Prefref Plus -- ZLib script settings AND KoLmafia properties manager

Thanks. Moving where the pop up pops up, having it trigger on name but not value or having a time delay before it pops up would all work. But now that I know I can deal with things.
To edit a value, click the setting's current value in the table itself (not in the popup). Most of the time, unless there's something obviously interactive to do in the popup box, you shouldn't need to hold down Shift.

However, the stupidity is not entirely yours! If you have a small screen or have filtered the items down to just a few, as in your screenshot, the popup may obscure the value you need to click. This is a design flaw. I should probably make the popup only pop up when mousing over settings names, rather than also their values.

Yeah. The pop up pops up and obscures the value. I had to make sure there were a lot of items on the page and then scroll so the one I wanted was at the bottom of the window before I could edit. Also more left right scrolling than I would like. It looks like size is being computed so that the one preference that needs 120 character can fit on one line :-). I'f be OK if the value field were truncated or wrapped to multiple lines but...
Oh I forgot! You can also hold down SHIFT to prevent the popup. That'll do until I figure out something better. :)

Also, left/right scrolling isn't cool. I set the table width to 100% of the available space, so if it's exceeding that you must have some very long settings names, or a very narrow window. Does the rest of the game fit in your window okay?
Oh I forgot! You can also hold down SHIFT to prevent the popup. That'll do until I figure out something better. :)

Also, left/right scrolling isn't cool. I set the table width to 100% of the available space, so if it's exceeding that you must have some very long settings names, or a very narrow window. Does the rest of the game fit in your window okay?

Shift doesn't seem to consistently inhibit the popup but that could definitely be operator error.

maximizerMRUList and scriptMRUList are two preferences that are long enough to cause left/right scrolling in a window that is otherwise more than adequate for playing the game. _ezandoraFantasyRealmAreasOpened seems to be the the longest preference data wise, and I notice that some long preferences are being truncated in the display with ... Perhaps the display truncation is not being applied to all of the preference data sources?

Edit - the two MRUs do have dots but the screen shot suggests a sizing computation that might not be correct. Capture.PNG
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After installing Mercenary Mood I went to Prefref Plus to check on the available settings and this appeared in the gCLI:

Sending kmail to Zarqon...
Updating vars_documentation.txt to '2018-07-25T09:07:57-05:00'...
...vars_documentation.txt updated.
Mismatched pwd hash. Maybe you've logged out since first loading this script. Rerun the relay script.
Mismatched pwd hash. Maybe you've logged out since first loading this script. Rerun the relay script.
Mismatched pwd hash. Maybe you've logged out since first loading this script. Rerun the relay script.
Mismatched pwd hash. Maybe you've logged out since first loading this script. Rerun the relay script.
Mismatched pwd hash. Maybe you've logged out since first loading this script. Rerun the relay script.
Mismatched pwd hash. Maybe you've logged out since first loading this script. Rerun the relay script.
Mismatched pwd hash. Maybe you've logged out since first loading this script. Rerun the relay script.
Mismatched pwd hash. Maybe you've logged out since first loading this script. Rerun the relay script.
Mismatched pwd hash. Maybe you've logged out since first loading this script. Rerun the relay script.

Re-running the script caused more "Mismatched pwd hash" messages to appear. My session had not timed out. Even logging out and then back in didn't fix the problem.

In addition... the gCLI displays the following
> zlib mm

Copy/paste/modify/enter any of the following lines in the CLI to edit settings:

zlib chit.gear.recommend = in-run
zlib chit.recommendgear = in-run
zlib mm_adjust_choiceadvs = true
zlib mm_miniboss_items = 0
zlib mm_modifiers = Combat Rate, Monster Level, Initiative, Item Drop, Meat Drop
zlib spaaace_buyfrommall = false
zlib zapwizard_numberofrecommendations = 1

When using Prefref Plus in the relay browser, even after ticking the "zlib" box in the upper left, the variables that start with "mm_" are not displayed.

I made sure that all the scripts in question were up to date before posting. KoLmafia version r18729.

Any ideas?
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Today's r4 update makes all the Flags checkboxes (for this and Skillref Plus) tri-state, so you can filter not only by <condition> but also by <!condition>.

Example: clicking the "Daily" checkbox will show only daily properties. Clicking it again (it will show a minus symbol [-]) will show only properties that aren't daily properties. Clicking it once more will make it unchecked (do not filter by this criterion).

@Magus: My apologies, I've only just seen your post! Did you ever get this sorted? If not, I'm here to help. Were you trying to run this from the CLI? That might be part of the problem.
Hi zarqon,

It's still happening. KoLmafia r18952 and the latest version of your scripts as of this morning. I'm running Prefref Plus from the relay browser.

What can I do to assist with determining the problem?

Well evidently the script is running but something is preventing it from passing the hash back to itself. Do you have the version of jQuery included with ZLib? Think I've seen a few cases where that was missing for whatever reason. Confirm that jquery1.10.1.min.js is in your relay folder, and if it's not, try uninstalling and reinstalling ZLib.
That version of jquery is present in the relay folder but so are 1.7.1 and 1.10.2. 1.7.1 dates to 2012. :)

I'll get rid of the non 1.10.1 versions and try again.

Got rid of the "extra" versions of jquery. No change. Uninstalled and reinstalled zlib. No change.

I did notice that the "Mismatched pwd hash" message only appears when my mouse cursor over the information in the area near the top with the last adventure location.

I tested it with debug on but it's almost 3 Mb so let me know if you want it.
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Last adventure location? Prefref Plus does not display the last adventure location. Do you have a master override script that could be interfering?

A screenshot may be more helpful than a debug log. Does yours look like the example in the first post?
Here's the requested screenshot:

It's that first ZLib section under that top bar that has the links to Last Adventure that seems to be the source of the problem. Any time the mouse pointer moves over one of those links is when the error appears in the gCLI.
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Looks like you somehow have a ZLib setting where the name of the setting contains HTML, which is messing up PP's HTML! What on earth script made that setting? I recommend straight up deleting that setting, and if it reappears, have a look at the scripts you're running to find the culprit, because that's not the right way to use script settings. On my end, I'll encode the output to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

EDIT: r5 entity_encodes the names and values, in case of HTML present in either. Untested.
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It's even weirder. If I run:
zlib vars
I can see the offending "variable" but somehow the variable name is the HTML. I had to go into vars.txt with a text editor to delete the line.

One of the perils of running from the same KoLmafia directory for more than a decade. :D

Thanks for the assistance with figuring out what was going on.

Heh. That's one reason I made Prefref Plus: for clearing out those old properties and settings that aren't used anymore. Filtering by "No defaults" will show you which KoLmafia properties are not currently "official" properties, and which ZLib settings haven't been used in a while (if a ZLib setting has no default, the script that uses it hasn't been run since May). A fair number of these can be safely deleted. I cleared out a whole lot of obsolescence when I first used this script.
Does this still work for others? Since some point in January or February, the preferences are no longer loaded and I'm seeing an Uncaught TypeError: $(...).DataTable is not a function error in the browser console.
The DataTables file moved from here to CLI Links, so if you updated this after updating CLI Links, my guess is that mafia may have deleted the file. I'd guess that reinstalling CLI Links would fix it for you.
I had a different issue: Prefref Plus wasn't loading any of the preferences. Deleting both scripts and then reinstalling, Prefref Plus and CLIlinks fixed the problem.
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