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  1. Crowther

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Even more confusing. The first test I can't run on my non-ascender (no staff), but the second test works does not reproduce the problem. That account has Liver of Steel and Hallow Leg.
  2. Crowther

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    You had the familiar weight warning that adeyke mentioned. I didn't.
  3. Crowther

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Ugh. I'm entirely confused, but this works every time for me. maximize; outfit birthday suit; ash inebriety_limit(); equip saucepan; ash inebriety_limit(); outfit birthday suit; ash inebriety_limit(); equip Knob Goblin scimitar; ash inebriety_limit(); outfit birthday suit; ash...
  4. Crowther

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Ohh! I can reproduce. outfit birthday suit; ash inebriety_limit(); equip Staff of the Grand Flambé ash inebriety_limit(); outfit birthday suit; ash inebriety_limit(); Results in: Taking off everything... Everything removed. Returned: 15 Wielding Staff of the Grand Flambé... Equipment...
  5. Crowther

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I've been having what feels like the same bug for about a week now. I only lose one drunk, because I only having Drinking to Drink and not Liver of Steel. I only managed to narrow it down to "something about pvp" when I run Uber in my bedtime script. It doesn't happen when I run Uber alone...
  6. Crowther

    Feature Familiar Tags

    The "undead" attribute is useful for scripting Zombie Slayer.
  7. Crowther

    Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?

    I'm still a bit confused on these lists and how they intersect. I see the source uses Ezandora's nowish list. That doesn't have monster id numbers, but look pretty accurate except for "the gunk" can be wished and copied. I have it in my locket and you can chat one up. The random guards and...
  8. Crowther

    Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?

    Sorry, I was kinda sidetracking the conversation. I think the original request can be handled by looking at the "chat" list and comparing it to the locket list. Which can be harder than you expect if one list has articles (the, a, an) and the other doesn't or could be super easy if they both...
  9. Crowther

    Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?

    This whole thing has me confused. I don't have a list of body guards from the chat drop down. I started looking into this after I'd stopped doing AG runs. Looking at mafia's monsters.txt file. All BOSSes are NOCOPY. No monster is both NOCOPY and NOWISH. 897 monsters are NOCOPY. 201...
  10. Crowther

    Bug IO Exception almost daily on manual adventuring.

    That message is usually due to a server side error.
  11. Crowther

    New Content Clan Photobooth

    Funny, I was going to word it the other direction. Peanut is pretty simple and cheap to speed up. If you have drip unlocked and some drip juice in your blood, the reveler is quick too. After that, what he said. For mafia, all the Photo Booth choice adventures can be walked away from. The...
  12. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented Cookbookbat is Undead (at least for ZS)

    And Zombie Slayer is going to be a bit more popular now due to the Phone Booth.
  13. Crowther

    Bug - Won't Fix Mafia doesn't know that sphygmayomanometer from mayo clinic melts on rollover.

    Mafia knows it melts at rollover, but I can't say more than that. > ash boolean_modifier($item[sphygmayomanometer], "Lasts Until Rollover") Returned: true
  14. Crowther

    c2t_megg -- mimic egg interfaces and relay overrides

    Most of us here know the bane of maintaining things we've built.
  15. Crowther

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Unreliable problems are always the biggest pain.
  16. Crowther

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    I tried to create a test case using that section of BatBrain, but it didn't recreate the problem. Might need to capture the actual page. import zlib string page = "adventureimages/bond_minion1.gif"; matcher imgm = create_matcher("adventureimages\\/([^ ]+\\.gif)",page); monster m =...
  17. Crowther

    c2t_megg -- mimic egg interfaces and relay overrides

    Another small request. Can the the max donated color be something other than gray? It blends in so well I keep messing up. I changed mine to red, but something like orange would work well too. status = new something("red","max donated");
  18. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented Gremlins Update

    Looks like midgleyc got it with tests!
  19. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented Gremlins Update

    The island junkyard gremlin's attacks have changed. The messages are different and all hit messages from the correct gremlin expose the tool. You still have to be hit. It would be nice if these new messages could be highlighted. I'm getting better at noticed the attacks, but I still miss the...
  20. Crowther

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce No chatting with bodyguard familiar link in relay browser

    I've been chatting with my bodyguard in ronin in the relay browser.