Search results

  1. taltamir

    Feature - Rejected retrieve_item option to not abort on failure

    when retrieve_item fails it both returns true and also throws an abort. would be great if there was an option for it to not do that. currently available: boolean retrieve_item( item ) boolean retrieve_item( item, int ) boolean retrieve_item( int, item ) add boolean retrieve_item( item, boolean...
  2. taltamir

    Bug retrieve_price incorrect values

    There are some issues with retrieve_price function > ash retrieve_price($item[staff of the grease trap]) Returned: 89307 Searching for "sleaze wad"... Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 163 to 164 Search complete. Searching for "flirtatious feather"... Search complete. >...
  3. taltamir

    Feature - Implemented track bombed back to stone age or auto fix locations

    I am trying to script getting [around the world]. which is a non tradeable, non discardable booze. you need to drink 80 of them for a trophy. and also need them to craft some chefstaves I am running into the issue where mafia does not seem to track the bombed status of the camps. and does not...
  4. taltamir

    New Content crimbo 2022

    I noticed there is no thread for new content for crimbo 2022. so I am creating it. mafia now tracks whether you have trained someone today using the _crimboTraining value it would be great if it tracked which skill your manual is for. I tested on alts and ascending does not change the skill...
  5. taltamir

    Feature .js scripts stack trace only prints to gCLI and not logged. discrepancies compared to .ash

    whenever there is an error in a .ash file in mafia it will print a stack trace into the gCLI and also to the session log. however .js scripts only print the trace to the gCLI and not to the session log. Also for some reason it is not called a stack trace even though it clearly traces the error...
  6. taltamir

    Feature add preference which exposes amount of [11-leaf clover] bought / remaining from hermit today

    [11-leaf clover] is limited to 3 purchases per day. since mafia tracks the number of clovers bought from hermit today internally, but does not expose this number. would be great if there was a variable such as _11-leaf_clover_remaining or...
  7. taltamir

    Feature - Implemented hermit(int, item) returns true on failure to buy clover

    using the hermit command returns true on failure to buy a clover (due to having reached the limit of 3 a day) > ash hermit(1, $item[11-leaf clover]) Returned: true it should only be returning true if it actually bought a clover
  8. taltamir

    crimbo script

    I have been working on a crimbo automation script. Have been updating it every day as more content comes out. check the dropdown menu at top right of the relay browser and select crimbo. configure the options, then run the script. either from dropdown menu of scripts (be prompted to type in...
  9. taltamir

    Bug r26033 broke mall

    I tested several times (fully turn off mafia and then run it again on a different version) mall works with r26032 and is broken in r26032 the specifics of the break are: 1. when using the purchase tab to search for items (ex: "cocoa...
  10. taltamir

    Feature track a-boo clue active

    it would be great if mafia could track the state of a clue having been used, but "The Horror" not yet encountered. when you use an a-boo clue your next adventure in a-boo clue will be the special called "The Horror" that reduces hauntedness so long as you have cold and spooky res. however this...
  11. taltamir

    Feature - Implemented track monster elemental resistance (not talking about monster element)

    would be great of mafia tracked monster's elemental resistance. there is enemy.physical_resistance which mafia tracks and there is enemy.monster_element which mafia tracks (from which you can derive 100% immunity to that element if not $element[none]. and weaknesses) but there are various...
  12. taltamir

    Feature - Implemented expose zone id

    is it possible to expose the zone id somehow? it is tracked internally by mafia. but using .to_int() does not work > ash $location[noob cave].to_int() Function 'to_int( location )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. () Returned...
  13. taltamir

    Feature filename to hide a folder in scripts menu

    In mafia GUI there is a button at the top that says scripts. it shows the contents of your /scripts/ directory and lets you click on scriptname.ash to run it. It would be great if we could include a file called "MAFIA_NO_EXECUTE_FOLDER" in a subfolder under /scripts/ to make it so that this...
  14. taltamir

    Bug - Fixed inventory desync when using create() to use the nash crosby still

    when using the create() command to distill an item in the nash crosby still it causes an inventory desync a simple while loop trying to make multiple tonic waters gets an error due to the inventory desync buy 1 soda water for 66 each from The General Store You spent 66 Meat You acquire an...
  15. taltamir

    Bug - Fixed trying to use mall_price in a choice adventure stack overflow

    trying to use mall_price in a choice adventure has the following issues: issue 1: it tries to navigate to the mall which encounters a choice adventure and thus immediately forces the choice adventure to process again. this causes a semi infinite loop (it eventually reaches stack overflow after...
  16. taltamir

    Bug SVN overwrite files confirmation box cutoff Y/N buttons

    SVN overwrite files confirmation box can end up cutting off the yes/no buttons if the script in question has large enough amount of files To reproduce: install this script svn checkout go to...
  17. taltamir

    Bug - Not A Bug untinker tries to create the item first if you do not already have it

    If you try to untinker an item you do not have via cli command "untinker name" then it tries to create the item first before untinkering it Here is the gCLI output > test.ash counting batteries [battery (AAA)] amount = 6 [battery (AA)] amount = 2 [battery (D)] amount = 0 [battery (9-Volt)]...
  18. taltamir

    Bug - Fixed quantum terrarium aftercore have_familiar() thinks I have all familiar

    Quantum Terrarium after has a problem where have_familiar() thinks I have all familiars. causing a bunch of errors in scripts. after breaking prism > ash have_familiar($familiar[Blavious Kloop]); Returned: true > refresh all Loading character status... Refreshing session data...
  19. taltamir

    Bug inf loop when buying through maximizer while fighting monster

    step 1: be fighting a monster step 2: open maximizer step 3: select and execute an option that tries to buy, pull, & equip an item. this results in an infinite loop of "mall.php: redirected to a fight page." hitting esc does not stop it. you need to either terminate mafia or open it in web...
  20. taltamir

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce r20764 creatable_amount counts available amount

    This appears to be a recent-ish change as I know it used to work correctly some time ago but now creatable_amount returns item_amount + cretable_amount not just how many we can create. for example > ash creatable_amount($item[gimlet]) Returned: 2 > ash create(1, $item[gimlet]); ...