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  1. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    When having nothing in the walls, the floor and roof of chit overlaps, and the floor scrolls with the roof: My chit-settings are: zlib chit.autoscroll = true zlib chit.character.avatar = true zlib chit.character.customtitle = true zlib chit.character.title = true zlib...
  2. ereinion


    Ok, thanks for the info =)
  3. ereinion


    Really? Cause it still fails to appear in the sidebar for me. Furthermore, whenever I open the relay browser it seems to have forgotten the size of the center pane: Resizing, closing, and opening again gives the same result as show in the picture above. Using mafia...
  4. ereinion

    Regex for parsing clan-leader id

    Thanks, that worked, although I only had to escape *some* of the backslashes :) m = create_matcher("Leader:</td><td valign=top><b><a href=\"showplayer\\.php\\?who=(\\d+?)\">", clanInfo);
  5. ereinion

    Regex for parsing clan-leader id

    I'm trying to write a function which returns the clan leader of my current clan, however I am having a bit of trouble getting my regex to work. It works fine in the regex-tester I am using, but I suspect there is an issue with the escaping of characters when I try to use it in ash. Can someone...
  6. ereinion

    New Content - Implemented KoL Con 13

    Look for the flavor text of the drop, instead of acquisiton of the drink? Although there are quite a few cases where the flavor text is distorted...
  7. ereinion

    New Content - Implemented KoL Con 13

    I got a turkey drink from the snowglobe yesterday, and mafia counted that as one of the daily drops from the turkey. I assume it has something to do with how mafia checks if the turkey has dropped a drink, but I am uncertain about the details. Could this be fixed, please?
  8. ereinion

    New Content - Implemented Relay browser not loading

    I'm having the same problem with the game not loading in the relay browser. r17179 and Firefox 48.0.2. Didn't try loading it to many times since the only thing I do there is read my kmail and check announcements, which I strictly speaking can do from kolmafia anyway. Later on in the evening the...
  9. ereinion

    ash autocomplete definition file for notepad++

    Doing that with the xml-files in the top post (and Notepad++ 6.9.2), I get an error "Fail to import". Any other tips on how to make these files work? - edit - Nevermind, I found a more recent xml here, which worked.
  10. ereinion

    New Content - Implemented Bounty Hunter Hunter update

    _unknownSpecialBountyItem | chesthair.gif:10:vivisected hairs | | user The bounty hunter wants 10 vivisected hairs from lab monkeys in the Secret Government Laboratory.
  11. ereinion

    Is there an ash-function returning the current pvp-season?

    That works better than what I was thinking of, actually. Thanks for the help.
  12. ereinion

    Is there an ash-function returning the current pvp-season?

    Is there any native function or preference describing what the current pvp-season is, or will I have to parse one of the colosseum pages to figure that out?
  13. ereinion

    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia aborts when using Grimacite Prime maps

    I have a script I use to collect new distention / dog hair pills when I run out of them, however for the last few days (I'm guessing since KoL switched servers), mafia aborts whenever I attempt to use a Map to Safety Shelter Grimacite Prime: choiceAdventure536 => 2 Libram summons #1 will...
  14. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    For a while now, there's been some overlap between the roof and floor in chit, making the bottommost effect in the roof unclickable. I assume it shouldn't be too hard to fix, as it worked fine earlier. chit-settings: zlib chit.character.avatar = true zlib chit.character.customtitle = true zlib...
  15. ereinion

    Feature - Implemented Register Stomping Boots' paste "drops" in its drops_today and drops_limit fields

    Having a look at the latest build, it appears this feature is implemented satisfactorily for me, even if I communicated the request poorly - thanks a lot for that. Apparently posting a request late at night, and then going to bed so I wasn't around to clarify was a bad idea, and I'm sorry about...
  16. ereinion

    Feature - Implemented Register Stomping Boots' paste "drops" in its drops_today and drops_limit fields

    Register Stomping Boots' paste "drops" in its drops_today and drops_limit fields I would very much appreciate it if you included pastes obtained from the Stomping Boots' Release the Boots skill into its proxy-fields. I can see why you might not, as the drops_limit might vary if you e.g. use...
  17. ereinion

    Feature - Implemented Automatically change equipment for getting buffs from the skate park

    Works like a charm. Thanks for the quick implementation :)
  18. ereinion

    Feature - Implemented Automatically change equipment for getting buffs from the skate park

    Could the same equipment changing be added to getting the buffs from the skate park, as is currently in place for getting buffs from mom sea monkey? > skate lutz Visiting Lutz, the Ice Skate You can't breathe underwater. > mom stats Putting on aerated diving helmet... Equipment...
  19. ereinion

    New Goodies Incoming for

    Right you are - I must have missed that earlier. Thanks for the tip! -edit- I made this if anyone else is interested in having the link point directly to the downloadable build: // ==UserScript== // @name Redirect to builds // @namespace // @description Redirect to...
  20. ereinion

    New Goodies Incoming for

    But I'll have to bookmark that page, it is not linked from the daily build link at the top of the forums?