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  1. J

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Hmm. If no one has submitted any code to support the bone garden (especially bypassing the shore with a skeletal skiff) yet, I might do some coding in a few days once work is less busy...
  2. J

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    ... [1032] The Primordial Soup Encounter: Beginner's Luck You need 2 more memory of some delicious amino acids to continue. BCC: Getting the second and third MoDAAs You can't get a ten-leaf clover from the hermit today. Checking for item ten-leaf clover, which it turns out I have 1 of. [1032]...
  3. J

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script! it just me, or is the "castle items" comma-fixed version of v0.6 not uploaded yet? Edit: Oh, excellent! (Yeah, it's kind of difficult to test a particular section of code without actually being on that part of the ascension...I suppose that's what mafia's kol simulator is for?)
  4. J

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    "[choiceadv castle map items] has no matches." 1254: bumAdv($location[Giant's Castle], "", "itemsnc", goalsForCastle+", castle map items,", "Opening up the HitS by adventuring in the Castle", "-"); Heh...I was mystified by the error message, at first. :) Yeah, missing comma before castle...
  5. J

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Got stuck looking for a wand far as I can tell, it could be an issue of insufficient meat (3351 meat at the moment -- probably my fault for buying a mushroom plot at a point where the script had stopped... :D). My encounter listing has "Ouch! You bump into a door!" 5 times, and the...
  6. J

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    So, ran v0.5 mid-run to see what would happen... (I didn't play or consume yesterday, so this run is toast as far as daycount/turncount anyhow.) The script promptly made a Rock and Roll Legend to supplement my Squeezebox of the Ages :D -- probably a rare issue (AT with a better accordion), but...
  7. J

    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    My apologies, Veracity -- what I said was not intended as complaint or criticism. C++ has the same behavior (at least on the gcc c++ compiler), and I'd learned about it during a project involving dynamic memory and modding of array indices. There were a few crashes before I realized that I...
  8. J

    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    No need for a while statement, because of the mod operator -- the problem was that the mod operator tends to be implemented such that modding by a particular value will give something in the range [-value,0) when the thing being modded is negative, instead of the [0,value) that would usually be...
  9. J

    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Ah...I should have read more of the thread, then. My initial coding solution was similar to that (I only added 100), but then I decided I might as well code it so it would work no matter how negative the ML happened to be.
  10. J

    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    The following wasn't properly recognizing that -100 ML could be reached: int extra_ml = ( bladders * 20 + numeric_modifier( "Monster Level" ) ) % 100; switch { case my_familiar() == $familiar[O.A.F.]: break; case extra_ml <= current_mcd(): change_mcd( 0 ); break; case...
  11. J

    Bug - Fixed Combat Macro syntax checker

    Oh, sorry about that. Yes, that passed the checker but didn't work as it was.
  12. J

    Bug - Fixed Combat Macro syntax checker

    Ah, good to know that semi-colons are also statement separators for macros. I was implementing Disco Combos as macros, and was copy-pasting from the wiki (hence the spaces I didn't initially notice). If I recall correctly, the macro looked something like the following: skill Disco...
  13. J

    Bug - Fixed Combat Macro syntax checker

    Wow! The syntax checker is excellent! However, apparently leading white-space matters for combat macros -- v.1.2 didn't catch it. (It took me a good 30 seconds to notice that there was extra white-space in my macro... :))
  14. J

    That area is unavailable

    For some time now, all of the .exe versions I've tried say the ducks are unavailable although I can manually adventure there without difficulty. I forget exactly which version this began with, but I can definitely say that I've noticed this problem with 13.4, 13.7, and every Sunday update...
  15. J

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Checking ashref, it looks like that function should probably be 'mall_price' instead.