New Content - Implemented 2017 Crimbo content


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From the Advent calendar:

9578	transparent nog	826403393	coffeecup.gif	food	t	0
transparent nog	1	1	crappy	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	transparent nog	Effect: "Holiday Disappointment", Effect Duration: 10
2330	Holiday Disappointment	divcracker.gif	3b823a947fc9f9db1620f9392d191a8a	eat 1 transparent nog
Effect	Holiday Disappointment	Muscle Percent: +50, Mysticality Percent: +50, Moxie Percent: +50

9579	unfinished fruitcake	177680814	crimbcoloaf.gif	food	t	0
unfinished fruitcake	1	1	crappy	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	unfinished fruitcake	Effect: "Holiday Disappointment", Effect Duration: 10

9580	black and white cracker	324804281	divcracker.gif	usable	t	0
Item	black and white cracker	Effect: "Holiday Disappointment", Effect Duration: 30
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New Advent calendar item unknown to r18292:

9585	shushed potatoes	469205888	mashedpots.gif	food	t	0
shushed potatoes	2	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	shushed potatoes	Effect: "Noise Cancelled", Effect Duration: 100
2331	Noise Cancelled	echo.gif	b801fb016e420c27d463841cc9825ea0	eat 1 shushed potatoes
Effect	Noise Cancelled	Initiative: -300
In r18308:

[11887] The Cheerless Spire (Level 1)
Encounter: Take Stuff From Work
9647	mime eraser	367107905	mimeeraser.gif	none, combat	t,d	0	mime erasers
# Item mime eraser: Instantly destroy a mime in the Cheerless Spire
You acquire mime eraser (5)

Take Stuff From Work is a clover adventure in the Cheerless Spire.
Consumable spading so far (5 datapoints on food, 7 on booze):

cheer wine - 11-13 adv, 20-29 crystalline cheer
Cheer-E-Os - 11-13 adv, 20-29 crystalline cheer

Based on other consumables, wouldn't be too surprised if 30 cheer is possible.
There is a new zone in the silent night, the cheerless spire (level 2), but adventuring there throws this error message in the gcli and the page doesn't load:

Unknown Adventure #498 = adventure.php?snarfblat=498
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There is a new zone in the silent night, the cheerless spire (level 2), but adventuring there throws this error message in the gcli and the page doesn't load:

Unknown Adventure #498 = adventure.php?snarfblat=498

Actually this looks like it was a bug on kol's side and has been resolved.
Found on level two of the Cheerless Spire
New monster #2045 found in Manuel with name 'cheerless mime scientist' image 'mimesci3.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: 100 P: horror'

All mimes on this level drop 4 crystalline cheer.

Non-combats on this level yield 15 crystalline cheer.
My multi logged in right after rollover, was given a warehouse key and visited 37 lockers.
That was (unsurprisingly) a bug, and then it told her she had no key.
I recorded all the stuff I found.
And then it was all taken away from me.
And I still have no key.

So, it looks like the warehouse key is a 1 use iem. Or, if your loot was taken from you, a 0 use item.
All the stuff was non-tradeable - which quite surprised me. Would have been fun to have all the mime gear, even if it wasn't part of an "outfit" per se.

I don't dare try to use the warehouse key on other characters. I think I'll let them finish fixing the bugs and actually rolling out the new content.

And I won't publish what I found since, for example, the non-tradability might be a bug, too.

This was in the GD forum thread last night:

[22:08] System Message: Imagine the past 30 minutes with infinite warehouse rooms for 1 key never happened, if it happened for you.
[22:09] System Message: If you already visited Tammy today, before a few minutes go, visit her again.
[22:10] System Message: "ago" not "go." Also, if none of this makes any sense pretend you didn't see it.
[22:10] System Message: Also, if the word "Tammy" doesn't even make any sense. Visit the right side of the tracks before Crimbo passes you by.
[22:11] System Message: Oh, also, you may need to log out and back in.
[22:11] System Message: It's all amateur hour up in these system messages.
[22:16] System Message: Ok, so things were slightly more messed up than I thought. Maybe now some additional people can get their key, maybe after logging back in... who knows!?
[22:26] System Message: One more thing, if you maybe started spading the warehouse with a jumpstart of free data... somebody reshuffled the warehouse 18 seconds ago from right.... now.
This morning the warehouse key is single use. Got this:

9672	mime army insignia (psychological warfare)	502037270	marmy6.gif	accessory		0
mime army insignia (psychological warfare)	0	none
# Item mime army insignia (psychological warfare): Convert all your elemental bonus damage to <font color=gray>Spooky Damage</font>
Item	mime army insignia (psychological warfare)	Single Equip
You acquire an item: mime army insignia (psychological warfare)
So many non-tradeable items today. Anyway, I got their descIDs from HERE to create this list with test newitem:

133	Miming Paraphernalia	mimetat.gif	miming beret, miming gloves
Outfit	Miming Paraphernalia	Damage Reduction: 50, Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Spooky Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2
You acquire an item: miming gloves
9672	mime army insignia (psychological warfare)	502037270	marmy6.gif	accessory		0
mime army insignia (psychological warfare)	0	Mys: 200
# Item mime army insignia (psychological warfare): Convert all your elemental bonus damage to <font color=gray>Spooky Damage</font>
Item	mime army insignia (psychological warfare)	Single Equip
9671	mime army insignia (cryonics)	323540612	marmy5.gif	accessory		0
mime army insignia (cryonics)	0	Mys: 200
# Item mime army insignia (cryonics): Convert all your elemental bonus damage to <font color=blue>Cold Damage</font>
Item	mime army insignia (cryonics)	Single Equip
9673	mime army insignia (sanitation)	389755058	marmy7.gif	accessory		0
mime army insignia (sanitation)	0	Mys: 200
# Item mime army insignia (sanitation): Convert all your elemental bonus damage to <font color=green>Stench Damage</font>
Item	mime army insignia (sanitation)	Single Equip
9674	mime army insignia (morale)	415603685	marmy8.gif	accessory		0
mime army insignia (morale)	0	Mys: 200
# Item mime army insignia (morale): Convert all your elemental bonus damage to <font color=purple>Sleaze Damage</font>
Item	mime army insignia (morale)	Single Equip
9670	mime army insignia (pyrotechnics)	238701986	marmy4.gif	accessory		0
mime army insignia (pyrotechnics)	0	Mys: 200
# Item mime army insignia (pyrotechnics): Convert all your elemental bonus damage to <font color=red>Hot Damage</font>
Item	mime army insignia (pyrotechnics)	Single Equip
9668	mime army insignia (intelligence)	475405090	marmy2.gif	accessory		0
mime army insignia (intelligence)	0	Mys: 200
# Item mime army insignia (intelligence): Change all combat stat gains to Mysticality
Item	mime army insignia (intelligence)	Single Equip
9669	mime army insignia (espionage)	663295576	marmy3.gif	accessory		0
mime army insignia (espionage)	0	Mox: 200
# Item mime army insignia (espionage): Change all combat stat gains to Moxie
Item	mime army insignia (espionage)	Single Equip
9667	mime army insignia (infantry)	999272300	marmy1.gif	accessory		0
mime army insignia (infantry)	0	Mus: 200
# Item mime army insignia (infantry): Change all combat stat gains to Muscle
Item	mime army insignia (infantry)	Single Equip
9675	mime army infiltration glove	684937657	glove.gif	accessory		0
mime army infiltration glove	0	Mox: 200
# Item mime army infiltration glove: <font color="blue"></font>Allows pickpocketing
Item	mime army infiltration glove	Pickpocket Chance: +25, Initiative: -200, Single Equip
9652	mime army rations	907196387	marmyfood.gif	food		0
mime army rations	4	15	EPIC	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item mime army rations
9653	mime army wine	939226439	wine2.gif	drink		0
mime army wine	4	15	EPIC	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item mime army wine
9655	mime army camouflage kit	247431435	smallcase.gif	usable		0
Item	mime army camouflage kit	Effect: "Mimeoflage", Effect Duration: 30
2344	Mimeoflage	mimeface.gif	9d8574b23083e7bc1a0d42b4a85855c8	use 1 mime army camouflage kit
Effect	Mimeoflage	Combat Rate: -15
9677	mime army challenge coin	202448379	marmycoin.gif	usable		0
# Item mime army challenge coin: Flip it.  I'm sure it's safe.
9676	mime army shotglass	592981629	marmyshotglass.gif	none		0
# Item mime army shotglass: Your first 1-drunkenness booze item of the day doesn't count
9658	miming corduroys	206689182	tuxpants.gif	pants		0
miming corduroys	50	none
Item	miming corduroys	Damage Reduction: 10, Hot Resistance: +3
133	Miming Paraphernalia	mimetat.gif	miming beret, miming corduroys, miming gloves
Outfit	Miming Paraphernalia	Damage Reduction: 50, Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Spooky Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2
9656	miming beret	699433086	mimeberet.gif	hat		0
miming beret	100	none
Item	miming beret	Damage Reduction: 10, Stench Resistance: +3
9660	miming gloves	488176089	stickygloves.gif	accessory		0
miming gloves	0	none
Item	miming gloves	Damage Reduction: 10, Sleaze Resistance: +3, Single Equip
9659	miming boots	241837040	blackboots.gif	accessory		0
miming boots	0	none
Item	miming boots	Damage Reduction: 10, Spooky Resistance: +3, Single Equip
133	Miming Paraphernalia	mimetat.gif	miming beret, miming corduroys, miming gloves, miming boots
Outfit	Miming Paraphernalia	Damage Reduction: 50, Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Spooky Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2
9657	miming shirt	326832973	dv_freddysweater.gif	shirt		0
miming shirt	50	none
Item	miming shirt	Damage Reduction: 10, Cold Resistance: +3
133	Miming Paraphernalia	mimetat.gif	miming beret, miming shirt, miming corduroys, miming gloves, miming boots
Outfit	Miming Paraphernalia	Damage Reduction: 50, Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Spooky Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2
9628	mime pocket probe	715262471	cheerrod.gif	offhand		0
mime pocket probe	0	none
# Item mime pocket probe: Extract additional crystalline cheer from mimes in the Silent Night
9654	mime army superserum	304041492	syringe.gif	spleen, usable		0
mime army superserum	1	15	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	mime army superserum	Effect: "I'll Have the Soup", Effect Duration: 50
2341	I'll Have the Soup	syringe.gif	0b275b69ba19320abda41b67eb2c837c	chew 1 mime army superserum
Effect	I'll Have the Soup	Maximum HP Percent: +300, Damage Reduction: 20, Damage Absorption: +100