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  1. Crowther

    New Content Spring Challenge Path: Z is for Zootomist

    The path number is 53. The class is: Zootomist The class number is 32. You can add familiars to your body which gives you passive, active, or combat skills and is the only way to gain stats and levels. Each familiar added needs to be a pound heavier than the last. Two devices in the...
  2. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented Gremlins Update

    The island junkyard gremlin's attacks have changed. The messages are different and all hit messages from the correct gremlin expose the tool. You still have to be hit. It would be nice if these new messages could be highlighted. I'm getting better at noticed the attacks, but I still miss the...
  3. Crowther

    New Content Inventory not sync'd after pull all

    I believe this is a KoL "change" in that emptying Hangk's is taking even longer than KoLmafia expects. I called this "New Content" instead of "Bug", because I believe it is a server side change. Post run, I do a "pull all" and after that completes KoLmafia still only has my in run items in...
  4. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented There's no spray paint in the general store any more.

    According to the wiki "The spray paint was removed along with The Graffiti Wall on April 1st, 2019." It is still listed in "src/data/npcstores.txt". I did try to make a pull request and got all the hard stuff figured out, but I couldn't get my token to authenticate over https for the final...
  5. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented Jan 2023 IotM: Rock Garden Guide

    I got the same three items two days in a row, but the item numbers skip, so there are probably six more items. I couldn't find anything new in the mall, so I'm guessing those come from not picking your garden. File attached to preserve tabs.
  6. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented November IOTM - Cookbookbat

    Some additional items beyond what midgleyc already added. There are also some new food recipes.
  7. Crowther

    Bug - Not A Bug maximizer oddness with min and max

    I want to bring my cold resistance up to a specific level, while getting as much item drop as possible. The max attribute says, don't count any cold resistance beyond the value. The min attribute says, put a heavy count to cold resistance up to the value. I don't understand why the second...
  8. Crowther

    New Content bottled Vampire Vintner the October 2021 IotM

    Some kind of mosquito/potato that drops booze. Once I got one booze (14 combats) the familiar seemed to expect me to do something. I think I need to consume the booze to get more, but I'm drastically over drunk. Attached (to preserve tabs) is everything I was able to get to.
  9. Crowther

    Safer BHH

    My first relay script and very tiny. A couple of clannies were complaining that the button for giving up a Bounty Hunter Hunter quest looks too much line the one that start a quest. Just put this little script in your relay directory and it will change the rejection box contents to a lowercase x.
  10. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented IOTM - May 2021 - Shortest-Order Cook

    I don't have turns for the arena, but here is the info for the item, the familiar, a potion and the potion's effect. Familiar weight gain messages. It gives weight to the previous familiar, even if that familiar wasn't used in combat. Gruddeus shouts "Order up! Hipster mothers sunny side up...
  11. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer gives a meat cost for cargo effect

    It looks like when there are multiple sources for the same effect, the maximizer will give the cargo effect a meat costs from the previous source. I'd also like to nominate this post for most trivial bug of the year.
  12. Crowther

    New Content IOTM - March 2021 - Power Seed

    Things I've found so far. I left the crafting recipes in the attachment too.
  13. Crowther

    Bug null pointer error while parsing skills

    I got a null pointer error today. The code it happened on is parsing my character's skills. Two characters work fine in r20539. One character works, one fails in r20544. Debug log attached. The skills on the character where things fail:
  14. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed Lights Out in the Conservatory handling improperly advances quest

    I've been trying to figure out for a while why Stephen Spookyraven's tracking was wrongly putting him in the billiard's room. It turns that the phrase used to detect his advance "an engraved portrait of Crumbles" appears in both the success and the failure messages in the haunted conservatory...
  15. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed Error when running get_florist_plants() due to obsolete location

    > ashq get_florist_plants() the degrassi knoll bakery the degrassi knoll garage the degrassi knoll gym the degrassi knoll restroom Multiple matches against Degrassi Knoll. I don't think it should be causing an error and red flash. It took me days to figure out what was causing this, since none...
  16. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented Spring 2020 Challenge Path - Path of the Plumber

    Here are a bunch of items: I haven't figured out how to adventure yet!
  17. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented New puzzle items

    New signal items posted here. 10245 arcanoferric housing 399901101 sig_housing.gif usable t 0 10246 intact medium-wave antenna 876023432 sig_antenna.gif none t 0 10247 18-picohertz resonator crystal 319047609 sig_crystal.gif none t 0 10248 blown-out speaker cone 889637333 sig_speaker.gif none t...
  18. Crowther

    Lag issues and timeouts

    I'm having lots of trouble with automation these days. For example, today I had to run Ezandora's briefcase script three times to get it to finish. I always believed it was a server side issue. Recently, this was posted: The majority, if not all of the server issues people have experienced...
  19. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed Can't equip God Lobster's Crown

    Mafia thinks I can't wear a God Lobster's Crown, but KoL thinks it is fine. > familiar god lobster Taking ClicackClack the God Lobster out of terrarium... Requests complete. > equip God Lobster's Crown Your God Lobster can't wear a God Lobster's Crown > ash can_equip($item[God Lobster's...
  20. Crowther

    Encounter: Adventure!

    I'm having an problem. Every now and then, my automation at Barf Mountain stops like this: Request 82 of 361 (Dinseylandfill: Barf Mountain) in progress... [1395634] Barf Mountain Encounter: Adventure! Nothing more to do here. I can't find any reference anywhere to a noncombat called...