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  1. Rinn

    Bug VYKEA after battle output is printing twice

    I noticed today that the VYKEA message is printing after battle twice, I am unsure which two prints this is coming from as I see three separate prints in
  2. Rinn

    Feature Summon Kokomo Resort Pass needs skillLevel property Current PVP season gives access to the second Map to Kokomo which lets you cast Summon Kokomo Resort Pass twice in a day.
  3. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Rain Man summon adds monster to last location combat queue

    I've been looping a bunch of Heavy Rains runs to add monsters to my combat lover's locket and I just noticed this: > ash $location[the middle chamber].combat_queue Returned: tomb rat; tomb rat; tomb rat; tomb rat; tomb rat ...rain man summon of Sleaze Hobo... > ash $location[the middle...
  4. Rinn

    Feature RFC: script dependency remapping

    To prepare for github dropping svn support I've been thinking about how to deal with repos that don't update and the dependencies will no longer be able to be resolved and how we could work around that. I'd like some feedback before I make any additional changes. I was thinking to add something...
  5. Rinn

    Bug incorrect appearance_rates tracking

    I'm going to work through more appearance_rates that are inaccurate for conditional monsters. I'll update here as I find them so I can keep track of what needs to be addressed. Pirates of the Garbage Barges flashy pirate: requires maintenance tunnel adjustment The SMOOCH Army HQ SMOOCH...
  6. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed appearance_rates not accurate for Agua De Vida zones

    appearance_rates is returning in that the evil cultist is available for my character, but it doesn't show up until in the jungle until questF01Primordial=finished > set questF01Primordial step1 > ash appearance_rates($location[jungles of ancient loathing]) Changing "jungles of ancient...
  7. Rinn

    Feature mallprices.txt override data, caching, & sharing considerations

    I wanted to get opinions on mallprices.txt since this was an unintended side effect to the git migration and the change I made when I removed support for the manual point releases in favor of the automated builds every git commit, the version string used to only change for point releases where...
  8. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Intrinsic Spiciness only applies bonus spell damage to sauce spells This is minor but it does cause miscounting for the community service spell damage test so I may try handling this later.
  9. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed retrieve_item appears to be searching the mall multiple times per ingredient

    All these mall searches are from a single call to retrieve_item for a single entendre: Searching for "bottle of tequila"... Search complete. Searching for "fermenting powder"... Search complete. Searching for "cactus fruit"... Search complete. Searching for "double entendre"... Search complete...
  10. Rinn

    Feature Update checking & downloading

    This is for my own tracking, but it's trivial to get the latest release from the GitHub api, so I should be able to add an auto update check on mafia startup like the point releases were doing. I was thinking probably be best to put this behind a global property, but it would also be cool if...
  11. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented Oasis Monster phylum updated from dude to elemental

    Manuel says that 'oasis monster' (459) has phylum elemental, but KoLmafia says it is dude
  12. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Plus sign + being stripped from cli commands sent from relay gCLI

    r19944 I'm seeing the plus sign + character being removed from any commands I send in the relay browser gCLI. This doesn't seem to affect the cli from the java interface. For example if I send the command print a+b in the relay browser I get the following output > print a b a b Sending the...
  13. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Ambiguous fire flower entries in data files

    The duplicate named fire flower equipment in plumber causes some old entries in the data files to be ambiguous and will probably cause issues because mafia appears to default to resolving to the higher numbered item. Here's a patch for the entries I expect need to have the the item number...
  14. Rinn

    Bug Purchases right click "Go To Store..." NullPointerException if store is a coinmaster

    Purchases right click "Go To Store..." NullPointerException if store is a coinmaster Minor issue, right-click 'Go To Store...' on a coinmaster is trying to open a mall store page and hitting a NullPointerException. class java.lang.NullPointerException: nulljava.lang.NullPointerException at...
  15. Rinn

    Bug eat cli command attempted to buy from unavailable coinmaster

    I've been trying to fill out my consumption history recently and I noticed this when I ran 'eat bone meal' in the cli: Verifying ingredients for bone meal (1)... Searching for "bone chips"... Search complete. Purchasing bone chips (6 @ 500)... Purchasing bone chips (10 @ 623)...
  16. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed 'acquire print screen button' fails if the coinmaster is sold out

    This isn't a huge deal as I can call buy() manually but I would have expected acquire to attempt to buy from the mall if _internetPrintScreenButtonBought is true. > acquire print screen button Verifying ingredients for print screen button (1)... Purchasing print screen button (1 @ 111...
  17. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Missing image for Quantum Movement skill record

    Quantum Movement's image quantummovement.gif is missing from the skill record. I also checked the other 3 skills with missing images (Gingerbread Mob Hit, A New Habit, & Hugs and Kisses!) but all of those are the placeholder image in kol so nothing to do there.
  18. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed boomBoxSong is updated when picking a song when no selections remain

    If you go to the SongBoom™ BoomBox choice adventure (#1312) and select a song when you have 0 selections left boomBoxSong is incorrectly updated to whatever song you picked. Visiting the choice adventure again will correct the setting. When picking any song (including your current one) when...
  19. Rinn

    Feature - Rejected Track Black Day and Sleazy Jellied npc discounts

    > ash have_skill($skill[five finger discount]) Returned: true > ash npc_price($item['Villa' document]) Returned: 95000000 > equip trav trousers Putting on Travoltan trousers... Equipment changed. > ash npc_price($item['Villa' document]) Returned: 90000000 > up black day...
  20. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Sidebar resizing and showing 'no familiar' every few seconds in Ed the Undying run

    I took a video to show this: Mafia version r18688 Java JRE version 10.0.1+10 Win10 version 10.0.16299 Build 16299