Feature - Implemented allow 'pull 0' in cli pull command


Active member
A few minutes ago I was in the CLI and considering pulling a spooky jelly. I initially typed "pull 1 spooky jelly" but then, unsure how many pulls were remaining, I changed the 1 to 0.

What I expected to happen:
Mafia would tell me I couldn't pull 0 of something...and that would be followed by the line that tells you how many pulls are remaining / budgeted, which every pull command ends with (which was what I wanted to see).

What happened:
Mafia pulled 14 spooky jelly. (I had 14 pulls remaining).

While "pull 0" is kind of silly and likely is hardly ever used by anyone, it seems to me that mafia shouldn't default to interpreting a 0 as "all pulls remaining". I could see interpreting "*" to mean that...and perhaps it does, but 0?

In any event, it's just a minor thing, but thought I would document the behavior.


Staff member
I'd consider that to be a bug.

ItemFInder looks for specified items with an optional count. 0 means "all available". A negative number means "all except that many".

Those two should not apply to pulling things from storage, I expect.


Staff member
I think the current use is fine if you are out of Ronin - i.e. pulls are not budgeted.
Otherwise, you can screw up your whole day accidentally.


Active member
Instead of "dropping into softcore", it's kind of like "climbing(?) into hardcore". Still playable...just have to switch mindsets.


Staff member
Revision 19881.

I tested this in Hardcore - which, like Ronin, is "can't interact" - commenting out the premature abort if you are in hardcore.

FWIW, I notice that the StorageRequest (and ItemManager/Free Pulls tab) allow Hardcore players to pull things that are "free pulls" - but the "pull" command does not.
I'll open another bug report for that issue.