, when you get the choiceadv where Grandpa teaches you your underwater skill, mafia doesn't realize that you've learned it. Just validated with Harpoon! in that the list went straight from Eye of the Stoat to Hide of the Otter. Visited the charsheet and it added Harpoon! between them... I'll probably work around it temporarily by throwing a refresh char into the Grandpa talking phase. Speaking of which, in addition to the extra char refresh, I need to add in all of the other useful talking things to Grandpa besides the G'ma note bits, to enable the extra sea loot.


Active member
Yeah... of course it will all need updating whenever people figure out how to wake Grandma and continue the quest, but until then...

Had a brainstorm regarding variable names, so they'll now be named bootQuest, monkeeQuest, and skateQuest. Hopefully that shouldn't confuse anyone. bQ is a T/F defaulting to F, mQ is 0-4 defaulting to 4 (completed), and sQ is 0-4 defaulting to 3 (skate board).

mQ might or might not end up with a monkeeStep and monkeeAscension value... I'll need to think a bit about whether or not it saves hits or if it's mostly useless except for grandpa's talking. If so, grandpa's useful talking might be done as part of unlocking him, instead of being attached to activating the grandma quest. The problem with this is that if someone wants just that, it won't be called as easily... might make that a function that people can call manually. That sounds good.

bQ always costs 100 sand dollars and only gives das boot, which is good-ish if you don't have any nice underwater familiars, but I don't think it's ever what you call great and it's not something you'd want to do every time.

mQ is currently really only useful to step 3, but you do unlock an extra zone with step 4, and for now the grandpa talking bits are in the grandma-unlock, because talking with him is how you start her quest. Eventually I'll probably put the unlock between the steps, so it doesn't break if someone plays halfway through manually (which would suck if I attached it to the end of the last step) and it doesn't do extra server hits by trying to unlock every time. Anyways, might end up defaulting to 3 for mQ, but starting it at 4 for now to complete everything we know about.

sQ costs 25 sand dollars to unlock. If you have sQ set to 0, it won't buy the map. If you have 1-3, it will buy the map and start adventuring. With 1 or 2, it should set your choiceadv to the proper option, adventure until it gets the choice, and equip the weapon after. With 3, it should set the choiceadv to whichever you have less of (or is selling for more, but neither really sells well) and then adventure until it gets a skate board and equip it. Then it adventures until it's finished up the 3 choice adventures, whomever that means you're working for. The reason why I'm defaulting to 3 even though it's the hardest is that one of the 3 buffs that it offers gives 30 sand dollars per day, meaning that you have a profit of 5 sand dollars if you only run it one day, and an ongoing +30 per day after that. It's definitely better than a minimal fishy or item-drop bonus. The negative is that it takes a skate board, which is selling for 77k minimum currently. However... reusable between ascensions, and as long as you can kill the skate board members, it shouldn't be too nasty... Think I'll also do an option 4, for unlocking the skate zone but not completing the quest, to allow continued farming.

Summary: I'm trying to think about how to make it have good defaults. If there are better options for any of the current defaults, let me know and we'll tweak it.

New ZLib boolean setting: seafloor_bootQuest => false
New ZLib int setting: seafloor_monkeeQuest => 4
New ZLib int setting: seafloor_monkeeAscension => 20
New ZLib int setting: seafloor_monkeeStep => 0
New ZLib int setting: seafloor_skateQuest => 3

> the sea

You have already completed the Monkee quest.
You have unlocked the Skate Park.
I'll run it on another character or two before releasing 1.0, unless people really want to be guinea pigs. Among its currently known issues are that I used obtain for all item gathering, so items might be bought when you don't want them to be. Also, I'm just using print for now... I'll upgrade to vprint at some point so that I can do varying levels of spam... have it report to the user every time one of the grandpa/grandma choice adventures trigger on a verbosity 7 or so. Anyways, moving along, it appears to work...

Did just throw in a few more "Can't breathe underwater" checks. Don't want it to think that you're finishing up the Monkee quests when really, the problem is that you can't start the next step because of breathing issues... Should be set in a way that doesn't break the automatic stepping system. It just validates that the castle is still available before it increments the step.
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Active member
Also, noticed something that may or may not be a mafia bug. Won't report until I'm sure it is though. Potential bug is, when you get the choiceadv where Grandpa teaches you your underwater skill, mafia doesn't realize that you've learned it. Just validated with Harpoon! in that the list went straight from Eye of the Stoat to Hide of the Otter. Visited the charsheet and it added Harpoon! between them... I'll probably work around it temporarily by throwing a refresh char into the Grandpa talking phase. Speaking of which, in addition to the extra char refresh, I need to add in all of the other useful talking things to Grandpa besides the G'ma note bits, to enable the extra sea loot.

The adventures where you learn the skill should all be autostops so you could add that as a condition and run the script to that point I guess.


Active member
The adventure where you learn the skill is also the one where you get Grandpa. If you want to stop then, set mQ to 3.


Active member
Ahh yes, misread your post as Mafia not realising that you got the skill as Mafia having no way to stop when you did which wasn't at all what you said :)

Banana Lord

I don't see anything to change there. Sounds like it's taking shape :). I'm no expert on the sea, I haven't done all that much adventuring there (I'll get around to doing it properly of course, but not right now) so I can't offer much advice.


Active member
Yeah... unfortunately since the sushi mat got changed to a campground item, it disappears every ascension just like upgraded ovens do. So it costs 100 sand dollars (~80k) to get to where you can use sushi consistently. Otherwise, if you're going to get fishy, it's probably through juice boxes, which have the additional bonus of also allowing underwater adventuring without needing to use the scuba or aerated helmet. If you're planning on just getting the skill, juice boxes are probably a better choice than the mat due to giving 120 adventures of underwater adventuring and 80 adventures with fishy for the same 80k, but with a significantly higher item drop chance for the wriggling flytrap pellet, the only actual 'drop' needed. The rest of it gets sped up by increasing non-combats... one for BB, 3 for GP, 4 for GM.

Basically, get the sushi mat if you're going to farm there for more than a few days. Get the juice boxes if you just want the skill and you're fast-looping; skip the mat.

Only part that failed on second run was stopping after getting Grandma... it was set to stop on choiceadv, but it said there were still conditions remaining. Maybe I'll need to set that to autostop instead, but we'll see. I'll give it another shot as choiceadv, then a shot as autostop, and then I'll deal with manually detecting the adventure...
Theraze, can you maybe add faxing and either olfacting or puttying for the wriggling flytrap pellet? Getting that in 1 turn would be faaaaabulous. :) The rest of the design is impressive.

The sushi mat is only worth it if you're going to be spending an extended period of time farming and on the price of rice and seaweed. Juice boxes just seem too expensive to me compared to fish meat. If you're only talking about the advs needed to do the quest (which is about 30-60 with fishy I'd guess) 1 bottle of sake and 4 fish meat can get you there a LOT cheaper than 3 juice boxes.

Similarly, if you're talking about the advs needed to pick up your 3 daily seaodes and 3 bubbling tempura, that's only 20-30 advs, which is just 2 fish meat, and mer-kin paste can get you underwater much cheaper than juice boxes if you absolutely must wear a hat. :) I would never use tempura air of the deep sauce potion for underwater, but I can see clubbing seals or taming turtles for their undersea drop and using those for the 20 turns needed to pick up the dailies, but never to do the initial quest to get everything open.
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Active member
Well, my main preference there is that using potion for underwater means +50/+100 item drop by skipping the traumatic gear... which is nice. Using a grouper groupie at... 35 weight? Something like that... anyways, using the GG, had a positive item drop chance even without further penalty reductions. Sped things up nicely on initial work.

Yeah, once the initial work is done, we can throw in a monkeeFax T/F or something similar. Should be relatively fast and easy... that's refinement though, not basic work. :D Last bits of basic work are waiting for another character with a nice underwater familiar to get up... will probably be a day or two. Just happened to have a few that were in aftercore with underwater familiars due to the holidays sucking up my playtime.

If you have a goal set, won't it auto-putty? Is it just bounties that it auto-olfact/putties, or do goals count as well?
Anyways, I'm leaving that part on the user... remember my first assumption in post 16:
We're assuming that the character has enough stats to survive and a CCS that works.
Though we could hijack it, but... initially at least, my plan is to leave successful combat on the user. Some users will want to have all normal combats flee (possibly with free-flee familiars) while they're looking for choice adventures... others will want to kill for the random items. As long as they don't have it set to run away from neptune flytraps without any item gathering, they'll finish up the quest eventually.

My current plan is this:
1) Ascend back up to the sea. Should have another character or two there in 1-3 rollovers, now that I've finished my Omega/Balloon wars and get to focus on speed again.
2) Test to see whether or not it properly stops when it runs out of breathing ability. Should be safe now... put 5-try loops on the while loops for choice adventures, and there should only be 3 choice adventures, so that should work great.
3) See if it gets locked on finding Grandma. That was the only problem I had with my last character... it kept adventuring after Grandma, saying that there were still conditions remaining. If it screws up again, see if it stops properly with autostop instead of choiceadv. This is the remaining bug that's keeping this private. :)
4) Release The Sea v0.6 for people to try.
5) Add seafloor_buySkateBoard and seafloor_buyBoot. Since SB is about 80k when I checked yesterday, and the Boot costs 100 SD which is about 80k as well, these should have opt-in functionality.
6) Change the obtain(1, item, location) code to condition clear, add_item_condition(1, item), adventure(my_adventures(), location). Basically, don't try to buy stuff if the character doesn't want to buy it, and don't scream about them not having an 80k autoBuyPriceLimit. That's just silly. In the same way, if someone wants to have the SB weapon and is willing to pay, buy it instead of failing. Don't waste the tons of turns fighting random skate board members because their aBPL is at sane levels. Probably release v0.8 or so with this change, while keeping the v0.6 up as well if it doesn't work out perfectly initially.
7) Add faxing the neptune flytrap. Probably gets released as v0.9, unless this gets rolled into v0.8 instead. Since I don't really fax, this might take feedbacking...
8) Add in seafloor_buyMat (T/F), seafloor_getHelmet (0-2), and anything else that's struck us. Basically, other things with the sea that people will do regularly. If they're farming, they probably want to get a sushi mat every time... if not, they'd probably just as soon skip it. Regarding the helmet, we'll skip it if they have one already. If they're farming helmets for their display case, they can type create aerated helmet themselves. :) Also regarding that, getHelmet will probably be 0 for skip, 1 for adventure, and 2 for buy. At this point, we should be able to release v1.0 and have it be fairly solid.


Active member
Haven't gotten to test the fail of breathing... will need to do that on next character, since the current one already has an aerated helmet and enough muscle to beat through the beginning of the sea. Do think I found the problem with Grandma... when you restart, it just tries to get the yarn again, it doesn't check if you already have the map. Threw in a check to see if you have a map, and if so, skip trying to get the yarn, just get a choice adventure instead. That should fix the open bug, but... want to validate.

There should be a 0.6 release in the next week or two though, hopefully. I'll buy a fish juice box or 2 so that it will test the #2 item, and will remember to abort during the choiceadv hunt for Grandma to check if #3 is now fixed. Just wanted to give an update though that progress is still happening. New ascensions will be slowed through the advent season, of course.

Edit: Also found another bug in the Grandpa quest bit... it checked to see if the castle still was just the brothers, but never actually triggered the extra hit to see if it really was just the brothers. Checks between choice adventures now to see if Grandpa has been rescued. Should still save the server hit if you don't find Grandpa by the time you run out of adventures or the ability to adventure underwater.

Edit2: Grandma quest is still bugged, and I have no clue why.
Finding Grandma in the Mer-kin Outpost.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: Choices Left: 1
Choices Left: 1
You've had the crap beaten out of you... attempting to find some more crap.
Casting Tongue of the Walrus 1 times...
You gain 35 hit points
You lose an effect: Beaten Up
Tongue of the Walrus was successfully cast.
Restoring HP! Currently at 35 of 190 HP, 217 of 368 MP, current meat: 160954 ... Target HP = 181.
_meatperhp => 0.42183623
Casting Cannelloni Cocoon 1 times...
You gain 155 hit points
Cannelloni Cocoon was successfully cast.

Request 1 of 91 (The Sea: The Mer-Kin Outpost) in progress...

[3077] The Mer-Kin Outpost
Encounter: Granny, Does Your Dogfish Bite?
Granny, Does Your Dogfish Bite?
There are still unsatisfied conditions.
The only goal was a choice adventure, it got one, and it kept adventuring. Guess I'll change that to autostop and see if that fixes it, but... good thing is that I fixed the bug where it kept trying to get her yarn. If choice detection and autostop both don't work, worst case, I'll hijack the normal adventuring, like temple unlocking used to need.

Hmm... just looked through and it appears that while this is a non-combat adventure, it's not a choice, so that's why mafia's choice adventure detection doesn't trigger on it. Looks like autostop or manual are the only options. Let's hope for autostop. :)

Edit3: Unrelated to the script, except in that the circumstances which gave it to me were directly caused by running and working on the script.
Request 13 of 53 (Woods: Spooky Forest) in progress...

[3127] Spooky Forest
Encounter: the Baiowulf
Strategy: C:\Program Files (x86)\KoLMafia\ccs\default.ccs [default]
Round 0: Theraze loses initiative!
You have encountered the the Baiowulf
You're on your own, partner.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.

Round 1: Theraze casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 2: the baiowulf takes 210 damage.
Round 2: Gronald lodges the ice-cold pick in your enemy, dealing 10 damage.
Round 2: the baiowulf takes 10 damage.
Round 2: Theraze wins the fight!
After Battle: Gronald cuddles with you for a while, making you feel much better.
You gain 21 hit points
You gain 23 Mana Points
You acquire an item: Talisman of Baio
You gain 4 Strengthliness
You gain 20 Wizardliness
You gain 3 Cheek
Factoring in ant pick: (4.4) damage, meat 5
Monster: the baiowulf (ATT 0.0, DEF 0.0, HP 1.0)
Monster resistances: 0
Player resistances: 0 (0.05) (0.05) (0.05) (0.05) (0.05)
Look! You found 1 Talisman of Baio (60,000,000μ)!
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Active member
Okay, tested... as autostop is no longer a valid item, obtain won't work on it. Added some slightly less elegant code to check for autostop... basically just condition clear, condition add 1 autostop, adventure * mer-kin outpost, if my_adventures() < 2 then it's because you ran out of adventures. Need to clear it up somewhat... will need to test it when it's not this easy:
[2782] The Mer-Kin Outpost
Encounter: Obtuse Chartreuse
You acquire an item: Grandma's Chartreuse Yarn

Conditions satisfied after 7 adventures.
You acquire an item: Grandma's Map
Don't know how to retrieve a (unknown item 0)
Conditions list cleared.
[¶-1] has no matches.

You have run out of adventures. Continue tomorrow.

> the sea

Validating login server (
1044 players online.
Sending login request...
Synchronizing moon data...
Finding Grandma in the Mer-kin Outpost.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: Autostops Left: 1
Autostops Left: 1

Request 1 of 30 (The Sea: The Mer-Kin Outpost) in progress...

[2784] The Mer-Kin Outpost
Encounter: Granny, Does Your Dogfish Bite?
Granny, Does Your Dogfish Bite?

Conditions satisfied after 1 adventures.
You have completed the Sea Monkee quest.