Relational Operators in the CLI


Active member
Could anyone explain why, with 27 cold wads in inventory, the following line fails to cast gravitation :

if cold wad >= 3; cast 3 rainbow gravitation

while this line works just fine ?

if cold wad > 3; cast 3 rainbow gravitation

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here.
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Active member
Check this:
> if batgut > 1; print testing


> if batgut >= 1; print testing

> if (batgut >= 1); print testing


I think it may work if you put parenthesis around it...


Active member
Yes... apparently if it isn't in parenthesis, it only takes the last comparison...
> if batgut >= 6; print testing


> if batgut >= 5; print testing

> inv batgut

batgut (6)
The >= becomes a pure =, which obviously isn't what you're trying to do. But as there's an easy fix, it's not really something that needs priority of attention. :)