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  1. P

    New Content IOTM 2019 February - Lil' Doctor™ bag

    Bumping this because I noticed it was still set to 20 in
  2. P

    New Content - Implemented 2019 Crimbo

    "The Spirit of Taking" gives 10 turns per cast, but mafia reports 0
  3. P

    New Content - Implemented October's 2019 IotM - Eight Days a Week Pill Keeper

    This could use a CLI command, so I gave it a go with the attached patch. Edit: Updated patch with maximizer stuff for duration, potential cost, etc.
  4. P

    Bug - Fixed Mafia shows too large +item% for stinky fannypack (r19344)

    In most zones it currently shows +400% item, where it should be +0%. In vacation zones it shows +280%, where it should be +40%. It uses the zone() function in modifiers.txt, which I think was recently changed.
  5. P

    New Content IOTM 2019 February - Lil' Doctor™ bag

    Reflex Hammer has a 30 turn banish, per the game's own skill description. Mafia currently has it as 20.
  6. P

    Bug "validate scriptname" on a non .ash script actually executes script

    Not sure this classifies as a bug as such, though I consider it at least unexpected behavior to actually execute a script one calls with "validate" or "check". I can understand that syntax checking .txt scripts would be a considerable thing to add, but at least either failing the command with an...
  7. P

    New Content - Implemented Feb 2018 IotM - Fortune Teller (Clan VIP room)

    The love potions still aren't tracked right. Extract from session results: It would also be useful to have its modifiers updated when a new potion is created. According to the wiki, the number determines each modifier
  8. P

    Bug - Fixed Some monsters no longer have relay browser decoration

    Since r18835, some monsters aren't getting elemental alignment coloring and stat listings in the relay browser. Seems to be when the monster has a capital letter in the name.
  9. P

    New Content - Implemented July IotM - Cat Burglar (Familiar)

    The latest updates seem to make the counting work right, at least I'm pretty sure today's bonuses hit in ways that previously miscounted. I also went through my logs with that familiar, to date. All heist messages arrived on the expected turn, regardless of when bonus charges applied, so RNG...
  10. P

    New Content - Implemented July IotM - Cat Burglar (Familiar)

    Yes, I believe that would work. Ultimately it comes down to mafia counting one extra (compared to the game) from the equipment bonus when said bonus gets the charge over the heist limit. So assuming it goes back to counting every message equally, rounding to nearest 10 when a heist message...
  11. P

    New Content - Implemented July IotM - Cat Burglar (Familiar)

    Nah, "grabs a quick nap with his sleep mask, so he'll be fresh for the upcoming heist" is a bonus charge message that occurs with equal frequency to the others, both on heist ready and heist not ready fights. I've now got my session logs onto a machine with much better text parsing tools, so I...
  12. P

    New Content - Implemented July IotM - Cat Burglar (Familiar)

    Hmm, that one seems to get the opposite problem. The fight that got the second heist also had a bonus charge, which was then not counted, so counter stood at 19/20 with the next heist ready. I parsed the logs and there were exactly 20 messages since the previous heist. Perhaps, then, if the...
  13. P

    New Content - Implemented July IotM - Cat Burglar (Familiar)

    There doesn't seem to be RNG involved, because the times I've seen the early charging by mafia, I manually counted encounters in the logs and it still fit. What I suspect is happening is that on the combat where a heist is charged up, the counter to the next one is set to 0 by the game, but...
  14. P

    New Content - Implemented July IotM - Cat Burglar (Familiar)

    I encountered a "heist ready" message yesterday, that wasn't on the wiki or in the mafia code at the time: Also, a suggestion, always show both the charge counter and the heist counter on the charpane decoration (ideally in two lines). Basically, remove the if/else and do something like this...
  15. P

    Bug - Fixed New-You quest parameters not set for some monsters

    Gah, yet another option: "some pygmy orderlies" was reported to me today.
  16. P

    New Content - Implemented G Lover

    I've attached a patch to get the upgradable garland enchantment recognized by mafia. Tested over my last 2 G-lover runs.
  17. P

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer bjonifies wrong familiar for MP with moxie magnet

    When maximizing for MP and the moxie magnet is selected, the maximizer will still bjornify the mayo wasp (+15% myst), instead of e.g. the nosy nose (+15% moxie), which would give a higher score. If I manually swap them out and try maximizing again, it will show only a bjorn familiar swap with a...
  18. P

    Bug - Fixed New-You quest parameters not set for some monsters

    Oh, I guess there's one more possibility. Today I got "Sharpening the saw! Looks like you've cast Sing during 0 of the required 8 encounters with the man with the red buttons!".
  19. P

    Bug - Fixed New-You quest parameters not set for some monsters

    The NEW_YOU_QUEST_PATTERN in src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/persistence/ only matches on "encounters with a ", while some monsters (e.g. undead elbow macaroni) will have "encounters with an ".
  20. P

    Feature - Implemented Auto-equip mafia pinky ring when appropriate

    Hmm, when I do "drink bucket of wine" for the nightcap, with autoequipping enabled, I equip the ring and of course get the warning prompt. But when using "overdrink bucket of wine", to avoid the prompt, the ring isn't equipped either.