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  1. S

    Back after almost a decade

    Hi everyone, I used to be a dev here, and while I had a lot of fun playing KoL and having some very basic on-hand experience in community coding, life sort of happened and I stopped participating in this great community. With everything that is happening around the world I started working a...
  2. S

    Bug - Not A Bug Multi-eating only eats one

    With r12255, something is wrong with multi-eating: > eat 3 tomato Eating 3 tomato... You gain 1 Adventure Finished eating 3 tomato. Refreshing my inventory showed that 2 of the tomatoes hadn't been eaten. The debug log doesn't really show anything interesting, but here it is. I'm sorry...
  3. S

    New Content - Implemented Decorate the new Inventory interface

    RequestEditorKit.decorateInventory() adds a few useful links to the inventory page (for sushi rolling and zapping). It looks like it needs to be updated after the inventory change. Here is the relevant part of RequestEditorKit.decorateInventory() StringUtilities.globalStringDelete( buffer...
  4. S

    Feature - Implemented Fullness and potency of new foods and drinks

    All foods now have their "Size" indicated in their description. Booze have their "Potency". Here is a patch that parses those values when an unknown item is registered. It also adds a line containing the fullness.txt or inebriety.txt entry to the info Mafia prints about the new item: Unknown...
  5. S

    Lure Minions

    I found that I had some troubles trying to use Lure Minions in the Relay Brower using Firefox, so I wrote this little script to Lure Minions from the gCLI. The actual issue seems to be a Firefox problem, since I can use the skill without any problem in Opera. Instructions Download the script...
  6. S

    Feature - Implemented Pass events to chatbotScripts

    There was a thread a while back that touched the subject, but the discussion stalled. I think it would be a nice feature. I guess something like sender: "" message: event message with all the HTML removed channel: "Events" would do. I hacked a little something in the patch posted here, but...
  7. S

    New Content - Implemented New Challenge Path: Bugbears!

    If there is anything we should fix, or feature requests regarding the new path, it goes here. I haven't jumped in yet, but I gather there is some kind of zone counter that would be nice to have?
  8. S

    New Content - Implemented Hermit Revamp

    It looks like they are on a roll today. I don't have time to look at this tonight, though.
  9. S

    New Content - Implemented Olympic-Sized Swimming Pool

    I'll have the first few items and effects committed soon, and I'll get started on adding support in
  10. S

    Bug - Not A Bug Edge case where the wrong ASH function override is called

    A strange bug Bale stumbled upon in his Adventure Advisor relay script. I could reduce the issue to the following code: # must be test(<something>, string) void test( int something, string toprint ) { print( "test( string, string ) called" ); print( "toprint = " + toprint ); } # must have...
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    Bug - Fixed Debug log when Rollover comes

    I generally leave my computer on during the night, and I often leave Mafia running. Today, I had the following debug log repeated 1000+ times in the 3 hours between the start of rollover and the moment I closed Mafia: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=...
  12. S

    Bug Sourceforge timeout causing Mafia to lock up

    From the KoLmafia: Official Q&A thread on the KoL forum: Apparently in KoLmafia.UpdateCheckThread we have: FileUtilities.getReader( "" ); I'm out of my depth, so I can't fix this, but I hope...
  13. S

    Bug - Fixed Acquire not working for coinmaster purchases

    I think we now have the opposite problem. with r10806: > create 1 coffe pixie stick That item cannot be created. with r10794: > create 1 coffe pixie stick Verifying ingredients for coffee pixie stick (1)... Searching for "Game Grid ticket"... Search complete. Purchasing Game Grid ticket...
  14. S

    Sorority House

    I would like to remove the Sorority House settings from the Choice Advs tabs. Should I simply comment the code, to leave an example for future devs? Or can I go ahead and juste erase everything to keep the source tidy?
  15. S

    New Content - Implemented "Empty Your Closet" button

    The URL submitted when you use the button is closet.php?action=pullallcloset&pwd. I guess we should process what happens in, and maybe add an option to the closet CLI command: "closet take all" and an empty_closet() ASH function?
  16. S

    Feature - Implemented my_path() and api.php path numbers

    This is purely cosmetic, but it might confuse scripts (example here). According to AccountRequest.parseAccountOptions(), KoLCharacter.ascensionPath should be one of the following strings: "Oxygenarian" "Boozetafarian" "Teetotaler" "Bees Hate You" "Way of the Surprising Fist" "Trendy"...
  17. S

    Feature - Implemented Fancy and Candy items

    Among all the item attributes we record in tradeitems.txt, it looks like the two "secondary use" attributes users don't have access to is "fancy" and "candy". Here is a patch that adds those two boolean fields to item proxy records: > ash $item[ coconut shell ] Returned: coconut shell plural...
  18. S

    Bug - Fixed Buying items from the AWOL coinmaster

    Using the CoinMaster frame, I bought 3 leather aviators' caps but for some reason they weren't added to my inventory: Visiting the A. W. O. L. Quartermaster... Unrecognized item found: 3 leather aviators' caps You acquire leather aviators' caps (3) A. W. O. L. Quartermaster successfully...
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    Bug - Fixed Error when encountering a fight or a choice adventure when logging on

    When Mafia encounters a fight page during logon, the user used to open the relay browser and finish the fight so that Mafia could continue the session initialization. Now, it looks like the session isn't correctly initialized once the fight is over: Validating login server...
  20. S

    Bug - Fixed removeItemButton and searchItemButton not working in the Store Manager frame

    This must be a result of the change in r9980. I'm not sure how to fix it. EDIT: it looks like the same goes for other buttons changed in r9980.