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  1. P

    New Content - Implemented Valhalla checklist shows dropdown for correspondence, when you only have one

    Actually, the way it's implemented won't work for people with two correspondences, I think. The have<something> booleans aren't set to true for the currently selected correspondence in the Eudora tab, so it needs to check on < 1 instead of < 2. I did a debug build that showed the sum to be 0...
  2. P

    New Content - Implemented Valhalla checklist shows dropdown for correspondence, when you only have one

    Had a bit of time to look at it today, and the attached patch makes the selection go away for me (and presumably others with only one correspondence). Accounts with no correspondence still don't get an Eudora tab, so the original check is still useful. Could someone with more correspondences...
  3. P

    New Content - Implemented Valhalla checklist shows dropdown for correspondence, when you only have one

    I looked at the code, and it seems to detect multiple correspondences by looking for the Eudora tab in options. I've never had that before, but (I'm guessing) since the Xi Receiver Unit was implemented, I now have an Eudora tab for my single correspondence, Pen Pal. The end result is that I...
  4. P

    Bug - Fixed Incorrect warning on manor cellar adventuring without having read the "secret" recipe

    Incorrect warning on manor cellar adventuring without having read the "secret" recipe When I got the mortar-dissolving recipe yesterday, I must have absentmindedly clicked the use link in the relay browser out of habit. As I was then no longer wearing the spectacles, it seems mafia thought that...
  5. P

    New Content - Implemented Groping claw is listed as spooky damage in modifiers.txt

    It was changed to a thematically appropriate sleaze damage some time ago without anyone apparently noticing.
  6. P

    New Content - Implemented Extra space in stationary buttons

    Well, the wiki lists over 250 scripts by my count. I doubt most of them are in common use, but probably a good number are. And having just helped a clannie through getting things working again taught me that this is something that will stump most non-technical players. Of course if the URL...
  7. P

    New Content - Implemented Extra space in stationary buttons

    Now that this change is no longer relevant, is it possible to get it back so the hundreds of broken GM scripts can work again?
  8. P

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Using Platinum Yendorian Express Card removes my offhand

    Does mafia use the game's saved outfit system? I see a "Backup" outfit that I'm guessing mafia made at some point, because it's not something I've made, and has things in it I would never consider saving as an outfit for any particular use. The reason I ask is that I recall there being...
  9. P

    Error log trying to build r14343

    I'm maintaining a small number of patches, both for my own use, and some I might submit for official inclusion once I'm done testing. Unfortunately the machine I develop on is primarily on Java 6, and is at a point where it can't be upgraded through official methods. After some fiddling, I did...
  10. P

    Feature - Implemented Let maximizer stop when it is not finding a better score

    I suspected that was the case. Still if the slot really ended up with a 0 score, in what situation could it actually have contributed? Maybe a stopgap would be to not specifically consider current equipment when -tie is not used? For the moment I've made a quick-and-dirty patch to add a...
  11. P

    Feature - Implemented Let maximizer stop when it is not finding a better score

    Couldn't that be done by looking at the final results when -tie is used, and keeping equipment in the slots with 0 score? Actually, I thought it already did so, but I haven't tried any really complex optimizations.
  12. P

    Feature - Implemented Let maximizer stop when it is not finding a better score

    Wow, this really makes a massive difference. I've not seen any that weren't significantly faster, and everything I've tried optimized to the same result. This makes me wonder, why *is* the currently equipped stuff added to the shortlist in the first place? I can see how it might shorten the...
  13. P

    Feature - Implemented Manage Folder Holder before ascending

    Well, there's the thing to manage which garden and which correspondence you want to use, so it seemed to fit the theme. Might be useful to add a workshed manager as well, in fact.
  14. P

    Feature - Implemented Manage Folder Holder before ascending

    I use a different over-the-shoulder Folder Holder configuration in aftercore and for ascending, and after several times almost forgetting to switch configuration, I wrote a patch to add a manage link to the pre-ascension checklist at The Astral Gash. I figured I might not be the only one who...
  15. P

    Bug - Won't Fix Substantial performance penalty between r12270 and r12271

    Wasn't intended as a lecture. Was just pointing out that between: - Having to add a new call to addNewLocationLinks in RequestEditorKit.applyPageAdjustments() when KoL adds a new place. and - Calling the decorator for all pages, the vast majority of which will never have a New Area...
  16. P

    Bug - Won't Fix Substantial performance penalty between r12270 and r12271

    OK, well the latest version does fix my performance problem, but maintenance-wise it's maybe not the best solution. I just tried a quick and dirty fix of first testing on the simple pattern "<b>New Area Unlocked</b></td></tr>" (might want to grab a little more, but nothing with wildcards), and...
  17. P

    Bug - Won't Fix Substantial performance penalty between r12270 and r12271

    For a while now I've had to wait upwards of 35 seconds for my equipment inventory tab to load in the relay browser, where it usually takes 7-10 seconds at most (OK, I've got a fairly messy inventory, but still). I finally got curious and started downloading older builds until I found where...
  18. P

    Bug - Fixed "Half-Eaten Brain" not being removed by "Tongue of the Walrus"

    A typo in means that Tongue of the Walrus isn't considered when trying to remove half-eaten brain. The attached patch fixes this.
  19. P

    Bug - Fixed Certain tower monster items not identified

    I just had an encounter with "darkness" and saw that mafia didn't identify that an inkwell was needed, or that I already had one in inventory. A clannie also reports the same problem with "Fickle Finger of F8". I guess we both relied on mafia a bit too much, because we both went backfarming...