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  1. ereinion

    How do I determine what my clan stash privileges are?

    That seems to work :) Thanks a lot. There is one more case though, "You are exempt from your Clan's Karma requirements." This gives me all of the starting point I need to get to the what I want though :) - edit - I ended up with this - any comments would be appreciated: int...
  2. ereinion

    How do I determine what my clan stash privileges are?

    To see how many clan karma I can spend per day I can search the clan stash page for the number, but how do I figure out if I can pull 0-karma items, preferably without attempting to pull one of them?
  3. ereinion

    Bug Acquire does not work for celestial carrot juice

    That seems accurate. I'm pretty sure this is unintended behavior though? It happens consistently whenever I try to acquire the celestial carrot juice.
  4. ereinion

    Bug Acquire does not work for celestial carrot juice

    When attempting to acquire a celestial carrot juice, mafia fails to move on when it doesn't have enough cosmic calories to craft one in the inventory. I suppose this may be something which is an issue with other craftables from cosmic calories too. > acquire celestial carrot juice Verifying...
  5. ereinion

    Help with sorting map

    Ah, so if I am reading that correctly, I can't sort my map while keeping the values linked to the keys? What I'll have to do is e.g. changing my map to an array holding the familiars drops, and then do something like sort drop_values by get_price(value); -edit- Here we go. int get_price(item...
  6. ereinion

    Help with sorting map

    I have created a short script to print the values of all the drops I can get from my familiars: int get_price(item item_to_check, float acceptable_age) { return ((historical_age(item_to_check) <= acceptable_age)? historical_price(item_to_check) : mall_price(item_to_check)); } void...
  7. ereinion

    OCD Inventory control

    That didn't work for me, unfortunately. Clearing the file and then reentering all the items did. Only about 1800 items in it now though. It may return once it grows in size, I guess. Another issue I've had is that the script is pretty keen on putting my pretty flowers into my mall store -...
  8. ereinion

    OCD Inventory control

    I've had some issues with lots of items I've already set an action for claiming I need to set the action again: Looking at my data-file, it has lines for all the items I've checked for. Furthermore, it is 6000+ lines, compared to the ~2800 items the relay script claims are in it. Is there...
  9. ereinion

    Help with a script

    Something along the lines of "numeric_modifier($item[cowboy boots],"adventures")" should do what you want.
  10. ereinion

    Bug - Not A Bug KoLmafia doesn't recognize that I have access to the Spacegate facility

    That looks like it fixed it. Thanks a ton.
  11. ereinion

    Bug - Not A Bug KoLmafia doesn't recognize that I have access to the Spacegate facility

    When attempting to get a spacegate vaccine by using the cli-command "spacegate vaccine 1", mafia informs me that I don't have access to the facility. Going there manually works fine: > help space namespace [filter] - list namespace scripts and the functions they define. spacegate...
  12. ereinion

    New Content - Implemented LI-11 Motor Pool voucher

    Attempting to uneffect any of the driving effects (well, Drive Obnoxiously at least), attempts to use a SGEAA instead of the "Stop Driving <whatever>" button in the workshed.
  13. ereinion

    Bug - Not A Bug Unexpected results from "counters warn <counter>"

    According to the KoLmafia-wiki page on the cli-command counters, you can use "counters warn Digitize Monster" to make KoLmafia's Digitize Monster counter stop your adventuring. The way it currently works it only sets this flag for you current Digitize Monster counter, future Digitize Monster...
  14. ereinion

    New Content - Implemented New-You Club Membership Form

    Become Superficially Interested shows up in the maximizer when maximizing for -combat and owning the requisite item (Daily Affirmation: Be Superficially interested), but Become Intensely Interested does not show up when maximizing for +combat when owning the item. Toggling between the skills...
  15. ereinion

    List all clubs in inventory

    Thanks! That is much simpler :)
  16. ereinion

    List all clubs in inventory

    I wrote the following snippet to list all the clubs I currently have in my inventory: void main() { item it; buffer it_desc; matcher club_matcher; string pattern; pattern = "Type: <b>weapon \\((\\d+-handed) club\\)<\\/b>"; foreach it in get_inventory() {...
  17. ereinion

    Sharpen Your Saw & Become a New You

    Some kind of error when running into an adding machine:
  18. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    I tried creating a chit_custom.css in my relay folder, and editing what should be visible there, but neither removing the headers I don't or adding back in the ones I want seems to work. Any idea what I am doing wrong? This is how my chit_custom.css looks atm: /*table.chit_brick th {...
  19. ereinion

    Character Info Toolbox

    I figure the thing to add for any given brick would be #chit_<whatever name is used to add it to a brick> table.chit_brick th { display: inline; }
  20. ereinion

    Sharpen Your Saw & Become a New You

    Any chance you could add functionality to have it end combat by itself? I usually just set a combat macro to autoattack in kol, and have my ccs in mafia set to abort in case I have forgotten to do the previous, or if something fails at some point :P I could switch ccs for this script, but more...