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  1. Crowther

    Bug Fight Loop?

    Likely useless, but this is what I do in aftercore: conditions clear; conditions add 1 64067 scroll; conditions add 12 334, 4 668, 4 30669; conditions check; conditions add 1 64735, 2 31337; adv 30 valley ofYes, I really should be using acquire instead. This causes mafia to make a 64735 first...
  2. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented November IOTM - Cookbookbat

    I used two early on. Then I sold one for 4 million and my next for 10 million. I'm sure they'll get cheaper eventually.
  3. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented November IOTM - Cookbookbat

    There are three ways to pick up ingredients. From a quest given while the familiar is out (3 items). After some unknown number of turns with the familiar (3 items). From your autumn-atom (1 item). I don't think the autumn-atom ones need any new support. Here's some quick cut and paste of...
  4. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented November IOTM - Cookbookbat

    Some additional items beyond what midgleyc already added. There are also some new food recipes.
  5. Crowther

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    The image names for the upgrades are: base_blackhat, cowcatcher, dualexhaust, leftarm1, leftleg1, periscope, radardish, rightarm1, rightleg1 None of which exactly match the text when you find them. EDIT: remove spaces that aren't in image names.
  6. Crowther

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    I think this is everything.
  7. Crowther

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    If you fail to install the upgrade, you will get the same upgrade next time (and the next five or more times). I'm not sure why it is "optional". EDIT: You can walk away from the choice adventure.
  8. Crowther

    Feature - Implemented Prevent multiple instances of kolmafia from accessing the same account

    I've changed my copy to support four and I regularly run three (ascender, nonascender, easyfax). I haven't had any problems that I'm aware of due to running so many. The problem I do have is typing in one instance (or somewhere else) while a second instance is launching and it grabs my text...
  9. Crowther

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Thanks everyone who helped fix this!
  10. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed Spacegate adventuring broken on some planets

    Wow. Nice catch. I had the same problem, but never noticed the typo.
  11. Crowther

    Bug Mafia does not prompt to smash Hippy Stone when running pvp command

    I also do "text peevpee.php?action=pledge&place=fight&pwd" to auto pledge. The text makes less mess in my gCLI.
  12. Crowther

    New Content Fall 2022 Challenge Path - Fall of the Dinosaurs

    Flying worked correctly my second run after this update. Thanks.
  13. Crowther

    New Content Fall 2022 Challenge Path - Fall of the Dinosaurs

    Thanks. I was wondering about chickens as I played day one yesterday, but I had no flyers to check with.
  14. Crowther

    New Content Fall 2022 Challenge Path - Fall of the Dinosaurs

    I suspect dinosaurs are messing up flier tracking. Today mafia thought I was at 100%, but the quest was not finished. I figured it was just the old off by a hair problem, but one more monster didn't finish the quest. Then three more didn't, so I did a dozen or so and it was finished.
  15. Crowther

    gCLI hopping about

    I'm not sure if this is related, but I can recreate a window moving unexpectedly. I've been having windows move for a while, but being able to create one on demand is new. I log out during a fight, then log back in with mafia. Then I move windows around. Any window it doesn't matter which...
  16. Crowther

    Proposal: Require Java 17

    I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. And it had openjdk-11 installed by default. Upgrading to 17 was as simple as "sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk openjdk-17-jre".
  17. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed Irregular +/- combat rate modifiers interact poorly with the soft cap

    > ash numeric_modifier("combat rate") Returned: -45.0 > ash numeric_modifier("Combat Rate") Returned: -29.0Just to be clear this isn't unique to JavaScript.
  18. Crowther

    idk how this website works but i need help with something with the combat scripting in kolmafia

    I have "skill bowl straight up" in my CCS and mafia just skips it when I don't have the ball.
  19. Crowther

    New Content Grey You Challenge Path

    Yup. That's what I was talking about in post #5. Mafia checks api.php to update your stats after each equip and KoL is bugged. I commented that out, but it has the side effect that mafia doesn't know how your stats have changed.