New Content - Implemented August 2019 IotM - Getaway Campsite

Malibu Stacey

Active member
10292	Distant Woods Getaway Brochure	334117432	campbrochure.gif	usable	t	0
Item	Distant Woods Getaway Brochure	Free Pull

When used allows access to the Getaway Campsite in Distant Woods (space between the Spooky Forest and The Old Landfill) -> place.php?whichplace=campaway

Contains 3 clickable locations: Gaze at the Stars (place.php?whichplace=campaway&action=campaway_sky), Rest in your tent (place.php?whichplace=campaway&action=campaway_tentclick) & Campfire (shop.php?whichshop=campfire)

Clicking Campfire to view the store lists all this stuff:

Your Campfire	buy	10	bundle of firewood	ROW1086
10312	bundle of firewood	478273036	firewoodbundle.gif	usable		0
# Item bundle of firewood
Your Campfire	buy	1	campfire smoke	ROW1087
10313	campfire smoke	252689228	puff.gif	usable	d	1
# Item campfire smoke
Your Campfire	buy	1	burnt stick	ROW1083
10311	burnt stick	865739152	burntstick.gif	usable	t,d	5
# Item burnt stick
Your Campfire	buy	1	campfire hot dog	ROW1076
10303	campfire hot dog	792680837	hotdog_stench.gif	food		0
campfire hot dog	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	campfire hot dog	Effect: "Traditional Eating", Effect Duration: 40
2493	Traditional Eating	nopic.gif	470561dcbab975da6f1d76aab4fbd7de	eat 1 campfire hot dog
Effect	Traditional Eating	Meat Drop: +25
Your Campfire	buy	1	campfire beans	ROW1079
10306	campfire beans	941461105	franksbeans.gif	food		0
campfire beans	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	campfire beans	Effect: "The More You Eat", Effect Duration: 40
2496	The More You Eat	nopic.gif	e74b9deafaee13c8c35cfbf8b3d865ed	eat 1 campfire beans
Effect	The More You Eat	Stench Damage: +15, Stench Spell Damage: +15
Your Campfire	buy	1	campfire coffee	ROW1081
10308	campfire coffee	462527854	coffeecup.gif	food		0
campfire coffee	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	campfire coffee	Effect: "Coffee Achiever", Effect Duration: 40
2498	Coffee Achiever	nopic.gif	df349ed07a74d9ff6e00d794d0ae9f50	eat 1 campfire coffee
Effect	Coffee Achiever	Initiative: +25
Your Campfire	buy	2	campfire baked potato	ROW1077
10304	campfire baked potato	431070426	jarl_bakedpotato.gif	food		0
campfire baked potato	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	campfire baked potato	Effect: "Trial by Campfire", Effect Duration: 60
2494	Trial by Campfire	nopic.gif	f5f846ff8fdcf4c712e3654fb94b32d7	eat 1 campfire baked potato
Effect	Trial by Campfire	Damage Reduction: 10
Your Campfire	buy	2	campfire stew	ROW1080
10307	campfire stew	652339083	soupbowl.gif	food		0
campfire stew	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	campfire stew	Effect: "Just Like Me, They Want to Be", Effect Duration: 60
2497	Just Like Me, They Want to Be	nopic.gif	ace65aa58faa1e731ee0bfdb07fa3871	eat 1 campfire stew
Effect	Just Like Me, They Want to Be	Hot Resistance: +1, Cold Resistance: +1, Stench Resistance: +1, Spooky Resistance: +1, Sleaze Resistance: +1
Your Campfire	buy	2	campfire s'more	ROW1078
10305	campfire s'more	226576733	smore.gif	food		0
campfire s'more	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	campfire s'more	Effect: "Gimme, Gimme", Effect Duration: 60
2495	Gimme, Gimme	nopic.gif	c53449f9855d31fb86769dd4cedb64f7	eat 1 campfire s'more
Effect	Gimme, Gimme	Food Drop: +25
Your Campfire	buy	5	whittled tiara	ROW1084
10294	whittled tiara	802973553	whittletiara.gif	hat	q	0
whittled tiara	100	none
Item	whittled tiara	Muscle: +10, Mysticality: +10, Moxie: +10, Spooky Damage: +5, Stench Damage: +5, Hot Damage: +5, Cold Damage: +5, Sleaze Damage: +5, Experience: +3
Your Campfire	buy	5	whittled shorts	ROW1085
10295	whittled shorts	672306137	whittleshorts.gif	pants	q	0
whittled shorts	100	none
Item	whittled shorts	Muscle: +10, Mysticality: +10, Moxie: +10, Spooky Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2, Damage Reduction: 10
Your Campfire	buy	5	whittled flail	ROW1069
10296	whittled flail	810260191	whittleflail.gif	weapon	q	0
whittled flail	150	Mus: 0	1-handed flail
Item	whittled flail	Muscle: +20, Weapon Damage Percent: +50, Critical Hit Percent: +10
Your Campfire	buy	5	whittled wand	ROW1070
10297	whittled wand	299602976	whittlewand.gif	weapon	q	0
whittled wand	150	Mus: 0	1-handed wand
Item	whittled wand	Mysticality: +20, Spell Damage Percent: +50, Spell Critical Percent: +10
Your Campfire	buy	5	whittled flute	ROW1071
10298	whittled flute	356530969	whittleflute.gif	weapon	q	0
whittled flute	150	Mox: 0	1-handed instrument
Item	whittled flute	Moxie: +20, Ranged Damage Percent: +50, Meat Drop: +25
Your Campfire	buy	10	whittled bear figurine	ROW1072
10299	whittled bear figurine	545872661	whittlebear.gif	accessory	q	0
whittled bear figurine	0	none
Item	whittled bear figurine	Muscle Percent: +25, HP Regen Min: 8, HP Regen Max: 10, Familiar Weight: +5, Single Equip
Your Campfire	buy	10	whittled owl figurine	ROW1073
10300	whittled owl figurine	396965100	whittleowl.gif	accessory	q	0
whittled owl figurine	0	none
Item	whittled owl figurine	Mysticality Percent: +25, MP Regen Min: 6, MP Regen Max: 8, Monster Level: +20, Single Equip
Your Campfire	buy	10	whittled fox figurine	ROW1074
10301	whittled fox figurine	953211052	whittlefox.gif	accessory	q	0
whittled fox figurine	0	none
Item	whittled fox figurine	Moxie Percent: +25, HP Regen Min: 4, HP Regen Max: 6, MP Regen Min: 4, MP Regen Max: 6, Initiative: +50, Single Equip
Your Campfire	buy	100	whittled walking stick	ROW1075
10302	whittled walking stick	495330730	whittlestick.gif	offhand	q	0
whittled walking stick	0	Mus: 50
Item	whittled walking stick	Adventures: +3, PvP Fights: +6, Combat Rate: +5, Item Drop: +20
10293	stick of firewood	385126198	firewood.gif	none	t,d	5
# Item stick of firewood

Clicking on Gaze at the Stars gave me the following buff

2515	Big Smile of the Wombat	nopic.gif	def481a320876018461fb7a0a6792d2a
Effect	Big Smile of the Wombat	Damage Absorption: +100
You acquire an effect: Big Smile of the Wombat (20)

My current moonsign is The Wombat so it looks like it corresponds to that or it's a super high coincidence.

Relevant forum thread ->
I got this buff from the stars:

2499 That's Just Cloud-Talk, Man nopic.gif 0e4df48fbd74c17071e74bda5d337161
Effect That's Just Cloud-Talk, Man Experience Percent (Muscle): +25, Experience Percent (Mysticality): +25, Experience Percent (Moxie): +25
You acquire an effect: That's Just Cloud-Talk, Man (100)
Revision 19465 and 19466 have the items and the effects you get from the foods.

I'll do the coinmaster, next.

I'll leave it to someone else to do the effects from star gazing, and to add resting in your campaway tent as another source of resting/free rests.

I also note that the effects currently have nopic.gif, so that will need an update, once the KoL team gets around to fixing that...
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Revision 19467 adds Your Campfire as a Coinmaster whose currency is sticks of firewood.
Minimally tested; only my main has the IOTM and she has no firewood, yet.
One of my multis bought a stick of firewood (for science!) and verified that the Coinmaster panel for Your Campfire behaves as expected.
Gazing at the Stars
2507	Smile of the Blender	const8.gif	64bc68fc99828b49785f8dc1eab613f8
Effect	Smile of the Blender	Booze Drop: +25
You acquire an effect: Smile of the Blender (20)

Also people in Discord are confirming that it adds a free rest. I haven't tested it myself yet but there's plenty of corroboration.

Visiting your Getaway Campsite
2492	Moxious Intentions	wink.gif	2164ac3ff91c098fb65dde89c1d172c2
Effect	Moxious Intentions	Experience (Moxie): +3
You gain 293 hit points
You gain 118 Mojo Points
You acquire an effect: Moxious Intentions (20)

From resting in the tent after using the burnt stick & choosing the 3rd option. Also the restores appear to give similar amounts of HP & MP as the Chateau Bed as those values didn't come close to filling my HP or MP.
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Most of the smiles:
2500	Smile of the Mongoose	const1.gif	53db113a18633034025164e78b76c510
Effect	Smile of the Mongoose	Critical Hit Percent: +10
2501	Smile of the Wallaby	const2.gif	cddee20a242185001f832c863235619a
Effect	Smile of the Wallaby	Spell Critical Percent: +10
2502	Smile of the Vole	const3.gif	3138897dbdb3fef8bdac982c8b146b2f
Effect	Smile of the Vole	HP Regen Min: 5, HP Regen Max: 15
2503	Smile of the Platypus	const4.gif	d51097292995fe2fab7f7ba8406e1221
Effect	Smile of the Platypus	Experience (familiar): +3
2505	Smile of the Marmot	const6.gif	b9779ab75ed2d3236e14f938e7f8f97e
Effect	Smile of the Marmot	MP Regen Min: 4, MP Regen Max: 6
2506	Smile of the Wombat	const7.gif	d18213568e8d1ebce441999e3016f160
Effect	Smile of the Wombat	Damage Absorption: +50
2507	Smile of the Blender	const8.gif	64bc68fc99828b49785f8dc1eab613f8
Effect	Smile of the Blender	Booze Drop: +25
2508	Smile of the Packrat	const9.gif	d725eebccdc585f9b547fcbf01fa6add
Effect	Smile of the Packrat	Meat Drop: +25

Presumably Smile of the Opossum is 2504, but genie didn't want to verify.
2511	Big Smile of the Vole	const3.gif	382c3c5599435b72ae4b8d07f0d05222
Effect	Big Smile of the Vole	HP Regen Min: 10, HP Regen Max: 30
Whittled Wearables Halloween candy

10309	leftover chocolate bar	949825729	mediocrebar.gif	potion, usable	t,d	5
Item	leftover chocolate bar	Effect: "Sugar Rush", Effect Duration: 50
infinite loop with CLI command "acquire 10 firewood"

mafia r19476
> acquire 10 firewood

Searching for "stick of firewood"...
Search complete.
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
Verifying ingredients for stick of firewood (10)...
Verifying ingredients for bundle of firewood (1)...
"firewood" should have been ambiguous, since we have a recipe for "stick of firewood (10)" and also "bundle of firewood".
Working on adding support for resting the the tent at your campaway camp.

[612] Rest in your campaway tent
You gain 229 hit points
You gain 146 Mojo Points
You lose an effect: Beaten Up (0)

[612] A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters
Notice that it was a free rest - unsurprising, since it did not have a "(1)" on the image - although it does now.
Interestingly, my house in my regular Campground did - and does - have a (1) on it.
I was down considerably more HP and MP than it healed, so this was not pegged at amount of healing needed, but is related to the max healing offered.
We have the Chateau configured at 250 HP and 125 MP. I have no idea how we came up with that.
For now, I'll configure this tent at 225 HP and 150 MP. Need more data.

Looking at debug logs, KoL gives two divs for the tent:

Free rest:

<div id=campaway_tent style=' position: absolute; top: 110; left: 27; height: 26; width: 59;'><a  href=place.php?whichplace=campaway&action=campaway_tent><img src="" width=59 height=26 border=0 alt="Rest in Your Tent (free)" title="Rest in Your Tent (free)"></a></div>
<div id=campaway_tentclick style=' position: absolute; top: 115; left: 5; height: 100; width: 100;'><a  href=place.php?whichplace=campaway&action=campaway_tentclick><img src="" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="" title=""></a></div>

Not a free rest:

<div id=campaway_tentclick style=' position: absolute; top: 115; left: 5; height: 100; width: 100;'><a  href=place.php?whichplace=campaway&action=campaway_tentclick><img src="" width=100 height=100 border=0 alt="" title=""></a></div>
<div id=campaway_tentturn style=' position: absolute; top: 112; left: 29; height: 26; width: 59;'><a  href=place.php?whichplace=campaway&action=campaway_tentturn><img src="" width=59 height=26 border=0 alt="Rest in Your Tent (1 adventure)" title="Rest in Your Tent (1 adventure)"></a></div>
Things that would be appreciated if they were tracked.

  • +1 Free Rest for owning the IotM (and it not being restricted presumably)
  • 3 daily moon sign buff usages.
  • daily smoke message buff usage.
Is it a free rest in general or only a free rest in the tent? I could swear that the when I was supposedly out of free rests, my campsite dwelling said (1) but the campaway tent did not - and when I rested there, it did not take a turn and then showed (1).

If I got that right, it's a new mechanism.

BTW, Revision 19477 adds a "restUsingCampAwayTent" property (defaulting to true) which will rest there rather than your dwelling. It's like "restUsingChateau", which will rest in the Chateau, assuming you are not on a path with Standard restrictions. You can use "rest" or "rest free" and it will look at those settings to decide where to go.

I gave that one precedence over the CampAwayTent, since it also gives you stats.

Regarding moon sign buffs - you can gaze at the sky and get 3 sign buffs and 1 smoke signal, per my experience.
The rests from both chateau and getaway tent can be used in the 'main' campground just fine, though the (1) indicator in the campground doesn't seem to always agree.
Gazing at the Stars
2515	Big Smile of the Wombat	const7.gif	def481a320876018461fb7a0a6792d2a
Effect	Big Smile of the Wombat	Damage Absorption: +100
You acquire an effect: Big Smile of the Wombat (20)

> version

KoLmafia v19.7 r19477

Gazing at the Stars
2510	Big Smile of the Wallaby	const2.gif	d5cf7710a84d8977d51e574432459ae5
Effect	Big Smile of the Wallaby	Spell Critical Percent: +20
You acquire an effect: Big Smile of the Wallaby (20)
Could we get a property for how many smile buffs you've received today, please?

Also, more big smiles:
2509	Big Smile of the Mongoose	const1.gif	ecc5dda83b98f3daf129a511ec1f8fb9
Effect	Big Smile of the Mongoose	Critical Hit Percent: +20
2512	Big Smile of the Platypus	const4.gif	fae6632deb49a89b15c1e477ec9f559f
Effect	Big Smile of the Platypus	Experience (familiar): +5
2513	Big Smile of the Opposum	const5.gif	938cf22538092603d2060891ad82bff0
Effect	Big Smile of the Opposum	Candy Drop: +100
I think this leaves the following:

Big Smile of the Marmot
Big Smile of the Packrat

Everything else - tracking properties, use of tent as place to rest, logging, coinmaster, etc. - is done, near as I can tell.