BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts


Active member
Against The Thing with No Name, BatBrain (via WHAM) is predicting 165.36 damage with Saucegeyser, however the actual damage is only 62. Weapon of the Pastalord predicted 151.80, but did 74. Saucestorm predicted 120.00 , but did 60. The wiki mentions a damage cap, but without specifics. It also blocks items.

I got tired of losing to it with automation, so I've done my best guess at what it is. I picked a damage cap of 50 and an exponent of .6. I put item blocking at .75, but it might be as low as .5. I've updated batfactors.txt with these values. Does anyone know what they should be? Sadly I used spells with a bit of RNG swing and I killed it, instead of doing more spading.

The line I added should be a huge improvement over nothing, but I'm sure it isn't right. I can try again this weekend.


Staff member
The best way to spade damage caps is probably pufferfish spines, which can reveal the exponent (and the cap) fairly easily. I'll try this out.


Active member
I likely messed up batfactors.txt yesterday by uploading an old copy. I'm not really sure how I did it, so maybe it wasn't me, but it probably was. Anyway, I've fixed things now. BatBrain will only update that file once a day, so if you are having trouble (like AoSP skills are missing) you can just delete data/batfactors.txt and it will download a fresh copy.

Oh, interesting. Turns out, I was adding The Thing with No Name, while someone else was adding School of Many. We both used 192. I've fixed that as well.


Active member
Did my addition of the disposable camera stay or did that get loat in the mixup?
I don't see it. I didn't keep a copy of the really outdated version, so if you added it to that, I lost the line. I'm not used to working without revision control any more! My mistake. I just started a repository on my own machine.


When I want to update batfactors first I delete my copy and force a download of a fresh copy. Then I merge in the changes which I already prepared. To try to limit such accidents. I do worry though, that in the 5 minutes or so between my download of a fresh copy and the upload of my changes, someone else will make a change...


Well-known member
A few updates:

Initial support for Buddy Bjorn. All of the familiars have the same in-combat results whether they're in the Crown or the Bjorn, right?

Support for the Bjorn is not complete though, particularly when combined with the Crown. BatBrain does detect when the familiars both fail to act, but it doesn't yet handle the other cases, which means if you have both equipped you could be stasising for an item drop that never happens.

Also: Unload Tommy Gun costs ammo (thanks heeheehee) (though I didn't add the skill itself to batfactors). Fixed the Tricky Knifework problem (thanks xKiv). Also fixed an evil bug for people using Black Cats.


Also also, for anyone adding monsters to batfactors, you may find this alias helpful:

sortmonsters => ashq import "BatBrain.ash"; file_to_map("batfactors.txt",factors); sort factors["monster"] by value.ufname; map_to_file(factors,"batfactors.txt"); print("Monsters sorted!");

It reorders the monster category alphabetically. Add a monster, run the alias, upload.


Active member
When I want to update batfactors first I delete my copy and force a download of a fresh copy. Then I merge in the changes which I already prepared. To try to limit such accidents. I do worry though, that in the 5 minutes or so between my download of a fresh copy and the upload of my changes, someone else will make a change...
More or less what I do at home. At work, I'm sitting at a windows machine and ssh'd into my home machine. If there was a way to upload from the command line, things wouldn't be so complex, but I have to transfer it to work, then upload from there with a web browser. I guess I could use "lynx" or something.


Active member
More or less what I do at home. At work, I'm sitting at a windows machine and ssh'd into my home machine. If there was a way to upload from the command line, things wouldn't be so complex, but I have to transfer it to work, then upload from there with a web browser. I guess I could use "lynx" or something.

You could use curl (random short tutorial link)?


You want to upload from the command line? scp (secure copy) is your friend. It works the same as cp, but you use user@hostname:/path/to/file when you want to access the remote location.


Active member
Curl would work, but I haven't sat down and figured out which fields and such. Scp is how I copied the file from home to work. I still don't know what went wrong there. The file at work had 3/14 as the date, but was very old. And I can't figure out where that old batfactors.txt came from. Like Bale I didn't keep any around.

What would the curl command look like. Is this close?
curl -i -F submit=Upload -F file=@batfactors.txt

EDIT: It would make me very happy to have something like that. It would also reduce that 5 minute window Bale mentioned for me.


Active member
I think you need "-F scriptdata=@batfactors.txt" instead of "-F file=...", because it goes by input name (and "file" is just the type).
Also, I don't think you need to (or can - the element doesn't have name) include value for submit.


In hardcore, firebombs are also very useful for killing Nightstands while they're stunned since otherwise it takes a lot of MP to delevel them to the point where I can hit them with a weapon at level 6.


I think that BatBrain is what's causing my issue, but with the way that BB, SS, and WHAM interact, it's never obvious.

Basically, SS is repeatedly using the spectre sceptre while I have a grimstone golem in my Buddy Bjorn. I turned on BatMan RE to see what was going on, and it seems that BatBrain is giving that particular item a value of 7,686.05 units. Now, I think this is because the grimstone mask is worth 23,500 meat in the mall, and the bjornified golem has a chance of dropping the mask. But it only drops the mask once per day, so it really shouldn't be giving such a high value to stasis after the first mask drop of the day. For what it's worth, it seems that the drop status is stored in _grimstoneMaskDropsCrown, so that might point someone in the right direction.

All I know is that if I don't want to be healing after every fight, I have to drop someone else in the bjorn.