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  1. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Box of Pokëmann band-aids missing se] on Inbox page

    Not sure if this is indeed a bug, but since I have seen it before, maybe it just got missing somewhere. At the Inbox of PenPal messages, the box of Pokëmann band-aids used to have a [use] link right next to it. That seems to be missing atm. Not done much aftercore lately (did not see many...
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    Feature - Implemented Add a row-break to "Drops:" in Daily Deeds

    In Daily Deeds, I just realized that I have a lot of "a few times per day"-things that Mafia keep track of: Absinthe, agua, astral, pies, tokens, transponders, stomps, grease and folio. To be able to see it all, I have to either maximize Mafia to fullscreen, or alter the ratio between other...
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    Feature choice adventure selection options for The Hidden Heart of the Hidden Temple

    Hidden Temple unsupported choice adcenture #580 Request 3 of 38 (Woods: Hidden Temple) in progress... [92007] Hidden Temple Encounter: The Hidden Heart of the Hidden Temple Unsupported choice adventure #580 Click here to continue in the relay browser. choice 1: Go through the door choice 2...
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    Bug Booze-list showing duplicates after nightcap

    Still in Boriscore. The last 2-3 days (getting new Daily Build each time I start Mafia) I have had the list of the booze available for consumption in the Item manager -> Usable -> booze showing duplicates. It is not the whole time, only when I overdrink. Have not checked what happens on my...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia (or at least gCLI) seem to be a bit behind after some fights

    [1411] Sorceress Tower: Naughty Sorceress Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress Round 0: ferdawoon loses initiative! You lose 86 hit points Round 1: ferdawoon attacks! Round 2: the naughty sorceress takes 144 damage. You lose 88 hit points Round 2: ferdawoon attacks! Round 3: the naughty sorceress...
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    Bug - Fixed An empty line at the bottom of the inventory list

    I am not sure if this is reproducible, or if it is just my mafia doing wierd stuff that is resolved by me just looking menacingly at it and it never happen again, but here goes. I just beat the NS, smashed prism, went to Hagnks and got all my items out with that Get All button. I did an Inv...
  7. F

    Should I bother with a bug report in extreme cases?

    Right now, I had a debug log printed because I got completly tangled up and tried to do waay too many things at the same time (as in forgetting I was in the middle of combat and tried to toss things into my Mall store). Some other things happened and eventually it kinda seemed to resolve itself...
  8. F

    Bug - Fixed Go-Wassail booze getting stuck in the Enqueue list.

    Had this bug today (r10169). Thought about putting it in the Advent 2011 thread but I figured that the thread was mostly about new features so making a new thread. Skimmed the last couple of pages of it to see if it was mentioned though. I logged on to Mafia, went to the Item manager (which I...
  9. F

    Wierd things going on in my gCLI.. Bug, I think?

    Ohoy! Recently I have had two encounters with a really wierd gCLI-thing going on. At the time I have been using DJ_D's Farm.ash script, but with modifications nicked from Winterbay. The script have run fine many days, even weeks, before so dont think it is just a problem within the script. The...
  10. F

    Uploading images to don't seem to work

    I was about to upload two screenshots of a really wierd gCLI error when I got a problem. The uploader tool don't allow me to upload .jpg files (have not tried to convert the pictures to other formats to test, but Winterbay tested from his end and he got the same problem using other pictures). I...
  11. F

    Bug - Won't Fix Mafia not reducing number of Sorority staff guides when using the se] link

    Ok I know the title was not all that good, but tried to keep it short. Also sorry if I was ment to keep this in the big thread about the Sorority House, but that thread seemed to be about more basic features and bugs, so I make this a new thread. Basicly what I experienced a few times now is...
  12. F

    Bug - Fixed Mafia and Can of Black paint in WotSF-path

    If on the WotSF path, KoL won't let you use the Can of Black Paint. Mafia seem to still think that it is usable and when used reduce it's count in Inventory by one. Have happened my last 3-4 (or more) ascensions using BCCAscend, which I think use it to get Elemental resistance at the...
  13. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Using Anti-anti-antidotes automaticly cause a debuglog

    Ran in DoD with Poisoncleansing to fire at Hardly Poisoned at all. Checking Mafias Inventorylist it say I have an Anti-(x3)dote left. After being Beaten Up it cleanse the poison without problem and heal me up. Did not get poisoned again before Mimic but I can try to run there again to see if I...
  14. F

    Java refuse to let Mafia start even though I could use Mafia mere moments ago.

    Ok, Im using KoLMafiaUpdater as my basic way to start Mafia ( I was playing just fine on my Main when I went to log on to my Multi instead. As I seen people mention that I should exit Mafia completly because...
  15. F

    The Karma given when ascending

    I just ascended as a HC Beecore Sauceror and when reaching Valhalla I got the ususal list that I have gained Karma from my actions (in the webbrowser). r9523 The problem I have is, I think it show something wrong. I am 99% sure that the numbers it showed me was: 211 for doing my HC run 11 for...
  16. F

    Bug - Fixed Using items while in an adventure make mafia fiddle with it's database anyway.

    I did not think about it at the time but I was in the choice adventure helping to bash the yetis in the World Event atm, and wanted to use the packs of Alice Cards that I had forgot about. Mafia thought that it could use the packs anyway, where the Session Results showed that it counted...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia not sensing when Clan dungeon loot have been assigned.

    Searching for Loot in the Bug forum did not yield something that looked like it could be what I want to mention. Having done the Slimetube recently to get Nodules, I found that when assigning loot to myself, Mafia don't seem to sense new items being added to my inventory. I tried to refresh...
  18. F

    Bug - Fixed Cannot view all familiars in mafia

    This is mostly about the menue that appear if you rightclick the familiaricon in Mafia. The varios categories are great and do not contain that many familiars. The Combat category though, have a lot.. My list start with A at the top of my screen and end a bit into R at the bottom. Sure there...
  19. F

    Bug - Fixed Mafia's chat repost when doing multi-post entries

    Nothing in the headlines on the first 5 pages with the word "chat" in them seem to be what I'm about to bugreport so here goes: I wrote a looong PM to radiobugbear and I was a happy camper knowing that Mafia's chat support chopping my message into multiple entries for me so I dont have to...
  20. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Disembdied Hand breaking outfits I want to equip.

    Using the autoBasement.ash, the first it do is to create various outfits using the maximizer. One lil' problem with it is that one of the outfits have the Uncle Hobo's highest bough equipped in the Disembodied Hand and a chefstaff in the Main Hand. Another outfit it have created it want to put...