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  1. ereinion

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    Thanks a ton for getting on it so quickly. And for maintaining mafia in general too, of course. Heh, and clearly I hadn't paid close enough attention to the update logs, or I may have guessed better at what the issue might be.
  2. ereinion

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I got a "Bad monster value: "the clownlord beelzebozo" (zlib.ash, line 708)" today, I assume because Veracity fixed the names in mafia's data files. I can fix it for myself easily enough, but I assume it is something that it'd be good to put in order in the script proper too :)
  3. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed No link to Sven after getting the requisite items

    There doesn't appear a link to Sven upon getting the last required item for that part of the quest. The right items were chosen when I visited him though :)
  4. ereinion

    Bug - Waiting for Info The maximizer prefers items with a negative effect over an empty slot

    Yeah, I've seen you closing a lot of old bug-reports the last few days :) Thanks a lot for the effort!
  5. ereinion

    Bug - Waiting for Info The maximizer prefers items with a negative effect over an empty slot

    As you can see, it wants to put the bathysphere on the burglar, even though that would decrease the modifier I am optimizing for. I assume it is because the slot is empty and it wants to fill it with something, but I'd really rather not myself, when it makes my item drop worse.
  6. ereinion

    Dailylimit property of $skill

    I wrote this little snippet, printing the dailylimit-property of a few skills: void print_skills() { foreach sk in $skills[incredible self-esteem, perfect freeze, Advanced Cocktailcrafting, Summon Confiscated Things, Advanced Saucecrafting, Pastamastery, Summon Crimbo Candy, Summon...
  7. ereinion

    Unexpected results from the maximizer, with the "show all, ..." option chosen

    Thanks for explaining it :) Should I set up a feature request for a change to the maximizer, trying to explain what I am looking for?
  8. ereinion

    Unexpected results from the maximizer, with the "show all, ..." option chosen

    Unexpected results from the maximizer, with the "show all, ..." option chosen I was trying to find sources to wish for for extra sleaze damage in the maximizer, and thought that by setting that "show all, ..." setting to true I would get a list of all possible effects giving sleaze damage -...
  9. ereinion


    It failed vs the ghoul king for me today, it seems it maximized for muscle, but still attacked with spells? [2406] The Faerie Cyrkle Encounter: The Cyrkle Is Compleat You acquire an effect: Fantasy Faerie Blessing (100) Libram summons #30 will cost 463 MP. Will summon when MP...
  10. ereinion

    Bug - Fixed Automation of grimace map faills with debug message

    When trying to automating a Map to Safety Shelter Grimace Prime, either by using it from the gCLI or clicking on the "go to goal" button in the relay browser, it fails with a debug message (see attached log). I've tried changing the goal in the Choice Advs tab, but it fails for all the settings...
  11. ereinion

    How do I force the script to ignore errors and continue running?

    you can also do if (cli_execute("fortune buff item a a a")) {}
  12. ereinion

    Exe builds?

    Where do you get the latest exe-build of mafia. I'm on a windows tablet which doesn't seem to be able to run jar files, but which has an old version of mafia (17.2) which runs fine. Rather to try to figure out how to fix the Java install, I'd much rather just get a newish exe and don't have to...
  13. ereinion

    Small Code Question. (Or/And)

    To avoid using ternary operations all over my scripts, I define the function: int get_price(item it, float max_age) { return ((historical_age(it) > max_age)? mall_price(it) : historical_price(it)); } It saves a little bit of typing and I feel that it improves the ease of reading my code...
  14. ereinion

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Breakfast and breakfast script does not trigger on login

    I have not gotten any error messages or logs when updating scripts from SVN though. Today I did get some error messages when doing that, but breakfast and the login-script did run. As long as I do not encounter any further problems, I guess I'll just cross my fingers and hope that they'll do so...
  15. ereinion

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Breakfast and breakfast script does not trigger on login

    For the last couple of days, neither of the two have been started, on logging in. The issue is consistent over several different characters. I used r18477 yesterday, and r18478 today. As it is, login actions stops after checking for SVN updates. These are the settings I found doing a prefref...
  16. ereinion

    Why does my mood fail, saying that I doesn't have enough mana to cast the skill?

    Ah, that would explain it. Thanks for the help :)
  17. ereinion

    Why does my mood fail, saying that I doesn't have enough mana to cast the skill?

    "Not enough mana to cast Leash of Linguini. Mood failed to cast 10 Leash of Linguini: Not enough mana to cast Leash of Linguini." Mana restore is set to auto, and I have plenty of mp restorers.
  18. ereinion

    How do I craft my pantogram pants using mafia?

    Thanks a ton - I'll give it a go tomorrow, I already crafted my pants for today :P I had figured out the url to get to the choiceadventure, but I couldn't figure out the second one. Tried doing it in the mini-browser, but the button to actually craft the pants didn't show up there - I'll try to...