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  1. C

    Feature Add option for all barrels to Barrel full of Barrels

    Would require minor changes to swingui/panel/ChoiceOptionsPanel, and to recommendRow and recommendSquare in webui/BarrelDecorator. This is mainly because of the mini for PvP this season. I feel that it is better to add directly to mafia rather than as a script, since it could be a reoccurring mini.
  2. C

    Speeding up mafia and the relay browser

    It seems like both mafia and the relay browser are running very slowly for me. Is this because of the large number of scripts I use? Are there any good ways for me to speed up Mafia?
  3. C

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Combat Action Bar

    I have had a problem for the last few months with the combat action bar while using the relay browser. The only button that works is the 'script' button in the upper left. None of my skills will display on the bar. Am I just incorrectly using the settings or is this a bug?
  4. C

    Price tracking script

    Are there any scripts that exist that allow you to save a set of goods (say all Mr. Store items), and that will check the current prices for all of those goods for you when you execute the script? Would this be hard to do?