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  1. E

    Acquire not... acquiring?

    I apologize if this is in the wrong place but since I'm not sure if this is a bug or not I posted here instead Bug Reports. For example, if I use "acquire 1 nasal spray" it then returns and does nothing else. Shouldn't it be swapping to the Knob Goblin Guard outfit and trying to buy it? If...
  2. E

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Planting mushrooms breaks the breakfast

    (Using 14.3 r8759 here) If I have the checkbox for "plant mushrooms" ticked, after login KoLmafia goes to plant the mushrooms according to the planning I have and then just skips everything else and stops there without any errors or other indication. When I uncheck the "plant mushrooms" box...
  3. E

    Manaburning in the Castle

    Okay, so while I NPZR farm the Castle, I tend to generate a lot of MP on the side. I'd like to use it for Candy Hearts, but the script I wrote doesn't quite work as wished. If I call it KoLmafia returns "Expected ), found * (crude.ash, line 5)" I'd prefer using a simple approach for this...
  4. E

    Maxcasting through scripts

    Does KoLmafia have a CLI or an ASH command for maxcasting? I've looked around but couldn't find anything on the subject. I could personally use it, since it would be tedious to have the script calculate how many times it can cast the skill in question when KoLmafia already has a function for...
  5. E

    Breakfast option?

    In 11.2 I noticed a rather vague breakfast option, that being "enable auto-recovery". What exactly is it supposed to do? I have tried playing around with it but the HP/MP restoring options (which is the only thing I can think of that could be associated with "auto-recovery") seem unchanged...