Bug - Not A Bug Undefinded function with recent mafia builds


After upgrading to KoLmafia-19890 (from KoLmafia-19885), I was unable to run my daily script due the the error msg:

Function 'int_to_string( int )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (TPSDrink.ash, line 279)

I tried again with KoLmafia-19891, but still no luck. Has that function been deleted? Checking the kolmafia wiki, it looks like I could/should replace it with the more generic function to_string( any ). Will int_to_string( int ) be returning? Or do I need to update my code?

Thanks KoLmfia devs for all the work you do updating and maintaining KoLmafia. I couldn't bear to play KoL without it.
Support for that super old style was removed in r19887. You can stay on r19886 if you like or, as you suggested, update to using to_string!
There is no function named "int_to_string". There was code that noticed that such a function was not defined and stripped off everything in front of "to_string" and just returned to_string. That means you could have "boogers_to_string" and it would "work".

I was in there rewriting how we look up functions, and that irritated me, so I removed the kludge. I was hoping that very few ancient scripts still used that. Apparently, there still are some.

I suggest/request that you update your script. I don't want to reinstate the kludge.

Sorry/Thank you.
So I guess that applies to "Function 'string_to_int( string )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (auto_mushroom.ash, line 482)" as well.
Looks like the mushroom plot script generator still uses that function. As for auto_mushroom, I'll just make local changes.
By the way - the previous behavior hid a bug in my Spacegate script. It had this function:

typedef int army;

string army_detected_to_string( army a )
    return ( ( a & DETECTED ) == DETECTED ) ? "detected" : "not detected";

and one of the calls was:

army__detected_to_string( p1_detected )

Notice the two "_". That is a typo. There is no such function. Howver, because of the "compatibility" kludge, I ended up getting to_string( int ) - exactly what I did not want.

I suppose an improved "campatibility" kludge would strip off the prefix only if it were "int_", "string_", and so on, which would not hide typos like that, but it seemed better, to my eye, to remove "temporary" kludges.
So I guess that applies to "Function 'string_to_int( string )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (auto_mushroom.ash, line 482)" as well.
I just fixed auto_mushroom.ash. "svn update" will fix it.

Looks like the mushroom plot script generator still uses that function.
Whoah. KoLmafia sure has extensive internal support for your mushroom plot.
I haven't actually owned one for 300 ascensions.

I found the generated ASH script with the obsolete function. I'll fix MushroomManager to not do that. :)