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  1. D

    Confusion with pyromania and burn CLI command

    > burn -200 Casting Sauce Monocle 8 times... You acquire an effect: Sauce Monocle (duration: 80 Adventures) Sauce Monocle was successfully cast. Casting Sauce Monocle 2 times... You acquire an effect: Sauce Monocle (duration: 20 Adventures) Sauce Monocle was successfully cast. Casting Moxie of...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Talking into clan doesn't work correctly

    I've taken to have /talkie as my active chat channel, and talking into clan via typing /c [message] (/c being a macro /clan). However, my messages fail to appear in the relay browser's chat client specifically for /clan. Yet others are able to see them just fine. And talking into other...
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    Bug - Fixed Hundred headed IPA mishap

    CLI output: > drink 8 hundred Searching for "Hundred Headed IPA"... Search complete. Purchasing Hundred Headed IPA (8 @ 4,900)... Unrecognized item found: 8 Bottles of Hundred Headed IPA Purchasing Hundred Headed IPA (2 @ 5,000)... Unrecognized item found: 2 Bottles of Hundred Headed IPA...
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    Mafia using in-a-boxes despite preferences not requiring them

    Shortly after breaking the prism, using R12673, when mixing TPS drinks and cooking deep sauce potions, mafia uses in-a-boxes for me. Opening up item manager and going to the creatable sections shows the box to require them as not checked. How can I get mafia to not use in-a-boxes? I'll only...
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    Login troubles

    Whenever I try to log in with either the native windows version or .jar, it fails to login and says unexpected error, debug log printed. Log below. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KoLmafia v16.0 r12406, Windows 8, Java 1.6.0_43...
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    Is there a way to control how big mafia's window will be when it pops up?

    This is something that has annoyed me for years, I'm not sure why I'm only now posting about it. Whenever I log in with Mafia, once the login screen disappears and the interface for a character pops up, the window is always so tall that the bottom is obscured by the taskbar. Thus I need to...
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    Calculating how many bander/boots runs are available

    So I've used the following for farming Vmask adventures for a while now: void vmaskfarm() { if (get_property("_vmaskAdv") !="10" && to_int( get_property( "_banderRunaways")) < 23) { cli_execute("acquire snow suit"); cli_execute("familiar stomping boots"); cli_execute("equip snow suit")...
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    Bug - Won't Fix Trouble learning rave combos

    I tried disabling Greasemonkey and restarting Firefox, then entering combat in the relay browser and executing the rave steal combo manually, followed by using a dictionary. Mafia didn't learn the combo from this multiple times. I tried the executing the following CCS (that's not an excerpt...
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    Daily variable change during a while loop?

    This is part of a script to get through the sewers, banishing gators and goldfish as I go, while using free runs. A second segment of the script works identically, but using boots runs, the first segment uses a penguin to continue adding to my DC collection. Macro zSewerA pickpockets, uses...
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    Trouble identifying a fax monster

    if( !is_online( "faxbot" ) ) abort( "Faxbot is dead!" ); chat_private ("faxbot", "chieftain"); wait (40); if (item_amount($item[photocopied monster]) == 0) cli_execute ("fax get"); string chief = "C. H. U. M. chieftain"; if (item_amount($item[photocopied monster]) > 0 &&...
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    Using the right amount of potions, based on current adventures

    I'm cutting out most of the script, here are what I think are the relevant bits: int currentChorale = have_effect($effect[chorale of companionship]); int currentPunctual = have_effect($effect[Stickler for Promptness]); int currentPetting = have_effect($effect[heavy petting]); int...
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    New Content Spoil Chibi choice results in relay browser

    They're all spaded, I've found them to be accurate.
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    A way to check for +elemental damage?

    I know how to check for specific effects, but is there a way to check if I'm currently wearing or under the effects of anything that grants +elemental damage? I'd much rather not have to check for every single effect that grants +spooky, +hot, +cold, etc.
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    Calling functions

    This whole function calling thing is confusing me. I've previously avoided having multiple functions in scripts that I've made, but I figure it's something I should probably learn. I tried the wiki, but didn't find anything after some cursory searches. This is just a script to log in derelict...
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    Feature Make libram use a character setting, not a global one

    I was reading this thread to try and find a way, but I don't see the defaults.txt Slyz references in any of Mafia's folders, so I'm not sure how to execute that suggestion. Theraze suggested to me that I simply include a line in my scripts that toggled the preference appropriately for each...
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    Mana burning during ASH adventuring, clip art summoning

    void main() { if (multiNames[my_name()]) { if( !is_online( "faxbot" ) ) abort( "Faxbot is dead!" ); chat_private ("faxbot", "mime"); wait (60); if (item_amount($item[photocopied monster]) == 0) cli_execute ("fax get"); if (item_amount($item[photocopied monster]) > 0)...
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    Simplified basement mimic farming script

    I'm done ascending for a while, so now I'm actually going to start mimic farming, after examining various setups over the past couple months. I've decided to simplify the monstrosity I was working on before to not consume anything, I'll probably just load up on consumables manually via chat...
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    Feature - Implemented Make the guild hall link take you to open grave in ZS, or remove it

    Not much point in it being there if it doesn't go anywhere. I suspect this might be the case in Boris, too. I'm referring to the links in the top pane for those using drop down menus, though I suspect the link remains for other settings too.
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    Feature More philanthropic buffs for the buffbot engine

    Otori in the the midst of setting up Binary again, and by my count there are now 28 unlimited buffs that can be cast, but it seems that mafia only denotes meat amounts from 1-10 as philanthropic, making it impossible to limit more than 10 things to once a day. This is complicated by the fact...
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    Script help

    This is a pair of scripts for stasising the basement for mimic farming, due to the creatures there having a 50 round limit. The first script attempts to get to check for all the appropriate consumables, then use them, then check for all needed potions, then use them. I'm using specified items...