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  1. ereinion

    Feature - Implemented Grey out the Gingerbread Mob Hit button

    fwiw, I already filed a bug report on this in kol a few months back, but they didn't seem very interested in it.
  2. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    Thanks, I believe I will make that change to my local copy :) - edit - If there is a particular brick I do want headers for, e.g. skills, is there any way to make that visible without too much work, or aren't the different headers uniquely identified?
  3. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    Ok, thanks - no real need for that really, I was just hoping to free up a bit more room. I have however run into a different problem - when trying to set chit.toolbar.moods to the settig "bonus", it changes to false whenever I refresh the charpane. From what I can tell I am doing it correctly?
  4. ereinion

    Daily Deed to Vamp Out with your Vampire Fangs

    I've had some issues with getting this script to work today, first it was called from a different script, then I tried invoking it from the daily deeds panel: In both cases it aborted because no valid choice was made in the initial choiceadventure. Do you have any idea what could be causing this?
  5. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    I guess that works, though it means memorizing or checking on the variables in the script unless I set it up the first time I check it out. And sorry if I came across as a bit pissy last night, I had something of a sleep deficiency, not that that's really any excuse. Also, is there by any...
  6. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed Mafia doesn't recognize the daily special in Little Canadia

    The ash function daily_special() does not return the daily special from little canadia, nor does it show up in the item manager under available food:
  7. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    oof. I guess that means I'll have to find the defaults somewhere in the script?
  8. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    Prefref chit doesn't give any return values doesn't return any settings for me. Do I need to do something before the default values show in the settings?
  9. ereinion

    Veracity's Gingerbread City.ash

    If it's any help, my preliminary ginger-farming script looks like this: int get_price(item item_to_check, float acceptable_age) { return ((historical_age(item_to_check) <= acceptable_age)? historical_price(item_to_check) : mall_price(item_to_check)); } void ginger_outfit() { item it...
  10. ereinion

    Veracity's Gingerbread City.ash

    I did ask about that in the new content thread for the gingerbread city. I won't need that now that I can use your script instead of writing my own though :) Thanks for making this!
  11. ereinion

    New Content - Implemented Gingerbread City

    The gingerbreadCityAvailable property seems to report the wrong value for me: Furthermore, I would really appreciate it if a counter for the number of turns spent in the gingerbread city was implemented, please :)
  12. ereinion

    Bug - Won't Fix Storage_amount() doesn't return correct amount

    Ah, that would explain it - cli_execute("refresh storage") fixed it - thanks a lot for clearing things up for me :)
  13. ereinion

    Bug - Won't Fix Storage_amount() doesn't return correct amount

    I log on at and get a message "you have a message from batfellow". I go look at the message: I do: > ash storage_amount($item[special edition Batfellow comic]) Returned: 0 I do: > refresh all; ash storage_amount($item[special edition Batfellow comic]) Refreshing session data...
  14. ereinion

    Bug - Won't Fix Storage_amount() doesn't return correct amount

    Available_amount gives the same result: > ash available_amount($item[edition Batfellow comic]) Changing "edition Batfellow comic" to "special edition Batfellow comic" would get rid of this message. () Returned: 0
  15. ereinion

    Bug - Won't Fix Storage_amount() doesn't return correct amount

    I got a special edition batfellow comic in a kmail today, which automatically get stored at hagnk's. I was going to update my breakfast script to automatically pull and use it, but no matter what I do it does not seem to detect the item in Hagnk's. Tried both a "refresh all" and visiting Hagnk's...
  16. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed Mafia doesn't track events in combat anymore?

    Not really sure what's going on here, but mafia no longer seem to track free fights from the snojo or drops from the fist turkey at least. Have my autoattack set to a combat macro, and no effects or equipment that alters combat text, if that matters. Debug log:
  17. ereinion

    Bug KoLMafia thinks I still am in a fight after exiting Batfellow

    I'd forgotten to turn off my autoattack before running batfellow, which caused some issues with the script: {9 h. 45 m.} Trivial Pursuits, LLC Encounter: inquisitee Round 0: Batfellow wins initiative! Round 0: Batfellow tries to steal an item! Round 1: Batfellow uses the Rain-Doh blue...
  18. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    Yeah, it used to work just fine - I am guessing that it happened somewhere between these two posts: 01/04/16 04/10/16 But I can't remember for sure
  19. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    Yeah, it is something I did to get a bigger area inside the scroll area, as if it is only the effects the amount of space in it gets small enough to make it a bit of a pain when using a laptop. It is an idea which chez suggested to me way back when, and while I couldn't find the post where he...