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  1. Aventuristo

    Bug - Not A Bug Suddenly "modifier" is a reserved word

    (I don't really know if this is a bug.) At least, as of v27456, so new it hasn't yet been described in the Github Changes forum, modifier is a reserved word in Ash. That broke ChIT, and one of my unpublished scripts. I can change my code, but I'm curious: What's going on with modifier?
  2. Aventuristo

    Where is the Automation section of the Preferences window documented?

    I was wondering if it was documented anywhere exactly when each of the scripts would run (if specified). I'd also like to know what that little thing that I can toggle right or down at the left of each blank does. Thanks.
  3. Aventuristo

    Bug - Fixed Divide by zero error eating quantum taco/ consuming Astral Energy Drink

    My problem seems related to the bug fixed Feb. 23, but it's happening in the Mafia I downloaded today (r27403). If I try to consume an astral energy drink from the Item Manager, or do << ash chew(1, $item[[10883]astral energy drink]); >> in the gCLI, I get an unexpected error, debug log...
  4. Aventuristo

    Out of curiosity, what happened to item_drops()?

    Just a question out of curiosity, not a complaint: When and why did item_drops() and item_drops_array() change to return float data instead of int?
  5. Aventuristo

    Aventuristo's Snapshot Maker

    Aventuristo's Snapshot Maker What does this do? This script will generate information about your character and store it on my website, much like Cheesecookie's Snapshot Maker before me, and Bumcheekcity's Snapshot Maker before that. Is there an example? Yes, many by now, because it's been...
  6. Aventuristo

    Bug - Won't Fix In Fedora 34, GIO fails to let KoLmafia launch default browser

    Ever since I upgraded to Fedora 34, KoLmafia does not launch my default browser. At all. I call this post a Feature request instead of a Bug, though, because it's not KoLmafia's fault. It turns out there's a bug written against Red Hat, Cannot open default browser via GIO API since Fedora 34...
  7. Aventuristo

    Question about the wiki's Master Function List

    First: Is this the right place to post questions about the wiki? Second: I notice the Master Function List has entries in two different styles. Are all the entries supposed to be in one style, and if not, when would I use one or the other? Thanks.
  8. Aventuristo

    Requesting help with KoLmafia wiki login

    I thought I'd help with some documentation on the Mafia functions, but I seem to have forgotten my password. The problem is that I have never been able to get a password reset email - or any email, really - from this site. Yep, checked my spam folder, no luck. With whom do I speak about...
  9. Aventuristo

    Feature - Rejected Switch order of date_to_timestamp() parameters?

    I'm not sure how to classify this, so I'll just phrase it as a question. I'm glad that int date_to_timestamp( string, string ) and string timestamp_to_date( int, string ) have been added to Ash. However, the format string parameter is second in timestamp_to_date() and first in...
  10. Aventuristo

    Can we access the parts of what maximize(stirng, int, int, boolean, boolean) returns?

    The five-parameter version of maximize() returns an integer-indexed array of anonymous records. Is there a way to capture this return value in a variable so that it can be indexed and field-extracted later at my leisure? I've poked around and tried some things but I haven't had any success. I...
  11. Aventuristo

    Bug - Fixed Mafia not recognizing campfire smoke usage

    I use the following code to send a smoke signal from my second Campsite: buffer x = visit_url("inv_use.php?which=f-1&whichitem=10313"); x = visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=1394&option=1&message=" + url_encode(smoke_message)); Though parsing x indicates success, Mafia doesn't...