Search results

  1. Lilac

    Feature Set AutoRecoveryTargets to specific numbers of HP/MP

    During an ascension, I rarely care about 20% of my MP, but I DO want to make sure I have exactly enough MP to cast my combat suite. Currently, if you manually set mpAutoRecoveryTarget to an integer larger than 1.0, it still assumes you wanted 100%. Can we get some kind of feature, even if it...
  2. Lilac

    Bug - Fixed Incorrect handling of the Hidden Park choiceadv

    The values for choiceAdventure789, the Hidden Park choice adventure, seem to be mapped as follows: 0 - show in browser 1 - relocate pygmy janitors then get random items 2 - get random items 3 - skip adventure And the choices in the actual noncombat are this: 1 - get random items 2 - relocate...
  3. Lilac

    New Content - Implemented Spaghetti breakfast quality

    It seems clear from the wiki that the adventure yield from spaghetti breakfast is max(0.5 + lvl/2, 11), even if the wiki hasn't formally stated it yet. Mafia currently shows it as 6 adv no matter what level you are, which I figured was you guys waiting for the formula to be fully spaded. Can...
  4. Lilac

    New Content - Implemented Quasireligious sculpture changes to Cyrpt evil not recognized

    Mafia handily displays the Evilometer on cyrpt.php, but does not update its numbers after using a quasireligious sculpture from the KOLHS path. The sculpture removes 4-5 evil from each zone. Could Mafia detect usage of the sculpture and force a check of the Evilometer to refresh those numbers?
  5. Lilac

    Feature - Implemented Item count on acquire for hot wings

    Many "collect X" items, like goat cheese and barrels of gunpowder, display a little [1], [2], etc. next to their name when you acquire one. Could we get a similar tag for the first 3 hot wings, just without a link attached to it?
  6. Lilac

    Feature Item drop bonus from carrot nose Snow Suit decoration

    Tailoring the Snow Suit with the carrot nose decoration supposedly adds +10% Item Drops from Monsters, but Mafia is not currently tracking this. Not sure how much of a pain it is to track the Snow Suit status. :S
  7. Lilac

    Add "Manage Plants" link to end of adventures (Florist Friar)

    These scripts are incredibly basic; they don't care whether you have the Friar "installed", whether you can actually plant in that zone, or whether you have any relevant plants left. They simply generate a [manage plants] link at the end of an adventure. To install: Download all files to your...
  8. Lilac

    Bug Session logs omit turn number in certain instances

    The example that I encounter most frequently is when doing the pirate quest: use 1 Cap'm Caronch's Map [215] Cap'm Caronch's Map Encounter: booty crab [...] You acquire an item: Cap'm Caronch's nasty booty You gain 6 Beefiness You gain 27 Mysteriousness You gain 11 Sarcasm equip hat eyepatch...
  9. Lilac

    Feature - Rejected Collect dungeoneering kit during breakfast

    Would it be possible to implement a breakfast task, or possibly daily deed, to use a GameInformDailyPowerPro magazine (scrapping the old one if necessary), click through the walkthrough, and then hit level 1 for the dungeoneering kit? It doesn't consume any turns, and is kind of a pain to do...
  10. Lilac

    Bug - Fixed Scroll of Puddingskin not recognized by modifier maximizer

    I haven't got time to check, but I suspect it's listed as an HP restorer, if it's listed at all. Its +HP function is definitely the primary function -- the HP restore is just there to heal the gap caused by your new maximum HP.
  11. Lilac

    Feature - Implemented Skeletal Buddy in Modifier Maximizer

    Somewhat related to Bale's post: Can we get Mafia to recognize that 1 skeleton in inventory can provide +2 stats/turn, and item-driven choice adv preferences to auto-set it to Skeletal Buddy when used from the maximizer? Thanks to anyone who takes a look at this! Might do it myself later today...
  12. Lilac

    Feature - Implemented Set fullness value from api.php upon login

    EDIT: I just found this thread, which showed me that "refresh status" will correctly hit api.php and correct the fullness from there. So this request should read "Set fullness value from api.php upon login", I guess? I had a power outage today and lost my Mafia session data. My old work PC used...
  13. Lilac

    Bug - Fixed Simultaneous operation(?) error while eating a fortune cookie

    Just ate a fortune cookie from the CLI, which resulted in: Debug log is below. I wasn't able to salvage any of my numbers, unfortunately. I am on KoLmafia v15.1 r10949, using Windows 7 64-bit and Java 1.6.0_30. Unexpected error, debug log printed. class...
  14. Lilac

    Unusual Mafia timeouts

    Please note: I don't think this is a Mafia problem. I've just tried everything I can think of and would really like some help. Halfway through work today my Mafia daily build (10916) started having severe timeout issues. One in every seven or eight requests will take over a minute to process...
  15. Lilac

    (Mostly) Headless chatbot scripting

    Hi! I hope this isn't a tender subject. I'm trying to convert our clan chatbot from a collection of Perl scripts to Mafia, and preferably run it without the GUI up (i.e. from a terminal, kicked off after rollover by a script). I've got chatbotScript working, and it functions perfectly on a...