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  1. Crowther

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    My first hardcore standard run this year also stopped at the same place.
  2. Crowther

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    As mentioned already, what glitch? I haven't noticed anything.
  3. Crowther

    Bug equip( item item, familiar familiar ) fails when redundant

    You missed a chance to say idempotent.
  4. Crowther

    Bug - Not A Bug Monster ID and Fax

    Nope that isn't it. Maybe it has something to do with entity_encode() etc. Those extra spaces are in the XML file, mafia sends those without extra spaces and easyfax responds correctly, when I test it from the GUI.
  5. Crowther

    Bug - Not A Bug Monster ID and Fax

    I'm under the weather, so my debugging skills are slow at best. Easyfax doesn't use anything other than the name it sees on the fax page. This is why all three fields contain the same text, which I'm sure you noticed. Never mind. I see the problem. KoL is inserting spaces.
  6. Crowther

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    It is horrible. They didn't have to use dark green. It helps to highlight the page. The trolls in ASS used the same stuff for the spading spreadsheet. And I suspect getting ready for this is what broke almost everything that scraped KoL's HTML. Get off my lawn! There are two types of...
  7. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented Mall Cap Raised, Meat Cap Raised, Certain Mall Items Repriced

    I think this might be related, but it could be new. Searching for "snowman-enchanting tophat"... Search complete. 1 @ 74,999,999 meat 1 @ 77,900,000 meat 1 @ 80,000,000 meat 1 @ 83,000,000 meat 1 @ 85,000,000 meat 1 @ 95,500,000 meat 2 @ 100,000,000 meat 1 @ 123,000,000 meat 1 @...
  8. Crowther

    Bug December 2024 changes in KoL break lots of stuff

    Which would explain why my contacts aren't marked in chat as well.
  9. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    Tiniest bug: The "How to Lose Friends and Attract Snakes (used)" isn't tradeable.
  10. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    When the second island opened and I saw the shop items requiring multiple spirits, my first thought was "this is going to be a painful Coinmaster."
  11. Crowther

    autoscend - a sl_ascend fork/continuation

    fronobulax is right. Meat has always been an issue with ascension scripts. I remember being mocked by BCC for suggesting some minor meat savings which were the difference between success and failure for my setup. With autoscend, turning off MP/HP restoration has worked for me, but I'm running...
  12. Crowther

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    That sounds like a preference difference. On the character in question run "zlib WHAM" on both machines and look for a difference. Why I came here to say: The data file batfactors.txt had splattersmash listed as doing physical damage instead of hot damage. I updated it on, so...
  13. Crowther

    Issue with wham.php?

    This fixed FarFuture for me, but I'm not sure if the second change is needed. 552c552 < state.minutes_in = message.group_string("<b>([0-9]*)</b>")[0][1].to_int_silent(); --- > state.minutes_in =...
  14. Crowther

    Feature - Implemented Track combat actions

    WHAM et al do something similar with "happenings".
  15. Crowther

    r28162 - What's Changed [*]fix: detect dwelling interior by ]@midgleyc] in

    Ha! I guess dropping "<b" works. More future proof too.
  16. Crowther

    Issue with wham.php?

    Detective Solver and FarFuture scripts are also having trouble, but I wasn't able to fix either.
  17. Crowther

    Issue with wham.php?

    This problem is with the Briefcase script itself. string results_string = page_text.group_string("<b>Results:</b></td></tr><tr><td[^>]*><center><table><tr><td>(.*?)</td></tr></table>")[0][1]; Needs to be: string results_string = page_text.group_string("<b style=\"color...
  18. Crowther

    Bug December 2024 changes in KoL break lots of stuff

    Adding ".*?" after the bold fixes that regex, like this: <table.*?<b.*?>Clan VIP Lounge \\(Ground Floor\\)</b>.*?<center><b>(?:<a.*?>)?(.*?)(?:</a>)?</b>.*?</center>(<table.*?</table>
  19. Crowther

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I was about to say this doesn't effect my non-ascender. If the cape is involved, that would explain it.